Fellow Travelers
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Mmmmm..... Cupcakes!

So one thing I decided early on in my wedding planning process was to have cupcakes. 1st and foremost to keep costs down, initially we expected to invite about 400 or so people. Well with getting kicked out of our 1st reception venue, that many people was not an option. (which to be completely honest, I was thrilled about, I didn't want 350 people there)
Just some of my inspiration.....
I digress - so we invited about 325 to the wedding/reception and about 275 showed up. As I stated early cost was a consideration, but all the bakeries in my area charged a minimum for a basic cake at $2.25 - $2.75 per piece price so for 300 people at 2.25 that $675 for a freaking cake and Brent and I don't really even like cake that much.
My 2nd reason for the cupcakes was to be a little different. Granted, cupcakes can be seen on blog after blog, but where I am from, believe it or not, it was a radical concept. We still had a small 3 tier cake to cut, but everyone had cupcakes at their place settings.
I ordered 300 cupcakes half chocolate with yellow icing and half lemon cake with green icing (theme of reception lemon/lime aka yellow/green). We picked up the cupcakes the day before the wedding and bought them to the reception venue. I had purchased 300 small plastic candy bags from Hobby Lobby. I had also already made tags (yellow, green, peach in color) stamped with a "With Love" stamp in silver and put small ribbons through each of them. These tags were to tie each bag closed. Also to add another little interest, we bought candy lemon and lime slices. We had a lemon slice to the green iced cupcakes and lime to the yellow. They were adorable.

And my lovely, wonderful bridesmaids spent half of a day putting them all together. After they were done we put the yellow cupcakes on the yellow runners and green on the green runners.

* images of set up day and night before wedding
Ouch! That's gonna hurt...
So I got into a little fender bender on my way to work this morning. I suppose I didn't stop fast enough, or maybe its my cute black patent leather espadrilles that did me in. Either way, I hit the car in front of me. No damage to my Liberty but a dent into the woman's KIA. Luckily no tickets were filed. The state trooper was very nice. You see I still have an Indiana license, no name change yet and I also didn't have my newest insurance card. I had one that had expired. (Jan 08) The other woman had expired tags (May 08) and no up to date insurance card either.
So we both got away without too much hassle, except the fact that Brent doesn't know yet. My cell is totally dead and I forgot my charger at the house and he's at another base today getting qualified to manage PT tests. I called him and left him a message. Hope my insurance doesn't go up too much. It just went out because we got married.
So we both got away without too much hassle, except the fact that Brent doesn't know yet. My cell is totally dead and I forgot my charger at the house and he's at another base today getting qualified to manage PT tests. I called him and left him a message. Hope my insurance doesn't go up too much. It just went out because we got married.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Mr. Postman....
Please let my DVD with all my pictures be at my house when I get home from work. I want and need them. So as some know, I am from a SMALL town in Southern Illinois, and obviously for my wedding good vendors were hard to find. Photography was important to me, however my #1 choice was taken even 10 months before my wedding, I was crushed. I took a look at a lot of photographers in the area, none of them I fell in love with. But I decided upon one that was good in price, had taken pictures at my church, and came recommended to me by friends that had used her at their weddings.
Well, while very nice, she is a "traditional" photographer. When I sat down to meet with her again for our final consultation before the wedding I gave her a packet of over 200 images that I had collected, I gave them to her 4 per page and full color. She was shocked that I had put so much effort into it, well she shouldn't have been, sister knew what she wanted.
My photographer said that this was the type of photography she prefers to do, but "people around these parts" don't want it. Well, I DO and PLEASE give it to me.
Needless to say I was worried. Overall, I think she did an OK job. Some things I wish she would have gotten more pictures of. I let her know that I've put a TON of work into all the DETAILS of the wedding and please focus on those. She did, but not as much as I would have liked.
I also question some of the angles she chose for pictures but hey, what can you do now. I hope to be able to post some pics soon.
Well, while very nice, she is a "traditional" photographer. When I sat down to meet with her again for our final consultation before the wedding I gave her a packet of over 200 images that I had collected, I gave them to her 4 per page and full color. She was shocked that I had put so much effort into it, well she shouldn't have been, sister knew what she wanted.
My photographer said that this was the type of photography she prefers to do, but "people around these parts" don't want it. Well, I DO and PLEASE give it to me.
Needless to say I was worried. Overall, I think she did an OK job. Some things I wish she would have gotten more pictures of. I let her know that I've put a TON of work into all the DETAILS of the wedding and please focus on those. She did, but not as much as I would have liked.
I also question some of the angles she chose for pictures but hey, what can you do now. I hope to be able to post some pics soon.
If I were to do it all over again

Here would be my inspiration... Did anyone else totally question every single decision you made for your wedding.... Well I do. #1 thing I would have done differently DOC! Can't believe I let people talk me out of it.
Image from Snippet & Ink
Oh the JOY of military life!
So Brent is leaving for IFF next month. He is to report there on 8/11. He was suppose to go to Randolph AFB in TX. He has arranged a place to live where he can take Charlie and everything is set. Well that is until about an hour ago. They are changing his station for IFF, apparently there is a issue with being at a base for 6 months, even if its not a full continual 6 months and not "moving" there. So now he's going to Columbus, MS. Which is a lot closer, but problem is he doesn't have a place to stay yet that would allow his dog. He was going to stay at a "Pit" house in TX, and we don't even know if they offer those in Columbus.
Please dear god, let him find a place to stay were he can take his dog. I love Charlie, but I rather Brent have him then me take care of them both.
Please dear god, let him find a place to stay were he can take his dog. I love Charlie, but I rather Brent have him then me take care of them both.
I'm Disturbed
I read this news yesterday on CNN and then watched the footage as well. It appears that a 2 month old baby was apparently mauled by 1 or possibly 2 dogs in the home. Yes, that is shocking enough, but what's really scary is one dog was a full grown female pug and the other a 6 to 8 week old lab puppy.
Unfortunately after I read this, I thought about it all day long and then when I got home I had a long talk with Milo (pug) and Charlie (bulldog). I know I sound crazy, but it really freaked me out.
Unfortunately after I read this, I thought about it all day long and then when I got home I had a long talk with Milo (pug) and Charlie (bulldog). I know I sound crazy, but it really freaked me out.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Believe it or not, I got Brent to see Mama Mia! with me on Saturday afternoon. The weather in P'cola was horrible and we were bored, the timing was perfect... He said he didn't hate it, I caught him laughing and smiling at times. I guess this guy must really love me... Actually that's what he said a couple of times during the movie. I gently reminded him that I went and saw Jumper, one of the worst movies ever made.
I on the other hand thought it was great. I love musicals so I was an easy fan. Meryl looked fabulous. Well not in all the lighting, but in general she looked really good. And she did a toe touch, which was pretty amazing.
ABBA is awesome, so the music rocked, the acting a little weak in some points but its a musical, its suppose to be totally over the top.
Go see it and sing your way home from the theater. I know I did.....
Extremely Stupid

By now I'm sure you've heard about the Harper family and their Extreme Home Makeover House being foreclosed on. While I am sad for them, I also want to ask them WTF they were thinking. To take out a $450,000 loan on a house that was essentially a gift from over 1,500 people that worked so hard and donated $250,000 into a home maintenance fund, I find it alittle disrespectful.
Before this blessing came into your world, your home was is disrepair and you obviously were not financially sound, what makes you think you should take this opportunity to start a construction business.

Link to the story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080728/ap_en_tv/tv_extreme_makeover_foreclosure
Oh no you didn't....

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Granted I was freaked out, I've never done anything like this before. But I'm really pleased with the results. These are a few of them, nothing too risky.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Oh Kate....
So I regularly check on the Sale at Kate Spade via online. Throughout the planning of the wedding, I've been very good (ok not VERY good, but good) about not buying a lot of expensive clothes, shoes, purses, make up, etc. I actually haven't bought a purse over $100 in around 1 year. I think that's good. When I go to the outlets, I breeze through Coach, and to be honest, I haven't really seen anything I can't do without.
But the wedding is over, and granted I do have a credit card bill to pay off that will take some time, but it will happen. And right now, I feel the need to buy a new purse, is that weird? Maybe, but I do have an addiction to shopping, its my drug I can't help it.
So here's some that I'm interested in....
How cute is she... and she's under $100 so I wouldn't be breaking the bank. I've developed a love of small purses, which is weird because I've been known as the girl with the biggest purses. 

Here's another looker. I'm in love with metallics right now, this would be a perfect addition to my purse collection.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Project Runway
So last night's episode wasn't that great. Wow, you're going to make a cocktail dress out of "green" fabrics. Wow you don't get to the pick the fabric, your model does. And 3 of you are all going to have to work with the same ugly brown silk.
First question - don't models, who job it is to wear clothes well, know what fabrics are difficult to wear - well I guess not.

Second - Why is Korto still there, her dress was straight up fugly (yes, that's a made up word but you know what it means). I mean just look at it. She looks like its suppose to be a Halloween costume and she's a caveman girlfriend. What is that thing around her neck? She said that she wanted to accentuate her Latina curves, well she made her ( a skinny model) look like a cow.
Winner - I liked it, and Suede (who speaks constantly in 3rd person) has some skills. I'm looking forward to what he was in the future.
My fav - again by the same designer of my fav last week. I love her "personal" style - 40's pin up, and I love her design style as well, clean and chic. I love the collar and the addition of the belt - FABulous.
Loser - I didn't want to see him go. I loved his style, and he had spent time at Marc Jacobs, I was interested in seeing what he had to offer.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Times almost up....
That is on my deadline to get my print requests the photographer and still get my discount. I still think its a little weird to give me 21 days from receipt of proof catalog to make decisions, but what's a girl to do. I can't wait to get my actual professional pics. I'm purchasing the entire proof catalog and getting a couple larger prints made. Also, I get 100 free postcards which we're going to use for thank you's. I do need probably 30 or so more of them, but I'm going to make them myself once I get my proofs.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Weekend Wrap - Up
So this past weekend, nothing too exciting occurred. Friday went to see Dark Knight, it was awesome (post later) and then came home to hang with my hubby. Saturday, did yard work, cleaned, played on my new laptop, and went to the O Club Pool. Saturday night we went to originally get Greek but found out that the restaurant we love is no longer there and replaced by some type of Mexican and Country Food Place, I'm not sure what that is. So we went down the street to a Mexican restaurant, which is also under new mgt, the food was ok. But granted I said I wanted Greek or Chinese, so Mexican wasn't really doing it for me. Well Brent & I split what has become our usual Fajitas Texans (shrimp, chicken, and steak). When they went and bought some beer and watched a movie at home - my choice. So I picked a total girlie movie off of On-Demand - P.S. I love you. I had wanted to see this movie for a while but Brent wouldn't go see it with me and everything we go rent a movie he vetoes my choice. So, I watched it, and Brent did too sort of while playing with his lap top. I loved it, it was so sweet and so sad at the same time. Brent never understands how I can cry so much and want to keep watching something that is obviously making me upset. Oh well, he doesn't get it.
Sunday - I went grocery shopping in the AM then we cleaned a little more and watched the Breakfast Club which Brent had never watched the whole way through. WHAT??? I couldn't believe it either, and I totally annoyed Brent because I literally know every word to that movie, since that is my #2 movie - behind Pretty in Pink another Hughes classic. I put a pot roast in the cooker and we had people over for dinner and some Wii Fit action.
Main issue yesterday was Charlie. He was sick and throwing up all day. We took him to Em Vet around 8:00 last night, they gave him some shots for fluid and sent him home. Brent slept on the couch with him all night. I woke up at 4am to check on them, all 3 of them were on the couch, my boys I felt so bad for Charlie. This morning he looked so sad and tired. Brent's taking him to the vet today, he has held down some water which is a good sign.
Sunday - I went grocery shopping in the AM then we cleaned a little more and watched the Breakfast Club which Brent had never watched the whole way through. WHAT??? I couldn't believe it either, and I totally annoyed Brent because I literally know every word to that movie, since that is my #2 movie - behind Pretty in Pink another Hughes classic. I put a pot roast in the cooker and we had people over for dinner and some Wii Fit action.
Main issue yesterday was Charlie. He was sick and throwing up all day. We took him to Em Vet around 8:00 last night, they gave him some shots for fluid and sent him home. Brent slept on the couch with him all night. I woke up at 4am to check on them, all 3 of them were on the couch, my boys I felt so bad for Charlie. This morning he looked so sad and tired. Brent's taking him to the vet today, he has held down some water which is a good sign.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Puggie Love

The day of the wedding one of the family members that I really wanted to be there couldn't. And that very special guy was Milo. As you can see he wanted to get in the limo and go with us to the church. He could tell something exciting was going on and didn't want to miss it.

I hope to give you a stellar review. I'm going in with "sky-high" hopes and so far from the reviews it appears I won't be disappointed.
UPDATE: change in plans - we're going tonight at the 7pm show. Our friends have already bought the tkts. Yeah...
Overseas Adventure
So Brent and I went out to dinner with some friends last night to TUDO its a Vietnamese restaurant. Brent & I had never ate Vietnamese food so we were a little nervous but willing to go outside our comfort zone and I try. And, I'm happy to say it was pretty good.
We ordered spring rolls that had pork and shrimp in them and I wonderful peanut sauce to drizzle on top. For dinner, I order a chicken dish that tasted somewhat like bbq chicken on top of a bed of noodles and what tasted sort of like pickled carrots and sprouts. Brent ordered what seriously looked like "Happy Family" from our Chinese restaurant. It has shrimp, chicken, pork, and a lot of veggies. He didn't like it to much, he'll order something different next time.
Overall it was good. Good food and good conversation = good times.
We ordered spring rolls that had pork and shrimp in them and I wonderful peanut sauce to drizzle on top. For dinner, I order a chicken dish that tasted somewhat like bbq chicken on top of a bed of noodles and what tasted sort of like pickled carrots and sprouts. Brent ordered what seriously looked like "Happy Family" from our Chinese restaurant. It has shrimp, chicken, pork, and a lot of veggies. He didn't like it to much, he'll order something different next time.
Overall it was good. Good food and good conversation = good times.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why is Katie "Kate" Holmes such a weirdo now? I used to love her. But over the last couple of years I've questioned some of her decisions. One decision would be this hairdo and make up. Is she trying to Revlon cover model from 1978. Well if she is, its working girl.
*Photo from Perezhilton.com. ** I love me some Perez.
Be Still my Heart!!
PROJECT RUNWAY IS BACK.... Yeah I can hardly contain myself. Season 5 started last night...
OK - I loved the grocery challenge in Season 1 and I LOVE Austin Scarlett so needless to say I was happy. I wished I could afford a Kenneth Poole dress for my wedding, he is FAB.
Anyway - the season looks to be ok. Here is a look I liked and some I thought WTF.

This is my favorite, I loved it. But she didn't win.

This is the winner, I liked it. I like the treatments she put on the vaccuum cleaner bags.

This I absolutely hate and I can't stand the designer either. Which seriously leads me to believe that the producers do have a say in who gets kicked off each week. First off, WTF is it, its stupid and weird and the designer (sorry don't know names yet) it a freak. So that's why I think he's still there, good TV perhaps. Anyway I have a couple of things to say about him.
1. Stop tanning you look weird.
2. Stop trying to start your own catch phrases, its pathetic and sad.
3. Does he have a coke problem or something, why does he keep sniffing like that and touching his nose. Did anyone else notice that. It was weird, and they kept showing it which leads me to believe something is up or at least they are trying to make it seem that way.
Last but not least, I am NOT HAPPY that Project Runway is going to Lifetime next season. I think its a bad idea and people are too greedy for their own good. They're going to have new producers and a new channel, not happy about that at all. I love BRAVO and other than Lifetime movies, I never watch that channel.
OK - I loved the grocery challenge in Season 1 and I LOVE Austin Scarlett so needless to say I was happy. I wished I could afford a Kenneth Poole dress for my wedding, he is FAB.
Anyway - the season looks to be ok. Here is a look I liked and some I thought WTF.

This is my favorite, I loved it. But she didn't win.

This is the winner, I liked it. I like the treatments she put on the vaccuum cleaner bags.

This I absolutely hate and I can't stand the designer either. Which seriously leads me to believe that the producers do have a say in who gets kicked off each week. First off, WTF is it, its stupid and weird and the designer (sorry don't know names yet) it a freak. So that's why I think he's still there, good TV perhaps. Anyway I have a couple of things to say about him.
1. Stop tanning you look weird.
2. Stop trying to start your own catch phrases, its pathetic and sad.
3. Does he have a coke problem or something, why does he keep sniffing like that and touching his nose. Did anyone else notice that. It was weird, and they kept showing it which leads me to believe something is up or at least they are trying to make it seem that way.
Last but not least, I am NOT HAPPY that Project Runway is going to Lifetime next season. I think its a bad idea and people are too greedy for their own good. They're going to have new producers and a new channel, not happy about that at all. I love BRAVO and other than Lifetime movies, I never watch that channel.
He's Back.... my Husband that is....

Still alittle weird to call him my husband. I have a husband... crazy thought but one I'm getting used to.
So Brent got home late last night and I was so happy to see him. He'd only been gone since Monday, but it felt like forever.
Good news, we hadn't been able to find a Wii Fit anywhere and low and behold he found one at a mall in New Mexico or El Paso, I'm not sure.
Before we went to bed last we watched his video from the centrifuge. I'll be honest it was a little scary/freaky. Its amazing what your face looks like when you're feeling 8Gs on it for 20 seconds. But none the less, I'm, as always, very proud of Brent. I know I would definitely not have been able to do that. I would have totally passed out at 3 or 4 Gs. Ir I would have thrown up all over the place.
Needless to say, I'm just happy to have him home and don't want to think about him leaving again on August 11th.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Music got me feeling so free....
So Brent and I are the exact same age (I'm a month & 6 days older) but I graduated college a year before him (in 2002). We both went to Illinois universities - me Eastern IL and him Northern IL. And because of this, we both have an undying love from techno music. Yes its true, I love me some techno music every once and a while, and so do all of our college friends. Techno music takes us back in time to the frat raves, late nights, and the dance party usa we'd have at our apts at 3 am. So needless to say when the DJ busted out some techno from the college years, people started to get their groove on. But what really got the party jumping was the best $3 I ever spent at the Dollar Tree, 15pk of glow sticks. I busted those babies out and it was pure chaos, you thought a rave was actually going down on the dance floor. It was awesome. 

Teen Dramas - another addiction of mine

So I love television, I'll admit it. Its a vice of mine, always has been and always will be. I love television, there I have said it. And since we have a DVR I can record 2 shows at once and do something completely different, like water the yard as I did last night. (yes, I did water the yard. We've lived at are house for about 1 year now and I've watered the yard less than 10x. I know I'm bad and make Brent do it.)
Anyway, I started watching Secret Life of an American Teenager, first and foremost because my 80s role model, Molly"john hughes" Ringwald was in it. Molly is not the best actress in this show, and its weird seeing her play at late 30s or early 40s mother of 2 teen girls. Back to the point, the show is pretty good, granted its demo is slightly younger than me but since pretty decent lil show. And I can't help but think this show is directly related to Jamie Lynn Spears and her recent unplanned, 16 year old, pregnancy.

I know I'm going to sound totally old here, which I'm not by the way, but I can honestly not believe kids today and the things they do. I work in an office, where I am one of the only people that doesn't have kids. Granted the median age of everyone else in the office is 40 or so, but still the things I hear about their teenage daughters is totally shocking.
I'll admit I wasn't the best kid, I got into trouble. I drank, smoke, dated boys I wasn't suppose to, lied, etc. etc. But I knew not to get pregnant, I didn't want to drop out of school, I didn't want to hit my mother, I didn't want to hang out with people that carried guns, I wouldn't keep dating a guy that stole money from my parents, I wouldn't want to keep dating someone that threaten to kill me. What is this craziness? Honestly, I'm alittle scared to bring up kids when these are the horrible things I hear at my office with people's daughters.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Geasles... did you say Measles... no I said Geasles
That's only a snippet of the conversation Brent & I this afternoon. And yes, he has geasles and no I had no idea what they were either before he explained.
So first off, he passed the centrifuge testing. But he did throw up after it was complete, which I guess is ok to do.
But he did get geasles. Geasles are broken blood vessels that are caused when you exceed 8 or 9Gs. In simple terms, he has broken bloods all over his arms because his body was feeling pressure of 8 to 9 times his body weight. The blood rushed into his arms and legs so quickly that the blood vessels burst.
Poor guy is going to be hurting later tonight and tomorrow. He said he felt like a refrigerator was dropped on him.

This guy is experience 1G.

* pic is not of Brent.
Legally Blonde

Ok - I love Legally Blonde - the 1st movie only. And I love the musical, I haven't seen it on Broadway but I have watched a taping of it shown on MTV like 50 times a couple of months ago. And now I'm in love with the Search for Elle Woods. Anyone else out there?
Unfortunately, I have a terrible addiction to reality tv. Project Runway anyone its back its week, YEAH!!!!
Is it weird...
That I'm totally stalking houses for sale in and around Goldsboro, NC and we aren't moving for about 9 months. I'm in love with the houses there, but it looks like, based upon what Brent has budgeted us for our first home, we can only afford a 3 bed/2bath. We rent a 4/2 right now. But either way, I'm so excited to buy a house and decorate...
I'm totally stalking pottery barn too. I need a damask chair, but Brent HATES them. Yes hate is a strong word, but it was his not mine. I also want a formal dinning room and paint it green, yes green, not hunter green. Brent thinks I'm crazy planning out the decor of a house we don't yet have, but oh well. I need something to fantasize about right, now that the wedding is over. 

... and keeping it off

So I'm happy to report that I was successful in my weight loss for my wedding. I worked out somewhat regularly and watched what I ate. As a result, I lost about 13lbs. So I'm under 120lb again, and I'm pretty happy. But since the wedding, I've ate BAD and pretty much stopped working out. Brent wasn't home last night, so you know what I ate for dinner - potato chips and french onion dip, what who eats that for dinner .... ummm I guess me.
Anyway, point of the story is I have to start working out again, and perhaps writing this will make me realize that its true. I did drop a pants size, of which I'm totally excited. However, right now I'm sitting at my desk it in my new size 4 petites white dress pants, and they are a little snug in the thighs today... not a good sign... I'll be on the elliptical tonight.... I have to keep telling myself that.
Spin me right round.... baby right round
Brent landed last night in El Paso and drove to New Mexico. I spoke to him about 10:30 Central time and they hadn't made it to base yet. They got stopped on the interstate looking for aliens, illegal ones that is. The police stopped them, asked if they were Americans and then let them pass through.
So Brent will be doing the centrifuge today, hopefully all goes well. They are going to spin him around and around so he'll feel the weight of 7 to 8 Gs. To this point I think he has only felt 4, so it should be pretty tough on him. I pray he doesn't throw up.
He has to do this test/training before going to IFF where he'll begin flying, I believe the T-38. He'll be there for 6 weeks, and I'll miss him terribly.
Good Luck sweetie. I'll be praying for you today.
So Brent will be doing the centrifuge today, hopefully all goes well. They are going to spin him around and around so he'll feel the weight of 7 to 8 Gs. To this point I think he has only felt 4, so it should be pretty tough on him. I pray he doesn't throw up.
He has to do this test/training before going to IFF where he'll begin flying, I believe the T-38. He'll be there for 6 weeks, and I'll miss him terribly.
Good Luck sweetie. I'll be praying for you today.
Monday, July 14, 2008
He's left me...
To go to New Mexico and he'll back on Wednesday. I miss him already...
So me and the "boys" (meaning the 2 dogs) have the house to ourselves until Wednesday night. They'll be going crazy when I get home from work, Brent is usually home at least 30 minutes before me and feeds/lets them out, so they'll be ready when I finally get home. And they will totally miss him. Charlie will be running around the house to make sure Brent's not hiding somewhere. Its really cute, but kinda sad b/c he's not going to find him...
So me and the "boys" (meaning the 2 dogs) have the house to ourselves until Wednesday night. They'll be going crazy when I get home from work, Brent is usually home at least 30 minutes before me and feeds/lets them out, so they'll be ready when I finally get home. And they will totally miss him. Charlie will be running around the house to make sure Brent's not hiding somewhere. Its really cute, but kinda sad b/c he's not going to find him...

Saturday, July 12, 2008
It's Offical, I'm an officer's wife
Brent and I went today to get my military ID, yeah.... now I can go to the brand new gym without paying and by myself. I also can go to the Officer's pool on the cheap. Yeah! It is kinda weird that I get excited about the most random of things, I know.
Well the Milo and I are off to the dog park for my monthly pug meetup.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Inspiration turns into Reality
So while planning my wedding I came across ALOT of inspiration in various places (blogs, magazines, books, etc.). I wanted to show how I took that inspiration and made it part of my wedding. Sometimes with good results and sometimes not so good. (i.e. my W wreaths that the florist royally screwed up will not be present in the various inspiration-reality posting....)
First up, my bouquet.


Next time: Table Decor
Movie Review
So if you know me, you know I love movies. Love movies....
But since we were pre-occupied for the past couple of weeks, getting married and going on a honeymoon, then Brent going on a cross country, well needless to say I haven't been able to see all the movies I've wanted to see... which thankfully haven't been too many.
Therefore I have 2 brief movie reviews for you.
1. The Happening - Brent and I saw 2 weekends ago
First of all I love M. Knight, I love his work and I think he's an excellent story teller. I know everyone loves the Sixth Sense, that's a given and people we're 50/50 on the Village and so of his more recent movies.
Well I went into the movie theater with some high expectations, and when that happens, I'm generally let down. And this unfortunately was no different. The concept is good, I'll give him that. It was gorey in some points, which I could do without, but in certain times the blood was necessary to depict the events taking place. But I was waiting for the "twist" that he's known for. Problem is, I totally guessed the "twist" 30 minutes into the movie and kept waiting for something else "cool" to happen. And it didn't HAPPEN.
But the moral of the movie is..... we're destroying the planet people, clean up your act, or your house plant is going to make you kill yourself.

2. WANTED - OK I wanted to see this movie so badly. I had heard nothing bad wonderful things. I again went it with HIGH expectations - and this time I wasn't let down. I freaking loved, loved, loved it. First off, I love Angie and in my eyes she does no wrong. She did look a little skinny in the movie and she's still smoking hot.
The action scenes where incredible and things you have never seen before in any other action movie.

I'll admit I'm a girl that loves guy movies - action, horror, gang, murder, I love I can't help it.
So the excitement is beginning for BATMAN - The DARK KNIGHT I can't wait. It's suppose to be awesome and from the previews it looks it so far. 6 days till opening.... I think I'm going to talk Brent into going ahead and buying tickets.

One good thing about living in P'cola vs. Indy, you can get movie tickets. In Indy everything sells out WAY in advance.
But since we were pre-occupied for the past couple of weeks, getting married and going on a honeymoon, then Brent going on a cross country, well needless to say I haven't been able to see all the movies I've wanted to see... which thankfully haven't been too many.
Therefore I have 2 brief movie reviews for you.
1. The Happening - Brent and I saw 2 weekends ago
First of all I love M. Knight, I love his work and I think he's an excellent story teller. I know everyone loves the Sixth Sense, that's a given and people we're 50/50 on the Village and so of his more recent movies.
Well I went into the movie theater with some high expectations, and when that happens, I'm generally let down. And this unfortunately was no different. The concept is good, I'll give him that. It was gorey in some points, which I could do without, but in certain times the blood was necessary to depict the events taking place. But I was waiting for the "twist" that he's known for. Problem is, I totally guessed the "twist" 30 minutes into the movie and kept waiting for something else "cool" to happen. And it didn't HAPPEN.
But the moral of the movie is..... we're destroying the planet people, clean up your act, or your house plant is going to make you kill yourself.

2. WANTED - OK I wanted to see this movie so badly. I had heard nothing bad wonderful things. I again went it with HIGH expectations - and this time I wasn't let down. I freaking loved, loved, loved it. First off, I love Angie and in my eyes she does no wrong. She did look a little skinny in the movie and she's still smoking hot.
The action scenes where incredible and things you have never seen before in any other action movie.

I'll admit I'm a girl that loves guy movies - action, horror, gang, murder, I love I can't help it.
So the excitement is beginning for BATMAN - The DARK KNIGHT I can't wait. It's suppose to be awesome and from the previews it looks it so far. 6 days till opening.... I think I'm going to talk Brent into going ahead and buying tickets.

One good thing about living in P'cola vs. Indy, you can get movie tickets. In Indy everything sells out WAY in advance.
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