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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Hello and Happy Halloween Everyone!

We had a wonderful weekend full of fun. It included a Halloween party on Saturday night. Sorry I don't really have many pictures to share.

Here is one of Mr. Jetplane in his full on Elvis glory. Side note that was my costume about 5 years ago while we were still in Indy. We have kept it and he has recycled it for various functions. Sadly it saw its demise on Sunday morning. It was disgusting and he tossed it in the trash. RIP- ELVIS costume you will be missed!

And here I am in my full on (perhaps drunk) pirate costume....

Oh yeah I have wondrous skills with my blackberry camera.

We had a great time out with our friends. But I can confess, waking up in a pirate costume and tights on a couch with a serious hangover is not as glamorous as one would think...

And as a reward for sticking through this horrid pieced together post thought I would share with you the following....

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pug Friday - Halloween Edition

You know I love a good pug dressed up in a costume...right? I mean come on, who doesn't...right?

I'm going to apologize in advance for not providing a link to where I found this lil guy. I have no idea but I remember seeing it and having to save it. It is just too cute for words....

I hope this 80s movie reference isn't lost on some of you...because this is FUNNY!!! This puggie is making MJ Fox proud!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone...stay safe and have fun. I'm still trying to figure out a costume :(

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the SKINNY on WW

So I'm going to lay the cold hard truth on you...I have lost weight on Weight Watchers. Has it been as much as I want...NO! Do I count my points like I'm suppose to every week...NO! Am I working out as much as I should...NO!

Good news is I lost 1.2 lbs this week...which is great considering since Mr. has been home the past 3 weighins I had gained a total 1.2lbs. So I have lost everything I've gained back since he's gotten home. 1.2 lbs is really good for me considering I'm only 5'2". And the weight seems to drop in .2 or .4 increments :(

I have more to go and its annoying that it doesn't come off as quickly as it goes on. I know a lot of that is my own fault. But that being said, I don't eat badly. I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. I try to not consume empty calories. I really think I just need to get working out more and it will come off.

That's where Mr. Jetplane comes in. We've been hitting the gym on the weekends together. I just need to kick it into gear during the week.

I saw this incredibly funny cartoon and had to share it.

Off to make a yummy dinner from my favorite WW friendly recipe site Skinny Taste :)
Friday, October 21, 2011

Pug Friday

Hello all, this week's Pug Friday is showing a lil pre-Halloween fun. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Mr. and I will be attending the Boise State v. Air Force game tomorrow, tailgating and all.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ask and You Shall Receive

Sorry this post has taken so long. I still don't have all the pictures from our homecoming. Obviously I didn't take them, so retrieving them when we all go our separate ways for 2 weeks is tough.

The day started off early. I couldn't sleep, the excitement had the best of me. Mr. Jetplane and a group of 7 others were flying into the airport. They had been delayed getting into country at the beginning of the deployment so they had to stay longer. They flew commercial home so we had a known time they would be arriving.

This is me driving to go pick up my man. I couldn't get there fast enough.

Mr's call sign is Contra (Constantly Transmitting aka never shuts up). I thought it was funnier to make a lil sign like a limo driver picking up someone.

Here are a few of the ladies that made it through the deployment with me. Our squadron color is red.

The wait is intense. Luckily we got through security in time, considering the flight landed about 15 minutes early. A couple of the families didn't make it down to the gate in time.

And here is it...a hug and a kiss 7 months in the making.
I honestly didn't want to let him go.

In true Mr. Jetplane fashion the first thing he says after the hug and kiss is...."Let's eat lunch...I'm starving! Where we going?"

The picture above is my reaction to the question.

We walked back from the gate to a large group from our squadron....hooting and hollering and waving signs. It was wonderful and I started crying. We had made it through. We had made it through.

It was a glorious day! So happy to have my man home. God bless all those who serve this great country. Godspeed to the squadron that replaced ours.

Tbolts Rule!
Monday, October 17, 2011

not a moment too soon...

In less than a month we will be here. I can't wait...

But cue the panic that I will be in a bathing suit in just a few weeks.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Pug Friday

Hello all...This Pug Friday is brought to you by my favorite lil puggie in the world, my puggie Milo. Isn't he just the cutest, I know I'm a bit partial.

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

well...hello there

Sorry folks having a deployed husband home sure takes up a lot of your time...but in a really good way :)

Blogging and tweeting just don't seem to be top priority. I promise to share more pictures of our homecoming. In the mean time, this cartoon has been making its way on Facebook and its too good not to share.
Thursday, October 6, 2011

its the little things...

Waking up in the morning and walking in the kitchen to see this hanging on the chair warms my heart.

So happy to have him home...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just keeping it real...

Thank you all for the kind and sweet comments, emails and texts over the past few days. Its been wonderful having Mr. Jetplane back.

Our life is almost back to normal...as you can see :)

I hope to share with you more in the coming days... off to enjoy a couple's massage this afternoon with my husband :)
Monday, October 3, 2011

He's HOME!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Today is the DAY

207 days ago I sent the love of my life to war. It was a cold, dark, windy night and I watched my husband take off and fly away to the other side of the world.

He flew over 100 missions and only had a handful of days off. I have some idea of what he's been doing, but I have no idea what he's been through. I pray for guidance on this next journey we are taking, trying to do our best at reintegrating our lives back together.

Today he is coming home to me. Today my heart will be whole again.

My cup runneth over...

Thank you all for your kind words and support during this time. It means more than you'll ever know. I continue to pray for the squadron that is replaced Mr. Jetplane's and all those currently deployed. God Bless and Godspeed.
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