Fellow Travelers
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Welcome to the world...
Hello everyone...
Sorry I have left you all hangin. Thank you all for the sweet emails, texts, and comments asking about our baby boy.
He didn't enter the world in quite the way we have expected but he is perfection. We have a rather long and "painful" birth story that I'm not ready to share just yet but I plan to share it soon.
That being said our sweet lil man, Miles Freeman, entered the world via c-section at 11:55am November 20th weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches long. Daddy thinks he's going to quite a lucky kid. I will say (sorry for TMI) that he was conceived in between all of his daddy's TDYs back and forth to Vegas for 2 months so who knows...
Here is the first time daddy held his baby boy, pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.
Sorry I have left you all hangin. Thank you all for the sweet emails, texts, and comments asking about our baby boy.
He didn't enter the world in quite the way we have expected but he is perfection. We have a rather long and "painful" birth story that I'm not ready to share just yet but I plan to share it soon.
That being said our sweet lil man, Miles Freeman, entered the world via c-section at 11:55am November 20th weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches long. Daddy thinks he's going to quite a lucky kid. I will say (sorry for TMI) that he was conceived in between all of his daddy's TDYs back and forth to Vegas for 2 months so who knows...
Here is the first time daddy held his baby boy, pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday Everyone....
This time next week I'm going to be a mama. I still can't believe it. I hope my boys love each other like these two do.
This time next week I'm going to be a mama. I still can't believe it. I hope my boys love each other like these two do.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Today is our Due Date. The day this lil nugget was expected to come into the world. The day I've been counting down to.
I'm pretty sure he ain't making any moves today. We had our 40 wk appt this morning. I'm only 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. Which I guess is very common for 1st time mamas. I am noticing that I am dropping. I could tell when I tied my robe getting out the shower. So at least we're progressing in someways.
Things obviously can change, but we're booking on being induced Wednesday, November 21st.
At this point, I'd like him to go ahead and stay in until at least Saturday night. I'd like to go see Breaking Dawn, your father wants to see Skyfall, I'd like to get our Jet Pictures taken (family pictures taken with the F15 its a yearly thing), and go out to eat with your daddy.
Is that a deal?
I'm pretty sure he ain't making any moves today. We had our 40 wk appt this morning. I'm only 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. Which I guess is very common for 1st time mamas. I am noticing that I am dropping. I could tell when I tied my robe getting out the shower. So at least we're progressing in someways.
Things obviously can change, but we're booking on being induced Wednesday, November 21st.
At this point, I'd like him to go ahead and stay in until at least Saturday night. I'd like to go see Breaking Dawn, your father wants to see Skyfall, I'd like to get our Jet Pictures taken (family pictures taken with the F15 its a yearly thing), and go out to eat with your daddy.
Is that a deal?
Friday, November 9, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday everyone... as we get closer to our baby boy making his arrival my first baby boy is asking for more and more attention.
He has turned into quite a cuddle monster and has recently started giving my belly kisses which is the sweetest thing in the world. He loves to sit in the nursery with me while I'm folding clothes, hanging pictures, etc. I'll sit on the floor with him, point to my belly, and say "See my big belly you're baby brother is in my belly". He comes up and smells it, and sits in my lap, its too precious for words.
I think he's excited to have a new best friend. That is until the crying starts...I've already warned him about the crying.
He has turned into quite a cuddle monster and has recently started giving my belly kisses which is the sweetest thing in the world. He loves to sit in the nursery with me while I'm folding clothes, hanging pictures, etc. I'll sit on the floor with him, point to my belly, and say "See my big belly you're baby brother is in my belly". He comes up and smells it, and sits in my lap, its too precious for words.
I think he's excited to have a new best friend. That is until the crying starts...I've already warned him about the crying.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Joke's on me...
We went in yesterday morning for our weekly appointment. Honestly I felt horrible yesterday. Between the 5 (count em 5) bathroom visits that evening, severe cramping, acid reflux attack, and snoring pug I got NO SLEEP. I woke up sick to my stomach and was dry heaving over the bathroom sink. Sorry for the visual. Let me tell you nothing sucks worse than dry heaving at almost 39 weeks pregnant. It makes me cry, literally cry real tears.
So I got dressed in real clothes (much to my husband's dismay) and headed to the base hospital. I knew for sure that something was happening. That I would have progressed from the week before. I'd had a rough week and weekend, I knew something had to be happening down there.
But guess what...NADA. We might be at 1cm, I think the doc told me that just to make me feel like I wasn't at a total loss.
So in order to provide me with a light at the end of the tunnel. We set up an induction date just in case. He offered to let me go 42 weeks but I seriously am no interested in that mess. So we'll be getting induced on Nov 21st, that is if he doesn't make his arrival before.
For those keeping track we're due Nov 15th which is my next doc appt. So if homeboy doesn't decide to come out and play before that, we'll be having Thanksgiving up in the base hospital.
I've already had some sweet friends offer to bring us a Thanksgiving feast to my hospital room. Seriously folks, there has to be a whole other section of heaven for military wives. The selflessness they display for their husbands, families, and friends...amazing. But digress.
We're crossing fingers and toes over here it won't come down to that.
This is what sad, sick, pregnant lady looks like at 7:45 in the morning :)
So I got dressed in real clothes (much to my husband's dismay) and headed to the base hospital. I knew for sure that something was happening. That I would have progressed from the week before. I'd had a rough week and weekend, I knew something had to be happening down there.
But guess what...NADA. We might be at 1cm, I think the doc told me that just to make me feel like I wasn't at a total loss.
So in order to provide me with a light at the end of the tunnel. We set up an induction date just in case. He offered to let me go 42 weeks but I seriously am no interested in that mess. So we'll be getting induced on Nov 21st, that is if he doesn't make his arrival before.
For those keeping track we're due Nov 15th which is my next doc appt. So if homeboy doesn't decide to come out and play before that, we'll be having Thanksgiving up in the base hospital.
I've already had some sweet friends offer to bring us a Thanksgiving feast to my hospital room. Seriously folks, there has to be a whole other section of heaven for military wives. The selflessness they display for their husbands, families, and friends...amazing. But digress.
We're crossing fingers and toes over here it won't come down to that.
This is what sad, sick, pregnant lady looks like at 7:45 in the morning :)
Monday, November 5, 2012
Light at the end of the tunnel...
Well here we are, 38 wks 4 days. Its crazy how time is flying by. My mother is flying out here on Friday evening and she scared to death we're going to have this baby before she gets here. I'll be honest, I have a feeling he's coming early but then again part of me thinks he's going to be a week late and I'll have to be induced. Who the heck knows.
The pains have started to get stronger and the morning sickness (or all day sickness) has reared is head again. Seriously... I'm over being nauseous especially now that acid reflux has joined this party. But thankfully last week the doc gave me Zantac and that's been incredibly helpful. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with horrible acid reflux and its helping me greatly.
Friday night I attended the Ladies' Crud tournament on base. Crud is an Air Force game and each year there is a wives tourney. Sadly I couldn't play this year since I'm pregnant. I was there in full support but standing all that time, sure made me one tired Mama on Saturday.
Had a pretty lazy Saturday around the house and decided to go out to what might be our last date night sans child. I was so tired but it was something that was really important to me. I wanted to get dressed up (or as much as I could) and have a night out with my husband.
The dress is from my standard go to through this pregnancy, Old Navy. Its actually non-maternity and on sale right now. It comes in various colors. I'm wearing a medium. I honestly didn't know if it would work, I bought it as more of a transitional piece for right after the baby but was happy that I could make it work for the night out.
I've also noticed that my boobs are finally getting bigger. My husband was kind enough to comment on that multiple times at dinner as well :) I've been wearing the same bras throughout this entire pregnancy, so I guess its about time they start making an appearance!
Its crazy that this past weekend is our last weekend alone. We might not have a baby next weekend, but my mother will be here, so technically it was our last weekend alone.
Tomorrow we go in for our weekly appointment. We're a few days ahead so we treat this as our 39th week appointment. The baby appears to have dropped and his head is very low. But I didn't need the doc to inform me of that last week. I've felt this lil man low for quite some time. Head banging in your lady bits is not something that you can ignore.
Crossing fingers everything looks good tomorrow and baby boy won't make his arrival until Grandma gets here. We're equal parts excited and scared to death!
The pains have started to get stronger and the morning sickness (or all day sickness) has reared is head again. Seriously... I'm over being nauseous especially now that acid reflux has joined this party. But thankfully last week the doc gave me Zantac and that's been incredibly helpful. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with horrible acid reflux and its helping me greatly.
Friday night I attended the Ladies' Crud tournament on base. Crud is an Air Force game and each year there is a wives tourney. Sadly I couldn't play this year since I'm pregnant. I was there in full support but standing all that time, sure made me one tired Mama on Saturday.
Had a pretty lazy Saturday around the house and decided to go out to what might be our last date night sans child. I was so tired but it was something that was really important to me. I wanted to get dressed up (or as much as I could) and have a night out with my husband.
The dress is from my standard go to through this pregnancy, Old Navy. Its actually non-maternity and on sale right now. It comes in various colors. I'm wearing a medium. I honestly didn't know if it would work, I bought it as more of a transitional piece for right after the baby but was happy that I could make it work for the night out.
I've also noticed that my boobs are finally getting bigger. My husband was kind enough to comment on that multiple times at dinner as well :) I've been wearing the same bras throughout this entire pregnancy, so I guess its about time they start making an appearance!
Its crazy that this past weekend is our last weekend alone. We might not have a baby next weekend, but my mother will be here, so technically it was our last weekend alone.
Tomorrow we go in for our weekly appointment. We're a few days ahead so we treat this as our 39th week appointment. The baby appears to have dropped and his head is very low. But I didn't need the doc to inform me of that last week. I've felt this lil man low for quite some time. Head banging in your lady bits is not something that you can ignore.
Crossing fingers everything looks good tomorrow and baby boy won't make his arrival until Grandma gets here. We're equal parts excited and scared to death!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Pug Friday
Today we're at 37wk1d and its been a rough one. So in order to keep my spirits up and the rest of my breakfast down I wanted to bring you a sweet and adorable Pug Friday.
Its images like this one that make me giddy for my pug child to meet my real child. I hope they become fast friends.
Its images like this one that make me giddy for my pug child to meet my real child. I hope they become fast friends.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Happy Place
I certainly think after we have our lil baby boy that Halloween will never be the same. I can't wait to dress up our lil man next year. These ideas are right up my alley.
But this hands down is my favorite... This was one of my favorite movies growing up. LOVE IT!!!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Pregnant Lady Update
We're at 36wk4d today. Time is flying by and creeping by at the exact same time, which is really weird. I was texting back and forth with girlfriend of mine who just moved away. She had their baby boy at 36.5wks earlier this summer. I can't imagine.
I'll admit, I think physically I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore but mentally he can stay in until he's good and ready to come out. I've reached the point where I'm just not comfortable and can't sleep. I can fall asleep without and problem. Like fall asleep within 5 minutes of head hitting pillow, mouth open, dead sleep...but that only lasts for like an hour and a half. Last night I think I was awake from 11:45pm until around 4:30 or 5:00am. Yes, that's as miserable as it sounds.
Between the 4 visits to the bathroom and the cramping, it makes it difficult to sleep. I lay in bed and listen to my lil pugchild on the floor beside me just snoring his lil puggie heart out and I'm so jealous. I crave sleep...and french fries...and chocolate chip cookies:)
We had our couples shower yesterday afternoon. It was thrown for us by some of our friends in the squadron. It was nice to include the guys as well. The squadron just got back from a 2 week TDY in Florida. Thankfully Mr Jetplane was able to take those 2 weeks off and has been out the house with me finishing up all our renovations, which I am so happy to say are finally complete. YEAH!! Its only been 2 years, but if you think about it, he's been gone for atleast a year of that with constant TDYs and a 7 month deployment thrown in their for good measure!
I've had him home for a few weeks now. Its rather strange since I'm used to him being home for 2-3 weeks and then leaving. Don't get me wrong I love getting to actually live with my husband, but in the past year or more its happened so infrequently that you almost get used to being alone...almost.
Since I'm talking about some recent purchases I thought I would share with you some other things that I am currently loving...
And since I'm preggers and being preggers means comfort is king, I decided to buy a new pair of slippers. I thought about UGG slippers, but I'll be honest I wasn't into paying that much for house shoes. Sorry folks. But I'm happy to say that I recently bought Minnetonka slippers and boots and love them both.
These slippers are comfy and do come in a few different colors, not as many as the UGGs do, but for under $40, I'm totally fine with that.
Here's to another uneventful week in our pregnancy.
I'll admit, I think physically I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore but mentally he can stay in until he's good and ready to come out. I've reached the point where I'm just not comfortable and can't sleep. I can fall asleep without and problem. Like fall asleep within 5 minutes of head hitting pillow, mouth open, dead sleep...but that only lasts for like an hour and a half. Last night I think I was awake from 11:45pm until around 4:30 or 5:00am. Yes, that's as miserable as it sounds.
Between the 4 visits to the bathroom and the cramping, it makes it difficult to sleep. I lay in bed and listen to my lil pugchild on the floor beside me just snoring his lil puggie heart out and I'm so jealous. I crave sleep...and french fries...and chocolate chip cookies:)
We had our couples shower yesterday afternoon. It was thrown for us by some of our friends in the squadron. It was nice to include the guys as well. The squadron just got back from a 2 week TDY in Florida. Thankfully Mr Jetplane was able to take those 2 weeks off and has been out the house with me finishing up all our renovations, which I am so happy to say are finally complete. YEAH!! Its only been 2 years, but if you think about it, he's been gone for atleast a year of that with constant TDYs and a 7 month deployment thrown in their for good measure!
I've had him home for a few weeks now. Its rather strange since I'm used to him being home for 2-3 weeks and then leaving. Don't get me wrong I love getting to actually live with my husband, but in the past year or more its happened so infrequently that you almost get used to being alone...almost.
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Here I am before the shower in all my big belly glory. I have gotten so many compliments on this dress. Its from Old Navy and is maternity. Its a great dress and I highly recommend it. I bought it in both Small and Medium. I'm in the Medium one now. I am also wearing a new necklace I recently bought from Max and Chloe, but mine is in all green. |
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Here we are together, the happy parents to be. |
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From Max & Chloe I ordered this reversible monogrammed necklace. Its silver on 1 side and gold on the other. There's also a lil sneak peek at what baby boy's name is going to be. |
And since I'm preggers and being preggers means comfort is king, I decided to buy a new pair of slippers. I thought about UGG slippers, but I'll be honest I wasn't into paying that much for house shoes. Sorry folks. But I'm happy to say that I recently bought Minnetonka slippers and boots and love them both.
These slippers are comfy and do come in a few different colors, not as many as the UGGs do, but for under $40, I'm totally fine with that.
Here's to another uneventful week in our pregnancy.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Baby Boy Update
Hello all... We hit 35 wks on Thursday and today I had a doctor's appointment.
Everything looks pretty good, I'm actually measuring a little under 35 1/2 wks which is where I am technically at. I'm starting to develop more and more pains. The doc thinks my pains (which are different than what I read braxton hicks pains are) are in fact what my braxton hicks pains.
Holy cow people these pains aren't a joke. They can last anywhere from 45 seconds to over 20 minutes. They generally come during a long walk or after dinner. I actually got them on Sunday morning around 2am this weekend. I was actually kinda nervous that it might be labor, but thankfully they finally went away.
I'm also enjoying lovely sciatica nerve pains. I went in for a prenatal massage last week. It kinda helped but I really don't think there is much to do about this pain. Its a total pain in the ass, literally. My pain is right in the top portion of my right butt cheek.
Baby boy is head down, he actually has been heads down for over a month now. His lil butt is above my belly button and he likes to stick it out all the time, talk about uncomfortable. He's quite active these days. Which is great but also can get rather annoying.
For those of you wondering, I've gained about 27 lbs so far. To be honest I probably have gained a lil more. I wasn't at my ideal weight when I got pregnant but then I got so sick that I think I lost about 5 lbs or so. But I am about 27 lbs more than I was when I first got pregnant. Carrying this extra weight is getting to be quite a chore and I can't wait till its gone. I've ate rather normally throughout this pregnancy. Sure I do have my moments, ice cream is a love of mine as are potato chips but in general I've been pretty good. Doctor expects I'll gain another 3-5 lbs before its all said and done which is still within the healthy range.
I'll be completely honest, this weight gain scares me. At 5'2" I've never seen numbers on a scale like they are now. I know its all for a good reason, but it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm sure other pregnant ladies can relate. As a woman, unfortunately I put a lot of importance on the numbers on the scale, be that as bad as it may sound, its totally true. I've stopped weighing myself at home, I don't want to see the number.
So far I've had no stretch marks, knock on wood and the belly button is half in and half out. I had a very deep innie belly button so I was shocked at how its popping out. I think it has a lot to do with where he is sitting. I swear sometimes it feels like he's trying to come out through my belly button.
Here is our lil baby boy at 31 weeks from our 4D ultrasound. Its totally creepy and totally cool at the same time. The lil brat kept his arm and leg over his head for the majority of the visit. So we didn't get as many good looks as I was hoping for.
I can't believe in just a few weeks we're going to have a baby.
Everything looks pretty good, I'm actually measuring a little under 35 1/2 wks which is where I am technically at. I'm starting to develop more and more pains. The doc thinks my pains (which are different than what I read braxton hicks pains are) are in fact what my braxton hicks pains.
Holy cow people these pains aren't a joke. They can last anywhere from 45 seconds to over 20 minutes. They generally come during a long walk or after dinner. I actually got them on Sunday morning around 2am this weekend. I was actually kinda nervous that it might be labor, but thankfully they finally went away.
I'm also enjoying lovely sciatica nerve pains. I went in for a prenatal massage last week. It kinda helped but I really don't think there is much to do about this pain. Its a total pain in the ass, literally. My pain is right in the top portion of my right butt cheek.
Baby boy is head down, he actually has been heads down for over a month now. His lil butt is above my belly button and he likes to stick it out all the time, talk about uncomfortable. He's quite active these days. Which is great but also can get rather annoying.
For those of you wondering, I've gained about 27 lbs so far. To be honest I probably have gained a lil more. I wasn't at my ideal weight when I got pregnant but then I got so sick that I think I lost about 5 lbs or so. But I am about 27 lbs more than I was when I first got pregnant. Carrying this extra weight is getting to be quite a chore and I can't wait till its gone. I've ate rather normally throughout this pregnancy. Sure I do have my moments, ice cream is a love of mine as are potato chips but in general I've been pretty good. Doctor expects I'll gain another 3-5 lbs before its all said and done which is still within the healthy range.
I'll be completely honest, this weight gain scares me. At 5'2" I've never seen numbers on a scale like they are now. I know its all for a good reason, but it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm sure other pregnant ladies can relate. As a woman, unfortunately I put a lot of importance on the numbers on the scale, be that as bad as it may sound, its totally true. I've stopped weighing myself at home, I don't want to see the number.
So far I've had no stretch marks, knock on wood and the belly button is half in and half out. I had a very deep innie belly button so I was shocked at how its popping out. I think it has a lot to do with where he is sitting. I swear sometimes it feels like he's trying to come out through my belly button.
Here we are at 35 wks, stripes obviously aren't the most slimming when you're pregnant :)
Monday, October 1, 2012
A year ago today...
I welcomed him home from war. He'd been gone 6+ months and flew over 100 missions. I didn't want to let him go. I still don't.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Its a Circus...
As promised I wanted to share with you all my first baby shower for our baby boy. It was a wonderful occasion and I seriously feel like my mama outdid herself.
My nursery is somewhat themed "vintage circus" so my shower was a mixture of carnival/circus, but all parts fun.
The building that we had the shower in is the building that held my wedding reception. The floor for the shower was on the floor I held my cocktail hour, candy room, and presents. I love this building and the character it provides to every event.
Now onto the shower....
Overall I think everyone had a wonderful time, including baby boy whom I'm pretty sure had a sugar attack afterwards.
Thankfully my mother informed the guests to feel free to either provide us gift cards or order gifts online and have them mailed to our house. Hauling big gifts back to Idaho was not something that I wanted to do at all.
Well hope you enjoyed taking a look at my shower. I sure enjoyed it, now I want a corn dog :)
My nursery is somewhat themed "vintage circus" so my shower was a mixture of carnival/circus, but all parts fun.
The building that we had the shower in is the building that held my wedding reception. The floor for the shower was on the floor I held my cocktail hour, candy room, and presents. I love this building and the character it provides to every event.
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Here we are a little for 4 years before... |
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Isn't it adorable. There were 3 separate stations - Food, Desserts, and Drinks |
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Here is the dessert table loaded with cupcakes, caramel apples, caramel corn, peanuts, suckers, you name it. |
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For the food we had mini bbq sliders, mini corn dogs, cute veggies cups with hummus or ranch, etc. |
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Here is my cousin making the mini corndogs. They were delicious. |
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Here is a view from behind the dessert table. After everyone ate, they also made mini funnel cakes. |
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Everyone got a cute lil take home container that had animal crackers and salt water taffy. They were encouraged to take home whatever food and desserts they wanted. |
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Table decor was simple and sweet. The fabric used was actually from my great grandmother's fabric stash my mom has. |
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We had a photo booth stocked with plenty of fun props. I have Polaroids of everyone that was there and we're putting together a baby book with them. |
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My mom had a 'family tree' designed via Etsy. Everyone put their thumb print on the tree and signed it. Its going to be displayed in baby boy's room. Its an adorable print. |
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Here is everyone starting to chow down. Don't those corn dogs look delicious. I want one right now. |
Thankfully my mother informed the guests to feel free to either provide us gift cards or order gifts online and have them mailed to our house. Hauling big gifts back to Idaho was not something that I wanted to do at all.
Well hope you enjoyed taking a look at my shower. I sure enjoyed it, now I want a corn dog :)
Friday, September 14, 2012
Pug Friday - 1000th Post
Somehow I've reached my 1000th post, I'm not quite sure how that has happened or if its even correct, but that's what Blogger is telling me.
I think its kinda perfect my 1000th post would fall on Pug Friday.
We have a big weekend planned of home improvement and getting a 4D ultrasound. We're so adult aren't we?
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Home and Happy
I made the trek back to Idaho safely. It was a long day and this pregnant lady is still tired. But I am so happy to be back with the Mr. and the pugchild. I missed them both so much. Sadly Mr. Jetplane is flying nights this week, so we are on totally opposite schedules but at least we're in the same house :) I promise to share my shower details with you next week.
We hit 31 weeks today!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Feeling blessed...
I am still back home in Illinois heading back to Idaho later this evening. Can't wait to get home to my hubby and puggie, I miss them like crazy.
I'm happy to say travel at 30 weeks is surprisingly less painful then it was earlier on in my pregnancy. I also think booking flights later in the day has really helped as well. Sleep isn't really going well lately. I tend to wake up around 4am every night and try to will myself back to sleep. I generally get another solid 45 minutes at some point before the alarm goes off. Thankfully morning sickness has finally gotten better and I thought was gone, but sadly its not. Its reared its ugly head again this week, and I'm still popping my friend Zofran. Seriously people...30 weeks and still sick. Thankfully I'm not actually throwing up now just have the overwhelming feeling I'm going to. Sorry...is that TMI?
Oh well, I haven't shared all the other lovely side effects of this pregnancy - bloody noses, itchy scalp, limps constantly falling asleep, painful sleep, oh and my personal favorite constipation. Yeah...maybe that's TMI for you :)
So here we are at 30 weeks... This is my circus tent look. I do actually really like this dress, but it does look like a circus tent. Its non-maternity Old Navy. Thank you Lord for maxi dresses, they are truly a godsend. I can still wear a lot of small maxis, so I don't feel bad about buying them knowing I'll wear them again next summer. But maternity clothes are definitely starting to make an appearance more and more these days.
I have really enjoyed being home. This is last time I'm flying back home for awhile so it has been wonderful getting to see family and friends. I had an amazing shower Saturday and I am so thankful for all the love and support I felt. I can't wait to share more pictures soon. Until then here's a lil taste for you...
I'm happy to say travel at 30 weeks is surprisingly less painful then it was earlier on in my pregnancy. I also think booking flights later in the day has really helped as well. Sleep isn't really going well lately. I tend to wake up around 4am every night and try to will myself back to sleep. I generally get another solid 45 minutes at some point before the alarm goes off. Thankfully morning sickness has finally gotten better and I thought was gone, but sadly its not. Its reared its ugly head again this week, and I'm still popping my friend Zofran. Seriously people...30 weeks and still sick. Thankfully I'm not actually throwing up now just have the overwhelming feeling I'm going to. Sorry...is that TMI?
Oh well, I haven't shared all the other lovely side effects of this pregnancy - bloody noses, itchy scalp, limps constantly falling asleep, painful sleep, oh and my personal favorite constipation. Yeah...maybe that's TMI for you :)
So here we are at 30 weeks... This is my circus tent look. I do actually really like this dress, but it does look like a circus tent. Its non-maternity Old Navy. Thank you Lord for maxi dresses, they are truly a godsend. I can still wear a lot of small maxis, so I don't feel bad about buying them knowing I'll wear them again next summer. But maternity clothes are definitely starting to make an appearance more and more these days.
I have really enjoyed being home. This is last time I'm flying back home for awhile so it has been wonderful getting to see family and friends. I had an amazing shower Saturday and I am so thankful for all the love and support I felt. I can't wait to share more pictures soon. Until then here's a lil taste for you...
Thursday, September 6, 2012
I want it...
If you follow me on Twitter then you know that I've been having cravings for cookie dough. Its not something that I ever really craved before. I'm pretty sure its the fact that I can't have it that makes me want to have it. Oh and my sugar free Red Bull...oh I miss you so much. I miss you more than booze, and that's the honest to goodness truth.
After baby boy comes I was a tub of cookie dough and a huge red bull. That's sounds amazingly gross doesn't it.
Did you crave anything that you couldn't have while pregnant?
Oh well. Pregnant Life...whatcha gonna do.
30 Weeks TODAY!!!! Stay in there and keep cooking baby boy...mama and daddy are no where near ready for you!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Round here...
This past weekend the Jetplanes headed down to Utah. It was great to get away for a couple of days but we had a mission to complete. We had to hit up Ikea and get some serious shopping done.
We stayed in Ogden which is the closest exit coming from Idaho and we have friends that live in the area. We always like to stay at this cute lil Best Western that 1. accepts pets, 2. is right off the interstate, 3. has an amazing breakfast spot right out in front. They also have a nice lil walking path and a huge fish pond. It was hilarious watching Milo while Mr fed the fish. We are so upset because he thought it daddy was throwing his food into the water.
This is how Milo preferred to sit for the 3.5 hour ride down to Utah. This didn't fly on the way home. Yep that's my big old baby bump and its covered in puggie hair, story of my life :)
This afternoon I'm heading back home to Illinois for my 1st baby shower!!! I'm so excited!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Pug Friday
After work we're off to spend the weekend in Utah. We're actually coming back on Sunday and doing much needed house stuff on Monday...so there will be plenty of laboring on Labor Day.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Oh boy...
We hit 29 weeks today...holy cow...can we please put the breaks on this speeding train? To say I'm overwhelmed and stressed out would be the understatement of the century. At best we now have 11 weeks until baby boy makes his arrival. 11 weeks people... 11 freaking weeks. p.s. I had a dream last night that we just found out that he was actually a she. That was a crazy dream :)
My husband tends to think that 11 weeks is plenty of time. I on the other hand feel like that's a nanosecond. We have so much to do. Currently there is no carpet or furniture in what is to become the nursery. All of the guest bedroom furniture is stashed in our living room while the loft over the family room (aka new guest bedroom) has no carpet either. We're getting new carpet if you couldn't tell. I had hoped this would happen while I was gone next week to Illinois (for my 1st shower:)) but it doesn't appear its going to be possible. Cue more panic.
We're heading to Utah this weekend for a lil getaway and an IKEA trip. We need a dresser/changing table for baby boy and we're going to get rid of the dresser that has been in the guest bedroom.
It will be nice to get out of town for a couple of days but I know there is just so much to do here at our lil abode. We're still renovating our master bathroom... or yes that's still going on as well.
11 weeks people. 11 weeks.
So instead of loosing it altogether, here are a couple images I found recently that my jaded lil heart happy. Enjoy!
My husband tends to think that 11 weeks is plenty of time. I on the other hand feel like that's a nanosecond. We have so much to do. Currently there is no carpet or furniture in what is to become the nursery. All of the guest bedroom furniture is stashed in our living room while the loft over the family room (aka new guest bedroom) has no carpet either. We're getting new carpet if you couldn't tell. I had hoped this would happen while I was gone next week to Illinois (for my 1st shower:)) but it doesn't appear its going to be possible. Cue more panic.
We're heading to Utah this weekend for a lil getaway and an IKEA trip. We need a dresser/changing table for baby boy and we're going to get rid of the dresser that has been in the guest bedroom.
It will be nice to get out of town for a couple of days but I know there is just so much to do here at our lil abode. We're still renovating our master bathroom... or yes that's still going on as well.
11 weeks people. 11 weeks.
So instead of loosing it altogether, here are a couple images I found recently that my jaded lil heart happy. Enjoy!
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