Fellow Travelers
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Memorial Day
This Memorial Day means something very different to me than any of those before it. We're on the other side of a deployment but looking down the road to another one. With the recent F15e crashes and the lost that we suffered in March, I have another reminder of just how precious life is and just how dangerous the job is for our men and women in uniform.
So this Memorial Day please take time out to honor those that have given and continue to give their all to make this great land what it is.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday Everyone! I'm kinda sad today. We're leaving to go home to Illinois this weekend so the boys are going to the doggie kennel for a week or so. I hate putting them in the kennel, even though they get to play all day long I still hate it.
I hate it even more knowing that I'm flying back home to Idaho alone and Mr. Jetplane will be spending the next 2 months down in Alabama for SOS. He has been gone so much this year that its insane.
Mr. snapped this picture of the boys the other day while he was taking a load of trash from our bathroom remodel to the dump. They love riding in the truck with daddy and sometimes they even like each other.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend. I'm gonna love up on my veteran.
I hate it even more knowing that I'm flying back home to Idaho alone and Mr. Jetplane will be spending the next 2 months down in Alabama for SOS. He has been gone so much this year that its insane.
Mr. snapped this picture of the boys the other day while he was taking a load of trash from our bathroom remodel to the dump. They love riding in the truck with daddy and sometimes they even like each other.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend. I'm gonna love up on my veteran.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Proud Lady
The Idaho Potato Race was in Boise on Saturday. We had a large group of wives from our base running in honor of Piston the pilot that we lost a in March from the F15e crash in SE Asia. I was really proud of these women, the majority of women from my squadron ran either the 1/2 marathon or the full marathon, way to go ladies.
Mr. Jetplane decided at the last minute that he would run and signed up for the 10k. He had run the Robie Creek Half Marathon a few weekends ago, which is supposedly the hardest 1/2 in the Northwest. It was uphill for approximately 8 miles and it happened to be in the mid 80s that day as well. He wanted to take it easy and run the 10k (ha 10k easy...for him).
I was really proud of him even though he being the guy he is said he could have run it faster. He got 9th place overall and won his age group (31 - 35). He got a ribbon and this cute stuff potato. I forced him to get a picture with it, telling him in my best "The Christmas Story voice"...That's a MAJOR AWARD!
I really wanted him to get a picture with the big potato walking around the race, but this is the closest I could get him to it.
Mr. Jetplane decided at the last minute that he would run and signed up for the 10k. He had run the Robie Creek Half Marathon a few weekends ago, which is supposedly the hardest 1/2 in the Northwest. It was uphill for approximately 8 miles and it happened to be in the mid 80s that day as well. He wanted to take it easy and run the 10k (ha 10k easy...for him).
I was really proud of him even though he being the guy he is said he could have run it faster. He got 9th place overall and won his age group (31 - 35). He got a ribbon and this cute stuff potato. I forced him to get a picture with it, telling him in my best "The Christmas Story voice"...That's a MAJOR AWARD!
I really wanted him to get a picture with the big potato walking around the race, but this is the closest I could get him to it.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday Everyone.... We're happy to announce we just hit 14 weeks and thanks to Zofran I am starting to feel human again. Mr. Jetplane is running in a 10k this weekend and then we're off to buy supplies for our master bathroom reno. Big weekend over here :)
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I hope to post some preggo pictures soon. I think I'm just finally starting to show.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday Everyone. Mr. Jetplane returns from Utah today and I can't wait to put my arms around him. Even though he's only been gone a week this time, I've really missed.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Thundercats are go....
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support. As you can expect, we're pretty excited. Well to be completely honest that excitement is mixed with equal parts scared to death and holy crap I hope we don't screw this kid up.
Mr. Jetplane and I both turn 32 in the next few months, me in June and he in July. We'll have been married 4 years in June and together 8 years in August. Time seems like its flown by, as it often seems to do, am I right? But the funny thing about the two of us is, we don't consider ourselves grown ups. I mean sure we have college degrees, careers, car loans, mortgages, pets, you name it...but we don't feel like we're old enough. When we signed on the line and bought our 1st house and then bought our 2nd house in a period of less than a year, we looked at each other and said...ok maybe we're grown ups...maybe.
Don't get me wrong, we're adults. We make adult decisions, we're logical and practical and all that horribly boring stuff. We don't party like we used to, but we both have plenty stories to start about our rowdy college and post college days, we sowed our wild oats and then some. But what I mean is, we don't feel old.
We have always wanted kids but never knew when we were going to have them. Our life is crazy. We got married and wanted to enjoy married life. He suffered through flight school and had zero free time. He graduated and we got to our first operational squadron. Long long long hours to get mission qualified and before we knew what hit us...BAM...deployment for 7 months.
We realized there is never going to be a good time. We want to have a family. We have to try to plan this out as best as we can. I have to accept that he won't physically be here for some of the pregnancy, crossing fingers he's here for the birth, and know that he won't be here every night to put our sweet lil one to bed. I accepted that and we moved forward.
I had been on the pill since I was 17 years old. I (like I do for most things) have totally irrational fears about things that are completely out of my control. I was nervous that I was infertile. I told myself that it was going to be difficult. We got pregnant the 2nd month we actually tried. I know, I hate me too. But let me tell you, trying to plan your ovulation cycle when your husband is gone atleast 10 days a month, is very difficult. (TMI sorry) But we lucked out and this precious lil baby is now in my belly...and needless to say, I'm totally shocked.
The first month we tried I had a chemical pregnancy and the 2nd month it took, I didn't believe it. I assumed it was just the same as the month previous. I went down to visit Mr. Jetplane who was in Vegas (yet again) and told him. The previous month I had something cute for him to open to tell him the news...he was shocked and the only words out of his mouth were "Congratulations!". I felt weird trying to surprise him again the following month. We decided just to wait it out another week and then I'd go to base and have them confirm it. I was in Vegas for 5 days and I was a good girl...it sucked :(
I came back and had my tests done on base...they came back positive. I sent Mr. Jetplane a text message since he was at Red Flag in Vegas working crazy ass hours and I had no idea when I was going to talk to him. The text read.... Thundercats are go!
He knew exactly what that meant. That's sort of a running joke with us. That is what he would say to me while he was deployed if something happened that day on his flight. He can't talk about work with me but I knew what it meant.
So we maneuvered through the several weeks, me being incredibly sick and he in Vegas.
Last week we finally had our 1st ultrasound. Mr. Jetplane left for yet another TDY last Friday but he was able to attend. It was an amazing experience and I'm so thankful we got to share it together. I knew this whole pregnancy wouldn't feel real until I had an ultrasound. I swore when they turned on the machine that there would be nothing there...somehow I had been throwing up 20 times a day for some other reason. But low and behold, there was a baby. You could see sweet lil arms and legs, a big old head, and sweet lil heart beating. I, of course, started bawling. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I still can't.
As we were walking out of the room together that morning I turned to Mr. Jetplane and smiled. We were both laughing and happy and I said "Sh!t just got real...like really really real!"
He laughed, agreed, and said..."We're grown ups!"
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Yogurt Bark for Everything21 hours ago
Book Review | November7 years ago
Colorful Christmas7 years ago
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation7 years ago
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Tables For Sale9 years ago
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