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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Its a Circus...

As promised I wanted to share with you all my first baby shower for our baby boy.  It was a wonderful occasion and I seriously feel like my mama outdid herself. 

My nursery is somewhat themed "vintage circus" so my shower was a mixture of carnival/circus, but all parts fun. 

The building that we had the shower in is the building that held my wedding reception. The floor for the shower was on the floor I held my cocktail hour, candy room, and presents. I love this building and the character it provides to every event.

Here we are a little for 4 years before...
Now onto the shower.... 
Isn't it adorable.  There were 3 separate stations - Food, Desserts, and Drinks
Here is the dessert table loaded with cupcakes, caramel apples, caramel corn, peanuts, suckers, you name it. 
For the food we had mini bbq sliders, mini corn dogs, cute veggies cups with hummus or ranch, etc.

Here is my cousin making the mini corndogs.  They were delicious.

Here is a view from behind the dessert table.  After everyone ate, they also made mini funnel cakes. 
Let me not forget the drinks.  I am a girl that loves loves loves lemon shake ups.  They were served in adorable tied mason jars with striped straws.  For those wanting a lil kick, they offered spiked lemon shakeups as well.  Those of you that don't know.  Its lemon, water and sugar....shaken up.  They are delicious. 


Everyone got a cute lil take home container that had animal crackers and salt water taffy.  They were encouraged to take home whatever food and desserts they wanted. 

Table decor was simple and sweet.  The fabric used was actually from my great grandmother's fabric stash my mom has. 

We had a photo booth stocked with plenty of fun props.  I have Polaroids of everyone that was there and we're putting together a baby book with them. 

Here I am with 2 of my girlfriends from college... oh how different 32 looks from 22.  We were college roomies and sorority sisters.  They both have 2 girls a piece.  Their daughters had a wonderful time as well. 
My mom had a 'family tree' designed via Etsy.  Everyone put their thumb print on the tree and signed it.  Its going to be displayed in baby boy's room.  Its an adorable print. 

Here I am in all my pregnant lady glory.  This picture made me realize that I was fooling myself into thinking I hadn't started gaining weight in my face :) I loved my dress.  Its actually non-maternity that I found at Nordstrom Rack.  I thought it tied in well with the circus theme. 

I'm not a big game player at showers.  My mother isn't either.  They had everyone sign the bottom of a duck and float it in the pond.  We picked a couple of names throughout the shower and gave them door prizes. 

Here is everyone starting to chow down.  Don't those corn dogs look delicious.  I want one right now. 
Overall I think everyone had a wonderful time, including baby boy whom I'm pretty sure had a sugar attack afterwards. 

Thankfully my mother informed the guests to feel free to either provide us gift cards or order gifts online and have them mailed to our house.  Hauling big gifts back to Idaho was not something that I wanted to do at all. 

Well hope you enjoyed taking a look at my shower.  I sure enjoyed it, now I want a corn dog :)
Friday, September 14, 2012

Pug Friday - 1000th Post

Somehow I've reached my 1000th post, I'm not quite sure how that has happened or if its even correct, but that's what Blogger is telling me. 

I think its kinda perfect my 1000th post would fall on Pug Friday. 

We have a big weekend planned of home improvement and getting a 4D ultrasound.  We're so adult aren't we? 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Home and Happy

I made the trek back to Idaho safely.  It was a long day and this pregnant lady is still tired.  But I am so happy to be back with the Mr. and the pugchild.  I missed them both so much.  Sadly Mr. Jetplane is flying nights this week, so we are on totally opposite schedules but at least we're in the same house :) I promise to share my shower details with you next week. 

We hit 31 weeks today! 
Monday, September 10, 2012

Feeling blessed...

I am still back home in Illinois heading back to Idaho later this evening.  Can't wait to get home to my hubby and puggie, I miss them like crazy.

I'm happy to say travel at 30 weeks is surprisingly less painful then it was earlier on in my pregnancy.  I also think booking flights later in the day has really helped as well.  Sleep isn't really going well lately.  I tend to wake up around 4am every night and try to will myself back to sleep.  I generally get another solid 45 minutes at some point before the alarm goes off.  Thankfully morning sickness has finally gotten better and I thought was gone, but sadly its not.  Its reared its ugly head again this week, and I'm still popping my friend Zofran.  Seriously people...30 weeks and still sick.  Thankfully I'm not actually throwing up now just have the overwhelming feeling I'm going to.  Sorry...is that TMI? 

Oh well, I haven't shared all the other lovely side effects of this pregnancy - bloody noses, itchy scalp, limps constantly falling asleep, painful sleep, oh and my personal favorite constipation.  Yeah...maybe that's TMI for you :)

So here we are at 30 weeks...  This is my circus tent look.  I do actually really like this dress, but it does look like a circus tent.  Its non-maternity Old Navy. Thank you Lord for maxi dresses, they are truly a godsend.  I can still wear a lot of small maxis, so I don't feel bad about buying them knowing I'll wear them again next summer.  But maternity clothes are definitely starting to make an appearance more and more these days. 
I have really enjoyed being home.  This is last time I'm flying back home for awhile so it has been wonderful getting to see family and friends.  I had an amazing shower Saturday and I am so thankful for all the love and support I felt.  I can't wait to share more pictures soon.  Until then here's a lil taste for you...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pug Friday

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I want it...

If you follow me on Twitter then you know that I've been having cravings for cookie dough.  Its not something that I ever really craved before.  I'm pretty sure its the fact that I can't have it that makes me want to have it. Oh and my sugar free Red Bull...oh I miss you so much.  I miss you more than booze, and that's the honest to goodness truth. 

After baby boy comes I was a tub of cookie dough and a huge red bull.  That's sounds amazingly gross doesn't it. 

Did you crave anything that you couldn't have while pregnant? 

Oh well.  Pregnant Life...whatcha gonna do.

30 Weeks TODAY!!!!  Stay in there and keep cooking baby boy...mama and daddy are no where near ready for you! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Round here...

This past weekend the Jetplanes headed down to Utah.  It was great to get away for a couple of days but we had a mission to complete.  We had to hit up Ikea and get some serious shopping done. 
This was our cart, that's the serious I'm talking about.  We bought a dresser, cart, and accessories for the baby's room.  We are moving our guest bedroom to our loft area and we've decided that now is the time to get rid of some of the furniture that was given to me from my mother (from her master bedroom) back in 1994.  Its made several moves to college, numerous apartments in Indiana, and then moves to Florida, North Carolina, and finally Idaho.  Its been good furniture but its time to say bye bye.  We bought a couple of pieces from Ikea.  I thought these will end up going in future baby #2's room down the road.  I didn't want to invest a lot of money in them, considering my goal is to move our master bedroom furniture to the guest bedroom in our next house. 

Oh the joy of the military lifestyle, always knowing they'll be a next house in the coming year or 2. 

 We stayed in Ogden which is the closest exit coming from Idaho and we have friends that live in the area.  We always like to stay at this cute lil Best Western that 1. accepts pets, 2. is right off the interstate, 3. has an amazing breakfast spot right out in front.  They also have a nice lil walking path and a huge fish pond.  It was hilarious watching Milo while Mr fed the fish.  We are so upset because he thought it daddy was throwing his food into the water. 
This is how Milo preferred to sit for the 3.5 hour ride down to Utah.  This didn't  fly on the way home.  Yep that's my big old baby bump and its covered in puggie hair, story of my life :)

This afternoon I'm heading back home to Illinois for my 1st baby shower!!! I'm so excited! 
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