Fellow Travelers
Friday, November 16, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday Everyone....
This time next week I'm going to be a mama. I still can't believe it. I hope my boys love each other like these two do.
This time next week I'm going to be a mama. I still can't believe it. I hope my boys love each other like these two do.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Today is our Due Date. The day this lil nugget was expected to come into the world. The day I've been counting down to.
I'm pretty sure he ain't making any moves today. We had our 40 wk appt this morning. I'm only 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. Which I guess is very common for 1st time mamas. I am noticing that I am dropping. I could tell when I tied my robe getting out the shower. So at least we're progressing in someways.
Things obviously can change, but we're booking on being induced Wednesday, November 21st.
At this point, I'd like him to go ahead and stay in until at least Saturday night. I'd like to go see Breaking Dawn, your father wants to see Skyfall, I'd like to get our Jet Pictures taken (family pictures taken with the F15 its a yearly thing), and go out to eat with your daddy.
Is that a deal?
I'm pretty sure he ain't making any moves today. We had our 40 wk appt this morning. I'm only 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. Which I guess is very common for 1st time mamas. I am noticing that I am dropping. I could tell when I tied my robe getting out the shower. So at least we're progressing in someways.
Things obviously can change, but we're booking on being induced Wednesday, November 21st.
At this point, I'd like him to go ahead and stay in until at least Saturday night. I'd like to go see Breaking Dawn, your father wants to see Skyfall, I'd like to get our Jet Pictures taken (family pictures taken with the F15 its a yearly thing), and go out to eat with your daddy.
Is that a deal?
Friday, November 9, 2012
Pug Friday
Happy Pug Friday everyone... as we get closer to our baby boy making his arrival my first baby boy is asking for more and more attention.
He has turned into quite a cuddle monster and has recently started giving my belly kisses which is the sweetest thing in the world. He loves to sit in the nursery with me while I'm folding clothes, hanging pictures, etc. I'll sit on the floor with him, point to my belly, and say "See my big belly you're baby brother is in my belly". He comes up and smells it, and sits in my lap, its too precious for words.
I think he's excited to have a new best friend. That is until the crying starts...I've already warned him about the crying.
He has turned into quite a cuddle monster and has recently started giving my belly kisses which is the sweetest thing in the world. He loves to sit in the nursery with me while I'm folding clothes, hanging pictures, etc. I'll sit on the floor with him, point to my belly, and say "See my big belly you're baby brother is in my belly". He comes up and smells it, and sits in my lap, its too precious for words.
I think he's excited to have a new best friend. That is until the crying starts...I've already warned him about the crying.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Joke's on me...
We went in yesterday morning for our weekly appointment. Honestly I felt horrible yesterday. Between the 5 (count em 5) bathroom visits that evening, severe cramping, acid reflux attack, and snoring pug I got NO SLEEP. I woke up sick to my stomach and was dry heaving over the bathroom sink. Sorry for the visual. Let me tell you nothing sucks worse than dry heaving at almost 39 weeks pregnant. It makes me cry, literally cry real tears.
So I got dressed in real clothes (much to my husband's dismay) and headed to the base hospital. I knew for sure that something was happening. That I would have progressed from the week before. I'd had a rough week and weekend, I knew something had to be happening down there.
But guess what...NADA. We might be at 1cm, I think the doc told me that just to make me feel like I wasn't at a total loss.
So in order to provide me with a light at the end of the tunnel. We set up an induction date just in case. He offered to let me go 42 weeks but I seriously am no interested in that mess. So we'll be getting induced on Nov 21st, that is if he doesn't make his arrival before.
For those keeping track we're due Nov 15th which is my next doc appt. So if homeboy doesn't decide to come out and play before that, we'll be having Thanksgiving up in the base hospital.
I've already had some sweet friends offer to bring us a Thanksgiving feast to my hospital room. Seriously folks, there has to be a whole other section of heaven for military wives. The selflessness they display for their husbands, families, and friends...amazing. But digress.
We're crossing fingers and toes over here it won't come down to that.
This is what sad, sick, pregnant lady looks like at 7:45 in the morning :)
So I got dressed in real clothes (much to my husband's dismay) and headed to the base hospital. I knew for sure that something was happening. That I would have progressed from the week before. I'd had a rough week and weekend, I knew something had to be happening down there.
But guess what...NADA. We might be at 1cm, I think the doc told me that just to make me feel like I wasn't at a total loss.
So in order to provide me with a light at the end of the tunnel. We set up an induction date just in case. He offered to let me go 42 weeks but I seriously am no interested in that mess. So we'll be getting induced on Nov 21st, that is if he doesn't make his arrival before.
For those keeping track we're due Nov 15th which is my next doc appt. So if homeboy doesn't decide to come out and play before that, we'll be having Thanksgiving up in the base hospital.
I've already had some sweet friends offer to bring us a Thanksgiving feast to my hospital room. Seriously folks, there has to be a whole other section of heaven for military wives. The selflessness they display for their husbands, families, and friends...amazing. But digress.
We're crossing fingers and toes over here it won't come down to that.
This is what sad, sick, pregnant lady looks like at 7:45 in the morning :)
Monday, November 5, 2012
Light at the end of the tunnel...
Well here we are, 38 wks 4 days. Its crazy how time is flying by. My mother is flying out here on Friday evening and she scared to death we're going to have this baby before she gets here. I'll be honest, I have a feeling he's coming early but then again part of me thinks he's going to be a week late and I'll have to be induced. Who the heck knows.
The pains have started to get stronger and the morning sickness (or all day sickness) has reared is head again. Seriously... I'm over being nauseous especially now that acid reflux has joined this party. But thankfully last week the doc gave me Zantac and that's been incredibly helpful. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with horrible acid reflux and its helping me greatly.
Friday night I attended the Ladies' Crud tournament on base. Crud is an Air Force game and each year there is a wives tourney. Sadly I couldn't play this year since I'm pregnant. I was there in full support but standing all that time, sure made me one tired Mama on Saturday.
Had a pretty lazy Saturday around the house and decided to go out to what might be our last date night sans child. I was so tired but it was something that was really important to me. I wanted to get dressed up (or as much as I could) and have a night out with my husband.
The dress is from my standard go to through this pregnancy, Old Navy. Its actually non-maternity and on sale right now. It comes in various colors. I'm wearing a medium. I honestly didn't know if it would work, I bought it as more of a transitional piece for right after the baby but was happy that I could make it work for the night out.
I've also noticed that my boobs are finally getting bigger. My husband was kind enough to comment on that multiple times at dinner as well :) I've been wearing the same bras throughout this entire pregnancy, so I guess its about time they start making an appearance!
Its crazy that this past weekend is our last weekend alone. We might not have a baby next weekend, but my mother will be here, so technically it was our last weekend alone.
Tomorrow we go in for our weekly appointment. We're a few days ahead so we treat this as our 39th week appointment. The baby appears to have dropped and his head is very low. But I didn't need the doc to inform me of that last week. I've felt this lil man low for quite some time. Head banging in your lady bits is not something that you can ignore.
Crossing fingers everything looks good tomorrow and baby boy won't make his arrival until Grandma gets here. We're equal parts excited and scared to death!
The pains have started to get stronger and the morning sickness (or all day sickness) has reared is head again. Seriously... I'm over being nauseous especially now that acid reflux has joined this party. But thankfully last week the doc gave me Zantac and that's been incredibly helpful. I've been waking up in the middle of the night with horrible acid reflux and its helping me greatly.
Friday night I attended the Ladies' Crud tournament on base. Crud is an Air Force game and each year there is a wives tourney. Sadly I couldn't play this year since I'm pregnant. I was there in full support but standing all that time, sure made me one tired Mama on Saturday.
Had a pretty lazy Saturday around the house and decided to go out to what might be our last date night sans child. I was so tired but it was something that was really important to me. I wanted to get dressed up (or as much as I could) and have a night out with my husband.
The dress is from my standard go to through this pregnancy, Old Navy. Its actually non-maternity and on sale right now. It comes in various colors. I'm wearing a medium. I honestly didn't know if it would work, I bought it as more of a transitional piece for right after the baby but was happy that I could make it work for the night out.
I've also noticed that my boobs are finally getting bigger. My husband was kind enough to comment on that multiple times at dinner as well :) I've been wearing the same bras throughout this entire pregnancy, so I guess its about time they start making an appearance!
Its crazy that this past weekend is our last weekend alone. We might not have a baby next weekend, but my mother will be here, so technically it was our last weekend alone.
Tomorrow we go in for our weekly appointment. We're a few days ahead so we treat this as our 39th week appointment. The baby appears to have dropped and his head is very low. But I didn't need the doc to inform me of that last week. I've felt this lil man low for quite some time. Head banging in your lady bits is not something that you can ignore.
Crossing fingers everything looks good tomorrow and baby boy won't make his arrival until Grandma gets here. We're equal parts excited and scared to death!
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