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Thursday, June 20, 2013

A big ol' hole...

A year old today we lost our big boy Charlie.  There are no words to be able to express just how much we miss him. 

 He was an amazing dog and he loved us so much, especially his daddy. 
 Here they are together the first day we bought him home.  Look at those feet. 
We can't help but wonder how he would be with Miles.  He would love Miles, he might also knock him over, but he'd love him nonetheless. 

We have his ashes in our bedroom on the side of the room where he used to sleep.  I know it might sound stupid or cheesy to some, but still feel like he's here with us.  I had a vivid dream where I felt like I was awake and he was laying in bed with me, I could smell him and even feel his coat on my hands.  I swept the hallway the other day and found a huge clump of dog hair, not uncommon around here but not like Milo's hair.  This was Charlie's. Mr. said the cleaning lady obviously wasn't doing her job well enough.  That can't be the case because we ripped up the old flooring in our laundry and storage area and put new flooring down, the hair came from there... how did it get there.  Very strange in my opinion. 

I miss our Charlie Boy so very much.  I still blame myself for his accidental death and tell him I'm sorry on an almost daily basis. 

Just like I told him every single day... You were the best big white dog I've ever had. 

RIP Charlie
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What up!

Well hello there... long time no see, huh?

I had the best of intentions in keeping up with this blog, but sometimes life just gets in the way, am I right? 

Miles will be 7 months old tomorrow. WTF.  How did this happen? 

He is just an amazing lil man that bring so much joy into our lives.  I promise to share more in future posts but for now here are some recent photos from our 6 month photo shoot.  Sadly daddy is still away at training and wasn't able to be with us.  We sure do miss daddy. 

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