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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Life in Bullets...

Well hello there...how is every one's holiday season going thus far? Ours is crazy for sure! So crazy, that I've obviously not been blogging regularly in quite some time. So in order to bring you up to speed in a relatively quick time frame...here we go...

1. The Jetplanes have been hard at work renovating/updating our humble abode. I hope to share pictures soon.

2. We purchased new appliances for the kitchen and I love them, especially the awesome ice cubes the refrigerator makes...its the lil things in life, right?

3. We have been snowboarding...well clarification... Mr has been snowboarding and I have been attending lessons.

4. The Jetplanes spent most of last week in Florida for my end of year meetings and holiday party. We got to have a lovely dinner with fellow blogger, and our husbands finally got to meet.

5. We are headed back to Illinois for the holiday and while I'm excited to see family, after the recent travel mishaps I've experienced, I'm not thrilled to be getting on a plane.

6. And in even better news, I'm happy to report our friend that was in the car accident has made great progress in the past 2 weeks. Due to the progress, he wasn't moved back east and is still in the area. He is tracking people and able to provide non-verbal responses to questions...He is even giving his wife kisses...yes I know amazing right?

Well there is a snapshot of the past couple of weeks in 6 bullet points, sadly I guess my life isn't that exciting.... So I'll leave you with a lil laugh. Here are a couple of outtakes from my holiday party... My department performed a skit at the holiday party and this used in it :) Enjoy!
Yes I know my husband looks totally creepy in that picture...


~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Sounds like you guys have been having tons of fun!

caknitter said...

Great to hear your friend is making progress. Thank the Lord for a Christmas miracle.
I know you twitted something about this, but is the houseguest finally out of your house?
Merry Christmas!

Jen (emsun.org) said...

I love those mustaches! Happy to hear your friend is making progress.

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