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Fellow Travelers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I woke up this morning and missed my husband. This is not an unusual feeling but some days its a lot stronger than others. He is switching from nights to days, and this is going to drastically change our pattern. He's going to start calling in the middle of my work days which is difficult. Its difficult because I work and am on the phone a lot. When possible, I pick up the calls and whisper "call back in 10 minutes". Which sometimes is 10 minutes or 2 hours. It pains me to wait...sometimes he can't call back in 10 minutes. I won't get to speak to him again for 24 hours and that makes me very very very sad. But I have to remind myself, my life cannot stop because he's gone. I hate missing his calls if I'm out for a walk, messing in the garden, or just on the other side of the house and away from my cell phone.

This is what your life becomes...waiting for a phone to ring...waiting for a lil green Skype icon to light up so you can see your husband. BUT Happy News - My handsome husband shaved his mustache the day after his birthday. I Skyped with him on Sunday night. I kept telling him how hot he looked, I haven't seen him clean shaven since beginning of March. Sadly, he is growing it back :(

Below is a picture from Mr's Squadron door. I think this picture speaks volumes. Obviously this picture isn't from the summer in Afghanistan. Its from the winter deployment. This is the door from Mr's squadron out to the flight line. This is the last thing they see before heading to the jet.

The love of my life opens that door every single day, jumps into that jet, and does his job. That's real world, that's war, that's our life. Yeah...I know... its cray cray...

Today I miss my husband. Today my husband has a job to do. Today my husband supports those soldiers on the ground and god willing protects them.

I know I'm not the only wife missing her husband today. I take comfort in the fact that Mr. Jetplane is protecting someone else's husband who's just out there doing his job.

But today, I'm also just wife missing her husband. Just hoping that I get to talk to him for 5 minutes....the best 5 minutes of my whole day.


Kristina said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what this is like. My husband has a really dangerous job and has been seriously hurt before so every morning when he leaves I say a little prayer in my mind. But I do get to see him everyday, so that makes it easier.

Thank you, and your husband, SO much for doing what you do, to keep the rest of us safe. Me and my family are so very, very thankful.

Sweet Simplicity said...

Thinking of you! I'm so appreciative of military men and women and their families.

Sarah said...

Can I just say how brave I think you are? You put on such a brave face, I don't know if I could do the same.
My husband is also AF, but in his 3 years of service has yet to deploy, mostly because of the base we were at. We just PCSed though, so I know it's in the future, and it scares the hell out of me. When our day comes to go through what you are, I hope I can put on as brave a face as you do. :)

caknitter said...

Got a little teary while reading your post, not gonna lie. You're a pretty strong person because I wouldn't be able to function normally if I were in your shoes. I can only imagine what goes on day in, day out, so it's interesting to see pictures from a deployment.
I know I write this every time I post, but hang in there...today his return is one day closer.

Chic Runner said...

You are one of the strongest people I know and I feel so proud to even call you my friend. I thank you for supporting Mr. Jetplane while he is abroad fighting for our freedom here and I thank him for his selfless job he is doing over there.


bejellyfish said...

I admire your strength, even though it is difficult to go through what you both are going through. We are so blessed to have the modern technology we have now! Can you imagine what members of our Air Force went through years ago during WWII, before cell phones and Skype? Waiting for every letter sent through the mail would be worlds harder!

Stay strong!

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