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Friday, September 30, 2011

Pug Friday...Come Home Daddy...

We're waiting...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good Stuff...

This week has been an emotional one. I have had the opportunity and pleasure to attend and photograph several homecomings. I have cried tears of joy for my friends and their families. Its been a beautiful week. Here's just a lil taste of the past few days.

Can't wait to get my arms around my man...our time is coming...I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Praying for a safe return for the remaining members of our squadron and all of those currently serving.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Proud Military Wife

I saw the following post on a friend's Facebook page today. Its beautiful and thoughtful and made me cry big ol fat tears...

This is for the young women that are waking up at 6am every morning with small precious children that they have been left alone to care for. This is for the pregnant military wife wondering if her husband will make it home in time to watch their miracle happen. This is for the childless military wife, living in a town or on a base alone where she is a complete stranger to her surroundings. This is for the women that feel like a 3rd leg when they go out with their friends and their husbands. This is for the military wife that cancelled all her plans to wait by the phone, and even though the phone broke up and cut off every time you spoke to him you waited anyway.

This is a pledge to the women that cry themselves to sleep in an empty bed. This is to recognize the woman that felt like she was dying inside when he said he had to go, but smiled for him anyway. This is for those of you that are faithfully in that long line at the post office once a month handling 2 large boxes and 2 small children like a pro. This is for all the lonely nights, all the one-person dinners, and all the wondering thoughts because you haven't heard from him in days.

A toast to you for falling apart, and putting yourselves back together. Because a pay check isn't enough, a body pillow in your bed is no consolation, and a web cam can never compare. This is for all you no matter how easy or hard this was for you. Our military men are brave, they are heroes, but so are we. So the next time someone tells you that they would never marry a military guy, don't bother explaining to them that you can't control who you fall in with. Just think of this and nod your head, know that you are the stronger woman. Hold your heads up high, hang that flag in your front yard, stick 100 magnets on your car, and then give yourself a pat on the back.

Be proud to be the woman that you are, be proud to be a MILITARY WIFE!

* The picture above is from yesterday. She is my BFF and that's her husband's jet taxiing in. In the past month she had surgery to fix her ACL and their sweet cat passed away in her arms. I cried tears of joy that she had the love of her life back.
Monday, September 26, 2011

Get em' ready folks...

More homecomings...more families reunited...more happy tears! I saw 6 of our jets come home yesterday afternoon and god willing there are much more on their way.

Godspeed Tbolts!

This week is going to be LEGEN...wait for it ... DARY!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011

Pug Friday

Hello everyone...its a busy time around these parts so today's Pug Friday is short and sweet...just like a puggie.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Coming home...

We had our 1st wave of homecomings yesterday and it was glorious. I was moved to tears numerous times....driving to base...walking in the hanger...feeling the 747 fly over us...watching the door open to cheers...and seeing these families reunite. It was beautiful and it made me so proud. Only a few of our squadron members came home yesterday but it was wonderful to see them back on U.S. soil. Our squadron color is red. Our wives group has decided to try to wear red dresses when our spouses come home. These ladies were looking good yesterday :) Here is the plane arriving. Everyone anxiously awaiting their loved ones. I didn't know the majority of the people coming home yesterday but it didn't make it any less emotional. I was standing behind this family. The deployed father surprised them from behind. It was so cute...and then I cried some more :) This lovely family had their 2nd boy while daddy was deployed. He is meeting his new lil boy for the 1st time. This couple is close friends with Mr and I. We came to Idaho together and he flies with my husband alot. It was beautiful to see them reunited. We've shared the pain we've been going through without our husbands. Only a fellow milwife can really understand what you're going through.
The fun (and tears) are just beginning folks. We have a lot more homecomings coming up. Who's ready???

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Excitement is in the air...

The first of several waves of homecomings start today... I'm going to do my best to be there.

This wave is only going to have a few of the members from our squadron. It will be mainly maintainers and other members of the crews that service the squadron when they are deployed. They arrive in a large aircraft. This is my 1st homecoming. Even though its not my husband, I know without a doubt I am going to be overcome with pride and joy for these families. More importantly some of my closest friends in our squadron are welcoming home their husbands today. I am so overjoyed for them I can barely breathe.

So exciting...we'll all be together soon enough!

Godspeed Tbolts!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hey Gurl...

Sorry I've been MIA. I went back to Illinois for what was suppose to be 8 days, but thanks to Chitown and United, I was gone for 9. I just got home late last night. I picked up the doggies this morning, they are snoozing their heads off while I'm busy working.

Blogger on my laptop didn't work so I couldn't post anything...BIG :( to that.

But I am back and have a ton of stuff to talk about and do.

Here's to a great week !!
Friday, September 9, 2011

Pug Friday - Let's Take a Ride

Happy Pug Friday Everyone! Today's post is short and sweet...just like a lil puggie I know.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

On a much more personal note...please take a moment to honor those that lost their lives on Sept. 11th and those continuing to fight terrorism on a daily basis. I have a post planned for Sunday to share with you a lil more of my personal feelings about the day.
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Making Heads or Tails of it all...

Hello there fine followers of this lil blog. I'm in quite a manic state at the moment so I do apologize.

With great excitement I can say that preparations for Mr's homecoming are under way but...and that's a BIG ASS BUT...its a crazy busy time. So much going on at our base, with our squadron, with my work, or and that personal life that I sometimes find time for.

I'm the MOH is a fabulous friend's wedding next week and am flying home soon to be there for that. So needless to say I need help...in the form of a wife...or at least a maid / personal assistant.

I might know someone that has already claimed sister wife status...wink wink

But there are some exciting things I hope to be coming to this lil blog very soon...

A lovely giveaway from one very talented mil wife
A lovely wedding recap and home visit
And homecoming preparations....and homecomings...notice that is plural? I will be attending several before my husband gets home :( Such is the life, right?

Well back to work...we got a long way to go and short time to get there...
Friday, September 2, 2011

Pug Friday

Happy Pug Friday Everyone! Its been quite a week over here. So much excitement I can barely stand it. We had our briefing last night for the guys coming home....it was exciting! We have a lot going on this month out here. Air Force Appreciation Day Parade, Air Show, Coffees, Crud Practice, Pot Luck, cleaning and decorating the squadron, etc....and that's just the AF stuff.

But the end is near and that makes me SMILE! So I thought I could make you smile today with our latest Pug Friday...I will say its probably not as funny as last week which I think might be the funniest ever.... this one comes in 2nd.

Happy Pug Friday. I hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hey there September....

Bout time you finally showed up. We've been expecting you. We're so happy to have you :)

It brings such joy to my morning reading all my fellow wives' Facebook updates...everyone so happy that we're in the final stretch. So much to do this month, I honestly think it will fly by...quite unlike that bitch August. She stuck around well after the party was over. She's not welcome round these parts anymore.

Its September!!! He's been really busy and I can tell in his voice that he's tired. He's worn out and ready to be out of there. I don't know what he's been thru or exactly what he'll be like when he gets home, but we'll adjust.

I just want him home. I miss the weight of him in my bed sleeping next to me. I miss the sound of his boots walking down the hallway. I miss his hugs and the kisses he gives me on my forehead. I miss holding hands. I feel like when I get him back I'm not going to physically let go of him for days. I'll probably just stare at him like he's not real or something.
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