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Monday, November 28, 2011

Holiday Hangover

Jet Lag + Work+ Thanksgiving+ Home Improvement+Christmas Decorating = one tired couple Shh....don't tell Mr. Jetplane I snapped this picture of him while we on our layover in Denver on the way to Hawaii.

We had quite a busy weekend. I have a lot share with you and I promise to make good on it. I just downloaded all our pictures but I haven't gotten to my luggage yet. Anyone else hate unpacking as much as me.

I had to drop Mr off at base this morning at 0530. He's TDY in Florida for 2 weeks...I know he did just get home and we're already saying our goodbyes again...

Hope everyone has awaken from the food comas and back into the swing of things.
Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone... I hope this day is filled with love and laughter and of course mounds of delicious food.

I feel this year I have so much to be thankful for. Its been a tough year for the Jetplanes and we've made it through. I am so thankful to have my loving family and friends and forever thankful that my husband came home safe and sound after 7 long months of deployment.

I am thankful for my job and our ability to keep a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. I am thankful for the recent vacation to Hawaii that we just enjoyed and the quality time that we got to spend together.

I am thankful for our health and that my mother remains cancer free.

I am thankful for our fur babies and that after "several" medical issues while Mr. was deployed they are still with us and add such joy to my life.

I am thankful for the wonderful friends we have made since joining the military and in particular the amazing women that I have come to call my friends. They have lifted me up in my times of need and have been an unbelievable support system.

I am thankful for so much today and everyday.

Have a wonderful holiday and safe travels to all...


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We're back...we took a red eye home this morning and I'm already back at work... I'm exhausted but refreshed... so happy to see my boys.

Can't wait to share some photos and details from the trip. It was amazing just to get to spend some QT with the Mr, we definitely needed it. Too bad he's leaving for 2 weeks after Thanksgiving...such is the life in an operational flying squadron... not even home 2 months and already gone on a TDY.

Gonna go grocery shopping, watch some of our DVR and then head to bed...this lil lady is dragging.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You're gonna have to excuse me...

But me and the Mr are heading to Hawaii....


Be back in a few...hopefully tan, happy, and relaxed :)
Friday, November 11, 2011

Pug Friday - Happy Veterans Day

Hello all... my lil Milo wanted to let you know today is a very important day...its Veterans Day. He wanted you to know that he's 1 very proud pug to have a daddy like Mr. Jetplane.

He's also happy that daddy has the day off and is hanging out with him all day (and may have let them sleep in a little).

Less than 1% of Americans serve in uniform and I'm honored to call 1 of those brave men and women my husband. Even though I hated every second of the 7 months we were apart this year while he was deployed, I still felt pride in every single one of them.

Take some time today to thank a Veteran, they deserve it!

I know I'm gonna take some time and love on mine today :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Here's where I need your help...

Hello one and all that read this lil ol bloggie of mine....

As some may know, Mr. Jetplane bought me a nice, new camera for my birthday this year. I've started trying to learn this new fangled contraption and I'm really enjoying it. This lil man got plenty of work in over our recent homecomings and I have since volunteered to be the squadron photographer for all (or most) of the events that we host/attend.

So here's where you come in...what else do I need...what do you suggest...

I have a Canon Rebel T1i EOS.

Christmas is coming up and I plan on asking for things associated with the camera. I need editing software - what software is the best (not the most expensive). I need a light thingy (yes that's technical for you) that attaches to the top of the camera. What other lens do you suggest?

Apologies if I sound like a total idiot...but I kinda am when it comes to all this. I have been looking up things online but I thought I would ask for guidance from the all-knowing Internet. I know there are plenty of budding photographers out there...can you help a sista out :)

Thank you!

UPDATE: Thank you for the help. I should say that I do have the EFS 18-55 lens. I thought that came with my camera standard, but I guess I am wrong.
Friday, November 4, 2011

Pug Friday

Hello all! Its starting to get cold around these parts....brrrr. We might get snow this weekend even.

Time to get snuggling with my favorite boys, which obviously includes my lil hunk of puggie loving, Milo.

shh...don't tell Mr. Jetplane he's on the top of the couch...

P.S. I just got an IPhone last weekend, now that Sprint has them :) So I've been trying to figure it all out. Any suggestions for apps? Can someone tell me what Hey Tell is all about ?

Happy Pug Friday!
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