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Monday, July 29, 2013

Round these parts...

Miles turned 8 months on July 20th.  This was the morning of the 20th.  He was mesmerized by something on the television.  I couldn't help myself but snap a picture.  I remember those adorable cowboy pjs arriving at the house and I couldn't believe that someday he'd be big enough to fit into them.  They are 9 months :(
 Mr. Jetplane has been gone for a training program since March.  We have gotten to see him twice since he left, both for long weekends.  So, as you can imagine, we miss Daddy a lot.  We Skype with him every night, but that's just not the same.  Lil man is growing up so quickly, it breaks my heart that Daddy isn't here to witness these changes first hand.  He is coming home on Saturday for about a month.  We can't wait!!! 

Take a look at that face... I'd like to say he gets that from his Daddy, but I'm pretty sure that dirty look right there, that's mine.  He was busy playing on his piano and watching cartoons and he wasn't happy about Mama interrupting his "ME" time. 
We started Baby Led Weaning (BLW) at 6 months.  Its going really well.  Admittedly we still do some baby food but he's doing really well.  We tried Cheerios this weekend.  I have no idea why I didn't think of them before, probably because I think they're nasty...but he seems to like them. 
Some food that we are big fans of - sweet potatoes, carrots, red/green peppers, mini bagels (he gets about 1/4 of one), peaches, kiwi, strawberries, watermelon, mangoes, and rice cakes. 
I have started buying bags of frozen fruit.  They tend to be thawed out by the time he has interest in them and its easier, lasts longer, and I think cheaper in the long run. 


Allison said...

I love baby lead weaning!!! :)

Miles is super cute and getting so big! :) I look back at Dominick's baby clothes and can't imagine him ever being so small...I used to look at 12 month clothes and never think he'd grow into them, now he's growing out of them. :(

Bored Books said...

Heello nice blog

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