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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Date that will live in Infamy

70 years ago today the attack on Pearl Harbor happened.

We were lucky enough to visit Pearl Harbor when we were in Hawaii last month. Its something that I had to see. Its a beautiful monument and due to my husband's insane thirst for military knowledge he knew alot about everything.

I highly suggest you go visit the memorial. Its free and quite moving. First you watch a brief yet informative movie about the attack. I will freely admit I cried. I don't know if its the fact that this place is where the actual event occurred or the fact that I was holding the hand of my recently deployed husband during the film but I cried.

You then take a short boat ride to the memorial. Its a beautiful memorial dedicated to those that were lost that horrible day. The ship underneath you is their tomb. Hundreds of men died in the very stop you are standing.

I can't imagine the fear and shock that was occurring that afternoon in such a beautiful and serene location. It was paradise just earlier in the day and then all hell broke loose.

For those of you that aren't aware of what happened on this day 70 years ago...

The area was attacked by 353 Japanese fighters, bombers, and torpedo planes in 2 different waves, launched from 6 aircraft carriers. All 8 U.S. Navy battleships were damaged, with 4 being sunk. All but 2 of the 8 were actually raised, repaired, and returned to service later in the war. The Japanese also sank or damaged 3 cruisers, 3 destroyers, an anti-aircraft training ship, and 1 minelayer. 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed, 2,402 Americans ere killed, and 1,282 wounded. Japanese losses were light 29 aircraft, 5 subs lost, and 65 servicemen killed or wounded. 1 Japanese sailor was captured.

Today we honor those we lost that fateful day.

Remember Pearl Harbor.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful to get to see the monument in person. It sounds like a very moving experience.

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

It's awesome that you and your hubby were able to see Pearl Harbor on your vacay. It's the strangest thing that right in the middle of the hustle & bustle of the island is this monument. So much changes over time, but I'm glad this part of history has been preserved so well.

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