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Friday, December 2, 2011

Pug Friday - Its Beginning to Look alot like Christmas

Happy Pug Friday!

How is it already December 2? It doesn't even seem possible. Milo just wanted to let you all know that the holiday decor is up at the Jetplanes' house and he is really excited...can't you tell?

He's more like..."Mama, why the hell am I sitting on this pouf?"

Here's to a great weekend.



Sweet Simplicity said...

Are those polka dot curtains I see? I love me some polka dots!

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I love this entire picture!! Pug+silver ottoman+polka dot curtains=FABULOUS!!!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

So cute!

Wraps Recipes said...

Hi thanks for posting thiis

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