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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What is up...

Well ALOT unfortunately.

If you follow me on Twitter then you know that my mother is in the hospital. She's ok but it appears that she has an infection associated with 1 of her implants that were inserted after her reconstructive surgery. For those of you that don't know, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, luckily we caught it at Stage 1 but due to our family history she chose to have a double mastectomy. This past Thanksgiving she had her reconstructive surgery from the mastectomy.

She had the exploratory surgery today and they removed the implant. She is doing okay and will hopefully be released tomorrow afternoon.

Luckily, the Jetplanes were planning on going back to Illinois this weekend to visit Mr's family and head on up to Chicago for a friends wedding. So I will get to drive down to my parents and hang out with my mama on Friday.

So in the meantime....I'll be taking a lil break. So unfortunately, there won't be a Pug Friday. Sorry guys...too busy, but I'll be back with vengeance :)
Friday, August 27, 2010

Pug Friday - SEPRA

Good Morning and Happy Pug Friday Everyone. This week I'm happy to highlight yet another wonderful pug rescue organization, Southeast Pug Rescue & Adoption (SEPRA).
Southeast Pug Rescue & Adoption, Inc. (SEPRA) was formed in Georgia in 1990 to aid in placing lost, surrendered or abandoned pugs in loving, caring homes primarily in the Southeast (GA, FL, SC, TN, MO). Although, we will take any pug in need from any place.

We are an all volunteer, 501(c)(3), not for profit organization dedicated to our pugs. SEPRA will take any and all pugs regardless of age, health and/or temperament, and we've even been known to take pug mixes. Our pugs come from a variety of avenues including shelters, owner surrenders, and even found wandering down the streets.

All pugs are placed in foster care with dedicated volunteers for evaluation and vet-work, which includes: shots, spaying/neutering and treatment for any illnesses, if necessary. We've had many come through with heartworms, knee/hip problems, eye problems, broken limbs etc. We will treat all that is reasonably possible as long as the pug is not suffering. Due to the never ending vet bills, our adoption fee is $250 (donations are also gladly accepted).

Potential adopters (after interviews) will sign an adoption contract stating if for any reason the new home does not work out, SEPRA will be notified and the pug will be returned to us. Southeast Pug Rescue rescues for the life of the pug. If the pug is returned to us within 3 weeks, the adopter will receive a full refund of the adoption fee. Please note, we do not ship our dogs. If you live out of state, we expect you to make arrangements to pick up your adopted new friend.

SEPRA is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.

Crash & Latte

Hi, we are 2 special 3 yr old pugs that are with SEPRA now because our mom became very ill and could no longer take care of us. We really need to stay together because we are very attached. We are a little overweight but other than that we are perfect, great with kids, other dogs, housetrained, very sweet, playful but not wild, and healthy! My name is CRASH (different huh?) my mom was in a car accident they day she got me so she named me Crash. My sister's name is Latte, obviously, mom loved coffee and Latte is the color of a Latte Mocha drink so I am told. We have transitioned quickly and are ready for our new home!

Hi, my name is Ernie and I am looking for a new home. My mom moved to NYC and that is not the place for me! I am easy going but playful. I am currently the only dog but would do fine with another dog also. My grandparents would love to keep me but they travel a lot so I end up at the kennel and I would much prefer to be at home! I am 6 yrs old, healthy and ready to meet my new family. I am totally housetrained and would love a fenced yard but it is not required. I would prefer not to be left alone all day if possible. AND I request a minimum of 2 doggie beds in the house! As you can see, I am super easy and ready to go.


My name is Violet and was recently rescued from a high-kill shelter in North GA. The shelter called me Nara but my foster mom has renamed me Violet because she says my coat is so black it almost looks purple! I have some serious skin issues and several tumors, we are not sure what is going on with my health but we are working with the vets to get me better. The tumors will be removed ASAP and tested to see if it might be cancer, hopefully not.
Otherwise, my foster mom says that I am doing great. I use potty pads in the house and am learning to go outside. I am very sweet and somewhat petite at 16 lbs. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you any details of my past but I do know that my future looks bright simply because I am getting lots of TLC in my foster home and really hope that I will be better soon so that I can find my forever home! Please consider being a virtual foster for this little girl; she has obviously had a hard life and definitely needs help from
SEPRA. UPDATE 7/6/10:Violet had a successful surgery. Her tumor was removed with ease, and no cancer was found. While she was there, Dr Denning also spayed Violet. The incision left a 10" scar on her belly, and that has healed remarkably well. The scars on her hind quarters are gone, and hair growth has begun. Her coat's slight reddish tint should be jet black in no time. Your donations have now put this little pug in an "Available for Adoption" status. Thank you! Now, let me tell you about this little Ray of Sunshine. She's approximately 2 to 3 years old, small in stature, and 15 pounds of pure joy. Violet loves to play, and she gets along with children, cats, and other dogs. She has that wonderful pug snore, but will become silent when you turn her over to sleep on her back. Yes, I said sleep on her back. I believe she found this position comfortable when she had that massive growth on her belly. Violet never meets a stranger; her social skills are great. She came to SEPRA knowing only how to use potty pads. That's all well and good, but we would like to see that she is taught how to go outside too. She's 70% there. She's been vetted, spay, and had her final checkup. No problems, she's ready for Adoption. When considering a forever pug for your family, consider this spunky little girl. She'll surely make your day, every day.
Hey everybody! I'm Payton and I'm a very playful 7 year old pug but sometimes my energy gets me confused for a much younger pup. I love balls and stuffed toys. My favorite game is fetch- I can even leap up and catch the little balls in my mouth! I love being taken out in a yard and running around or going on walks. I have a lot of personality and am very sweet. I'm a lot of fun to watch and do many adorable cute things. I am also very alert and a great watch dog. I love attention and would prefer to be the only dog in the house. I love playing with people but show little interest in other dogs. Despite my youthful personality- I have none of the problems of an younger pug: I am housebroken, I am very obedient, I do not chew or get into things. I am crate trained but i am much happier when i have more room to wander around. My foster mom swears i am the best behaved little guy in her apartment complex. I take to commands very easily and I like a strong owner I can feel safe with. Sometimes I can get nervous around new people, I might bark a little bit, but after I understand that they want to love on me I am very cuddly. I like a calm structured house with no small children. I get along with some older children but I get scared of the young ones with how fast and rough they can be. My tummy is very sensitive so no table scraps. The thing I hate the most is being groomed. I am very good at being brushed and am a dream in the bath tub, but I will have to develop some type of trust before you can clean my ears or wrinkles. I am very sweet and loving and want nothing more than to be near a you and love you, crawl on your lap and kiss you! I am very healthy and happy! All I need is a loving, caring forever home!
My story begins with a kind family who surrendered me to SEPRA because my medical needs were too much for them to bear. For years my allergies have controlled my body. My skin has suffered tremendous stress. I feel bad, and I look worse. My new Vet has examined me, and he explains my condition in this way ---More than likely, I was born with these allergies. My condition got worse as time went on and no treatment given. Over the years, my old skin rash would scab over, a new rash would occur under these, causing a buildup of nasty bacteria and fungus that lived beneath my scabs. Because of this, my skin looks and feels like tough leather. And if you think my skin looks bad, the smell is 10 times worse. My Doctor has put me on a strong antibiotic and anti-fungal medicine. My ears have to be treated separately, because they have thick puss inside, and we need to do our best to save my ear drums. My sight is limited, and Dr Toole estimates that I will have about 30% of my sight. My daily baths take upwards to 1 hour to scrape all the leathery scabs off. I'm resting comfortably now, and I enjoy sitting in the sun. I'm a sweet little girl that's 8 years old. I'm really high maintenance right now, and will continue to be so for some time. I appreciate that my family thought enough of me to surrender me to such a wonderful Organization. SEPRA will love and care for me, giving me 100% of their time and effort to make me well again. I go back to the Vet in 2 weeks for more tests. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Best Regards, Bonnie
Spring 2010 Update:
Well, time has come for me to spread my wings. I've been in the care of SEPRA since August 11, 2009. I've seen lots of Doctors, and taken lots of medicine. Not to mention the many baths I've had to endure. You need to know that I'm a high maintenance young lady. My medication list gives details, with reference to my management and the exact cost to take care of me. I will need to see the Specialist at GVS twice a year, and my medications need to be given twice a day. Allergy shots are required every 4 days. My folds and ears need to be cleaned every day. I'm absolutely housebroken. I tend to sleep late, and I enjoy sunning whenever I can. I love to be outside, but long walks wear me out. I'm a sight for sore eyes. Most people think that I'm a 2 toned pug, fawn top and black tummy. But the truth of the matter is that some of the pigment on my underside has stayed black, and it will take some time to start growing again. I'm obedient and a sweet girl that gets along with everyone. Please know that I've overcome so much in my short life. My health problems stemmed from a family who couldn't afford to take care of me, and things just got out of hand. You see my new before and after pictures. I'll need to depend on you to give me the care I need. Trust that I will be gracious and your reward will be my undying love and dedication.

These are just a handful of the needy and deserving pugs looking for their forever homes. If you are interested in adopting one of the puggies or helping out the great organization, please take a look at SEPRA.
If you or someone you know has an open heart and home for a pug, don't hesitate to looking into adoption.
Do you know any great Pug Rescue organizations that you'd like to see highlighted on the next Pug Friday - leave me a comment or email me at leavingandloving@gmail.com
Happy Pug Friday!
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL...

Well football season is almost upon us and the Jetplanes are always excited. We have confirmed our NFL Ticket on Direct TV, made sure the surround sound is set up, we've invited some of our friends to make it a Sunday ritual, and I've been on the lookout for new football gear. And by football gear I mean COLTS gear.

Yeah that's right, if you didn't know already I'm a COLTS fan. I already expressed my disbelief and disgust at Victoria's Secret and their new NFL line. I mean come on VS, no Colts love, no Saints love...ummm what the hell.

But no fear my dear friends... Last season I was happy to find that Old Navy had quite a selection of NFL gear. Not all of it was in women sizes but you could easily find it in Mens or children's. This year is no different. Check it out here . I will definitely be ordering this tshirt and the sweatshirt that goes along with it.

No fear Pink Sass Old Navy is showing your boys some love....

Who's got 2 thumbs and ready to spend her Sundays watching football and drinking beer....THIS GIRL!!!


p.s. Gap Give Get Promo is running now so your purchases are 30% off...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Safe Travels

We have to say good bye and good luck some of our buddies in North Carolina this week. Good Luck Rockets. Come home safe.

This is the first time fellow F15e classmates of Mr. Jetplane are getting deployed soon. If we would have stayed in NC this could have been his squadron. It could be him deploying.

This deployment makes everything feel very real. I know I say that alot but its an odd feeling to have and to explain. This deployment means Mr's deployment is one huge step closer to happening. Its there in the back of my mind on my mental calendar. Counting down the months till he's gone, till he's home, and how we might be able to have a baby somewhere in between that time. Its an overwhelming thought, its a sad realization that you have to consider... you may be planning on having a baby and being pregnant knowing your husband wouldn't be there (or even in the country) during the majority of your pregnancy. But that's where I find myself today...and I know I'm not the only one.

But enough about me...pray for a safe and speedy return for these guys and gals.

Hey there Idaho...

You don't suck like I thought you would... Yeah, I'll be honest I was really worried about the move out to the wild wild west, but surprisingly its going well.

The weather (so far) has been great and we are loving the new house. The no humidity and my new found seasonal allergies take a while to get used to, but its going pretty well out here.

Its really beautiful out here. On Saturday we went on a hike, here's the view. P.S. cattle also roams free through this area. We may have had a close call with 2 cows on the road and one about 200 yards away from the hiking trail. Oh...and we had to buy hiking boots...we learned this on the steep hike. When Mr fell and on the way down...may or may not have punched me in the stomach...ummmm yeah, that was nice.
Final thought for today... My thoughts and prayers are with our friends in NC. One of the 2 operational squadrons is preparing for deployment. A lot of our friends are heading out on their 1st deployment. This means our future deployment is fast approaching. Please pray for their safe return. And please pray for all the families, spouses, kids, etc. affected by this deployment. Stay safe guys/gals!
Friday, August 20, 2010

Pug Friday - DFW Pug Rescue

Hello and Happy Pug Friday Everyone. Sorry for a delayed Pug Friday, I had a lot of issues loading pictures today. This week I am proud to feature yet another very deserving Pug Rescue the DFW Pug Rescue.

DFW Pug Rescue Club, Inc., (DFWPRC) was incorporated in July 1997 as a non-stock, non-profit corporation for the rescue, care, and placement of unwanted, mistreated, or homeless pugs in Texas.
DFW Pug Rescue Club, Inc. is a non-profit corporation with Federal Tax Exemption as a public charity under Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. DFWPRC is the largest pug rescue organization in the United States and has rescued and placed over 5,000 huggable, squeezable, absolutely adorable pugs — we rescue approximately 10 pugs a week.

We rescue ALL pugs regardless of age or medical condition. Since we rescue ALL pugs, our veterinary care is our biggest on-going expense and we average approximately $150,000 a year in veterinary expenses. This amount is after our veterinary care clinics provide deep discounts. 100% of all funds donated to DFW Pug Rescue are used to pay for Veterinary care.
All pugs rescued by DFWPRC are taken immediately to the vet where they are examined, tested (and treated) for heartworm, vaccinated, sterilized, and rabies shots administered before being placed in a foster or permanent home.

Let's take a look at just a handful of the needy pugs waiting on their forever home.

Big Tex

Age: 10
Gender: Male
Big Tex is a sweetheart of a dog. He may be 10 years old, but he is able-bodied and loves to play tug-of-war with his toys. He doesn't see too well but he gets around fine. He can't hear too well, but that just helps him sleep really soundly! Big Tex prefers to be on the floor instead of in the bed (very un-pug-like). But he does like to be near you when you are home. He gets along great with other dogs. He is 100% housebroken. He probably would not do well with small children only because he can get startled if there is a lot of activity. He will make a great companion though; he has such a sweet nature and is just a really good boy!!
Senior pugs touch a place in the heart you don't know exists until they come into your life - adopt one today, like Big Tex, and find out. The senior adoption fee will touch your heart and your wallet.

Bella Baby

Age: 6
Gender: Female

I am a healthy six year old girl who was surrendered by my previous owner, due to no fault of my own. I am staying with my foster mom now, and I like it here, but I know I need to find my own place soon. There are a lot of other puggies waiting for a place to stay. I look older in my picture than I really am because I carry the "silver" pug trait. But, I am really just six years young. I live with other dogs and even a couple of cats! I like everyone here as long as they don't try to take my toys away (there is a great toy basket here I dump over each morning)! My foster mom has been teaching me to share, and she says I am making great progress! I am trained to use a piddle pad in the house, but I also go outside (I love being out when the weather is good for me). I will be gratuating from the piddle pad soon, so I will need your help when I come live with you, but I am learning fast. I am also crate trained and I don't mind it at all. Other dogs are fine for me to live with, but I really don't need them cause I like to be the "only child" and I entertain myself. Cats are not a big deal, they don't take my toys. So, please consider me as an addition to your family!


Age: 11
Gender: Female
My name is Maya. Am I gorgeous or what?! I am a full figured old gal of about 11. You would have never guessed my age because I still can swing with the young and keep right up. I like to take my little cat naps during the day and would love to have a forever home to enjoy and lay in the morning sunshine.I get along great with people,other dogs,kids, and whatever that other hairy thing is they call a cat; I just kind of stare at it and wonder what it is then go back to my nap.I love to sit by you and watch movies and I love to eat if you could not tell. My foster mom has me in a weight loss boot camp and takes me for daily short walks. I really like to go out and stroll the neighborhood as I like all the attention I get. Do you think you could make room on your sofa for me? I promise to love you forever!By adopting Maya, you have the opportunity to change the way people think about older dogs. Please ask about Maya's reduced adoption fee and start those changes right away.


Age: 6
Gender: Male
I am a beautiful boy who loves to cuddle and am a love sponge. I want to be with you all the time and would do best in a home where someone is there alot. I like kids, rawhide bones, toys, cushy, cushy beds and chewies. I have the most beautiful coat! I am 6 years old and I am housetrained. I don't like cats much and I am the Alpha dog. (Who wouldn't be with these looks, lol!!) I am waiting and watching for my forever family. Please hurry!

Age: 3
Gender: Male
My name is Romero! I am about 3 years old. I love to play, love children, and I get along with other dogs. I am working on housetraining and am doing great but will need reinforcement in my new home. I can run fast and toys are my favorite pasttime. I also love to snuggle with you and prefer to sleep with you but I am also crate trained. I would love to have a forever family to take summer vacation with. How about it? Please ask for little 17lb me!

Ms. Lulu
Age: 3-4
Gender: Female
Hi, I'm Lulu and I've been enjoying my new life with my new foster family, free to run and play for the first time since I can remember! I spent all of my life in a tiny crate until I came to DFW Pug Rescue, so my back knees are injured on both of my legs. Instead of running like other pugs, I hop like a bunny because my knees don't bend properly. The doctor said I will need surgery on both of my knees so I can live a regular, healthy life. I am only 4 years old and weigh 12 pounds so I have a lot of adventures ahead of me! Hopping around doesn't stop me from playing with my foster sisters and exploring. I get along well with other dogs, and kitties I just ignore. I am a little afraid of men, until they gain my trust, but I am a super snuggler with foster mom. It's my job to wake her up every morning with kisses and I talk to her about all my big plans for the day. My foster mom says I would do best in a home without children. After you take a peek at my picture, you will be wanting to fill out an adoption application right away, so hurry up, peeps will be lining up for me because I'm a super cutey!
Mai Tai

Age: 5
Gender: Male
Hey there, my name’s Mai Tai and I am mighty eager to get a forever home! I was sick for a while, but the great folks at DFW Pug Rescue took me to the doctor and I am well now, and feeling great.
I am all boy, and love, love, love to play and take walks and sit on the couch with my foster mom when she watches television. I am sweet and well-behaved, even though I haven’t had a lot of training yet, and I am smart, too.
I hope that if you are reading this, you will check out my handsome profile and think about adopting me!

Age: 3
Gender: Male
Hello my name is Dawgins. I am a male 3 year old Chug (Chihuahua/Pug mix), and I weigh about twelve pounds. I am very well behaved. I have great manners and I am very polite. At night, I sleep in a crate and I don't make a peep. It is ok if you want me to sleep on the bed because I would love that! My foster says I get an "A+" on housetraining, and I am doing very well. I get along with other dogs just fine, and I ignore the cats. I can be very playful and silly, but I also know how to settle down and just hang out with the family. By the way, I love kids! I like to cuddle with kids and hang out on their laps when they watch TV. Actually, I will hang out on anybody's lap! It is my favorite thing. When you come home after being gone all day, I run around and do my "happy dance" because I am so glad you are home! My foster Mom says I am an "easy keeper". So, if your lap is empty, put my name on your application! I can't wait to go to go home with you!


Hello! My name is Socks! I am so ready to find my home sweet home!! I was here before my first owners adopted me last year, but due to some financial difficulties they had to let me go so I am back again. I am very laid back and enjoy doing all the normal things a pug does. I eat, sleep, and cuddle very well! I also have a few tricks up my socks! I can sit and stay on command...but I do accept tips in the form of treats! I am house trained and crate trained too! Come see me and take me home soon!!
If you're in the Dallas area and you are willing and able to open your heart and your house to one of these lil puggies, please do. If you can't bring another dog into your home, but your heartstrings are pulled...please feel free to donate or virtually adopt one of these lil guys.
Happy Pug Friday
If you have a Pug Rescue that you want featured please leave a comment or email me at leavingandloving@gmail.com.

Pug Friday - Will be late today :(

Sorry some blogger issues and work has gotten in the way....but its coming :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Project Get Sexy Update

Hello out there...As I said before I have started Couch to 5k. I'd like to say I'm doing awesome, but I'm not. But that being said, I'm pretty proud of myself. Week 1 work outs were good, Week 2 kicked my ass so I decided to repeat Week 2 before moving onto Week 3. Considering I thought I might die doing week 3...yeah maybe a lil over dramatic.

This morning I finished my last workout of my repeated Week 2. I don't like it, well let me re-phrase, I don't like running at all, but I feel my endurance building and that's a great feeling.

Unfortunately Mr hurt himself mountain biking last week so he hasn't been running with me in the mornings so that makes me even more proud that I have gotten up on my own.

How are you all doing with C to 5K?
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I read the book about 2+ years ago...why? Honestly, because Oprah told me to. She told me it was enlightening and life changing.
I don't know if it was because I was preparing for my wedding or because I was a child of divorce or if I had too high of expectations of of this book....but I just wasn't a fan. I wasn't a fan of Liz Gilbert. I felt she whined too much, gave up too easily, and just took herself way too seriously. But hey, those are my own opinions.

I went to see the movie on Saturday afternoon with a girlfriend, our husbands went and watched The Expendables. I went to the movie because, surprisingly the previews look better than the book and Ms. Julia Roberts can sell me an igloo in Alaska.

Did I like the movie, well I liked it better than the book. What were your thoughts?

FYI - Her real 2nd husband looks nothing like this...

and that really pissed me off...
Friday, August 13, 2010

Pug Friday - Kentuckiana Pug Rescue

Happy Pug Friday Everyone! I am so glad everyone enjoyed Pug Friday last week. This week I am very happy to highlight Kentuckiana Pug Rescue.

Kentuckiana Pug Rescue is a volunteer based, 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization (permit #P11-001005) committed to helping all needy Pugs in the states of Indiana and Kentucky. We work to find both abandoned, as well as surrendered Pugs, loving, forever homes in which they can live out the rest of their lives. KPR does not have a central facility where Pugs can be visited. Each rescued Pug lives with a foster family until they can be placed in an adoptive home.


Kentuckiana Pug Rescue is closed to incoming dogs. Our hearts are aching, knowing there are pugs that need us, and we cannot help. The number of pugs being turned over to us has increased dramatically in the last few months. Our resources, both foster homes and money, have been stretched beyond our limit, and in order to continue to care for the dogs already in the rescue, we must close to incoming pugs. We will do everything we can to find other rescues to help those pugs that we cannot.

So let's see if we can help this organization out and get some of these cutie pies a forever home. They most definitely deserve it.

Let's take a look at just SOME of the puggies that are available for adoption TODAY!

Pugsley Pugsley is good with human kids and kids with fur. He is not a barker, but will throw in his 2 cents every now and then. He doesn’t mind being crated at all, which is good because he is still working on proper bathroom behavior. Overall he does well pottying outside and just needs some reinforcement. He does not enjoy a bath, but does love to be brushed. He is a great pug that loves attention. He is believed to be somewhere around the age of 2 years old. Adoption Donation - $275

Holly (# 763) is a beautiful, sweet, loving little pug that is approximately 4-5 years old. She is known in her foster home as the “Ninja Pug” because she blends into the furniture! A bit of a loner, Holly does fine with other dogs, but would do just as well in a home as an “only child". Holly is a little bit of a "low rider" since she is shorter then the average pug. She is housebroken and is very cooperative about going outside even in bad weather to do her business. Diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, Holly is on two medications that she will require the rest of her life to manage the condition. Additionally, Holly has one back leg slightly longer then the other. While this does not cause her any pain, it does make her seem unsteady on her feet at times. Holly is an unassuming little girl and wants nothing more than to be loved. She loves to lay right by you and is quite affectionate and willing to give you all the kisses you handle! If you can find it in your heart to welcome Holly into your family, the love she gives you in return will be more then you could have ever imagined.Adoption Donation - $275


Otis (# 888) is a 3 year old “big” boy who loves attention. In fact, he loves to be in the spotlight so much that he cries for it. Otis gets along with other dogs and enjoy playing with them. He knows how to use the doggy door and is housebroken. Otis is still learning how to walk on a leash without pulling, but is making great progress. He weighs in at 22 pounds and is a solid boy. Otis does fine with cats and would make a great companion in a home with children.Adoption Donation - $275


Hi my name is Molly (#1020) and I’m 8 years old. When the nice people at KPR took me to the vet, they found out that I have a heart condition. This means that I need to be on low blood pressure medicine for the rest of my life. My foster mom says that I am doing really well on my new medicine. I hope that you can overlook this small infirmity because I am such a lovable and sweet girl. I really like to be on the couch with my foster mom and dad. I get along with other dogs and I don’t have any problems with cats. I sure hope that you’ll consider giving me a forever home.
Adoption Donation: $225


Maxwell (# 737) is smart, active, and curious. His energy level is that of a puppy, but he is 9 years old (birthday is 11-21-00). This is one happy boy! He runs and plays with the other pug in the home and is the life of the party. He likes to play outside and just enjoys himself whatever he is doing. Recently he has taken to golf. His barking at golfers in the yard (his foster family lives on the 1st hole of a golf course!) and barking at the Golf Channel finally caught the attention of his foster dad. Since he has expressed an interest in golf he has been taken out on the golf course for a few holes. This playful pug also loves taking walks, playing tug of war, and chasing a ball. When it is time to come inside then he will tuck his tail and pout. He is the sweetest, funniest little guy.

This pug has been spoiled all his life and has had everything, yet he is very low maintenance and well behaved. He doesn’t like a plastic enclosed crate, but seems to really like a wire crate. In fact, he will even open the crate door on his own to go in and sleep or curl up inside it when his foster is ready to leave for work. He is no trouble at all. Maxwell is very loving and will get up in your lap and give kisses. He also loves to sleep cuddled up next to you or he’s content to just spend the night in the crate. He is very easy going. He minds well and gets along with others, including kids, dogs, and cats.

Maxwell is a handsome, physically fit pug that just makes you feel happy & loved. He gives lots of kisses and greets everyone he meets with his wagging double curled tail. You’ll find that this good natured pug will fit right into your home like he has been there all along. Adoption Donation - $225

Phoenix & Jack
Phoenix (# 863) and Jack (# 864) are a pair of bonded pugs that have been together ever since Phoenix was a puppy.

Phoenix is a neutered male that turned 4 in April of 2009. He has all his records and is registered with the American Canine Association. Phoenix loves to go on walks with Jack and the other dogs and also gets excited when he sees the leash. He likes to curl up with his foster brothers and sisters to take naps and loves to play tug of war with any toy he can find. As soon as he sees a human, he goes and fetches a stuffed toy to give to you so you can hold it while he shakes and pulls it as hard as he can. Phoenix also likes you to throw his stuffed toys so he can play fetch. He knows how to shake hands and is very obedient as well. Phoenix is potty trained as well as crate trained. He is very sweet and gets along with other dogs. He has not been around young children, but because of his nature he should be fine. He doesn't show any aggressive behavior.

Jack is a neutered male believed to be approximately 9 years old. Like Phoenix, as soon as Jack sees the leash he gets excited knowing he's going for a walk. He mostly sits and lies around during the day, but likes to chew on cow hooves. Jack is potty trained as well as crate trained. His eyesight isn't the best, but once he gets acclimated to his surroundings he does just fine. Jack has Bilateral Pigmentary Kerititis which requires daily eye drops. His foster mom indicates that he handles those just fine. Jack is a very gentle sweetheart and gets along fine with other dogs, but barks at the cats. He hasn't been around young children, but considering his nature he should be fine around them. He likes to shake hands and is very obedient.

Please consider giving this pair of wonderful pugs a loving forever home and double the pug love! Adoption Donation - $375


Scrappy ( # 707) is a 6 ½ year old energetic pug that enjoys being on the go. He loves car rides! He also takes 2-3 walks a day and still has energy to play with his foster family. He chews on stuffed animals, enjoys treats, and loves peanut butter.

This curious, intelligent, and sweet boy has an expressive face that melts your heart. He is housebroken. He does very well with children. He is interested in cats to the point that he will go smell them and then just go on about his merry way. He doesn't pay much attention to dogs either. His foster parents have been teaching him commands. Scrappy is not a lap dog & doesn’t need to sleep in bed with you. He’s content to sit at your feet or by your chair, as long as he’s close. Like most pugs he loves to sleep, but he doesn’t snore very loud. Scrappy does have ongoing allergies.

If you are looking for a traveling companion, then Scrappy has his bags packed and is ready to join you.Adoption Donation - $225


Meet Frankie (# 899), a 3 year old pug mix. We know one of Frankie’s parents was a pug, but we’re not quite sure what the other parent was. Nevertheless, Frankie is one cute dog, no matter what his heritage is! Frankie is a small dog, weighing about 15 pounds. When Frankie came to KPR, he tested positive for heart worm. His treatment was a success and he’s ready for his new home. Frankie quickly learned housebreaking and is crate trained. When Frankie first came into foster care, he was shy, but now he hops into his foster family’s lap, craving a scratch behind the ear or a rub on the stomach. He also likes to reward his people with lots of love and kisses.

Adoption Donation - $125


Tyson (# 321) is a walking miracle. Life was rough for this 5-6 year old pug for a while. He was underweight when rescued and diabetic. Many of you have probably seen his amazing before and after photos on this site for a while. His foster started regulating his sugar with the help of a proper diet and insulin shots. His appearance changed dramatically and he gained some much needed weight. Tyson was also blind due to cataracts when he came to KPR, but did have eye surgery in November on his right eye. Now he can see again!

As Tyson says, “A miracle happened! I went to the vet, I fell asleep, I woke up, and now I can see out of my right eye. I can see!!! I have been so happy. I do not bump into walls anymore! I run much faster because I am not scared of hitting things. I am even wrestling w/ my foster bud Wesley. I have a lot of eye drops, but I don't mind too much. I get a small treat after I get them. Mom says I go back to the eye doctor at the end of the month. I am so happy!!! I can see!!! I can see!!!”

This happy & curious little boy’s life has been completely changed by KPR and his wonderful, loving foster home. Now he is in search of the perfect ending to his story: a forever home.

You will find that this pug has the happiest disposition and can put a smile on anyone’s face. He gets so excited when his foster parents come home that he runs around in circles. He even does this at meal and snack times. He just loves and celebrates life! He loves to play, loves stuffed animals, and loves people. At night he will snuggle in bed with you.Adoption Donation - $225

Barney Barney (# 505) is a very sweet boy that makes people smile wherever he goes. Barney is 10 years ‘young’ – he runs everywhere he goes and plays longer than his foster pug friends. The vet says that Barney is the picture of health and he has many years ahead of him. Since Barney spent much of his life roaming outside on a farm, he loves to explore and is always ready for an adventure. He is compliant in whatever is asked of him and he absolutely adores being petted and played with. Barney walks well on a leash, likes to ride in the car and will follow you to the end of the earth. He is great with small children although you may have to remind him not to jump up on you or little ones. Barney does extremely well with other dogs, but like most dogs he will chase cats. He does not hurt them, but he loves a good chase. Barney has a zest for life that is contagious and energy that is boundless, won’t you give him the loving home he deserves?
Adoption Donation: $225


Edward (# 827) just turned one in January. This little guy is full of energy and he is incredibly fast. He doesn't know he is handicap and so he needs a human that doesn't notice either. Truly the only thing that holds him back is his inability to climb stairs. He is potty trained, crated trained, and plays with his furry sisters and human kids. This lovable pug is the best snuggler and the children in the home fight over who gets to sleep with him at night.

Edward is a true victim of Puppy Mills. He suffers from Dysplastic Elbows. He is unable to bear weight on his front legs. After being rescued by KPR, Edward did have corrective surgery for this condition, however it did not work as well as we had hoped. Edward now uses a cart to help him get around. It enables him to see the world from an "upright" position, to build strength in his hind legs and live a bit more of a normal life.Adoption Donation - $275


Meet Lacy (# 639), a 9 year old sweetheart whose idea of a long walk is from the couch to the refrigerator! She is a constant companion to her foster parents and is always nearby. Lacy is not a big barker, but will join her foster canine friends with a sneeze-like “woof” from her seat as they race to the door. Don’t be fooled, this sweet girl has plenty of spunk and energy; she just knows what her priorities are!

Since Lacy is prone to bladder stones, she can only eat Hill’s Prescription Diet C/D, which is readily available at your vet’s office for just a little more than premium quality food. She was declared stone free at her check up 3 months ago. Lacy is mostly housebroken and crate trained. With regular potty times and encouragement, she is usually accident free. She has also been prescribed a medication to help with bladder control.

Had Lacy’s vet not reached out to KPR, she would have been euthanized for bladder stones. Now Lacy has been given a second chance at life and love.
Adoption Donation - $225

Noodles & Daisy

Hello we are Noodles (# 603) and Daisy (# 604), a bonded pair of male and female fawn pugs. Daisy, a petite little gal, is 8 and the vet says that Noodles is at least 8, if not a bit older. Daisy prefers to be the queen of the house and would do best in a home that either has no other female dogs or has a submissive female. Daisy's foster mom says the dominance typically comes out when Daisy wants to be in the recliner with her foster mom when there are other pugs already there. Other than being insistent of her chair space, Daisy is truly a wonderful little girl. Noodles is a complete lover pug – he loves to give kisses and lie on your chest. Noodles loves to play with his stuffed toys and chase tennis balls. In fact, his foster mom says he likes to go outside and potty with the tennis ball in his mouth and if he drops it outside and forgets to bring it back in, he’ll cry until you let hi out to go find it. Since Noodles only has a few teeth, he can only eat soft dog food. Both Daisy and Noodles are completely housebroken and are terrific dogs. Please consider giving these sweet pugs a forever home.Adoption Donation - $325

These are just a FEW of the needy and deserving pugs that are available for adoption. If your heart and home is open to accepting one of the lil puggies into it, please get in touch with Kentuckian Pug Rescue or any rescue organization. If you can't bring another dog into your home please consider making a donation today.

Happy Pug Friday!

**If you know of a Pug Rescue that you would like featured on Pug Friday please leave a comment or send me an email to leavingandloving@gmail.com **

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama Jetplane

Happy 50th Birthday to the BEST mom in the whole wide world....yes I may be a little biased but OH WELL... She is wonderful.
She was a young, single mother with 2 kids and a nasty ex-husband that refused to pay child support. She is a devout Catholic, breast cancer survivor who loves to cook, garden, and lay out in her pool with a wine cooler (yes my mom loves her a wine cooler). She is a hell of a lady that prefers to wear heels and jewelry no matter where she is going. That's my mom and I love her....even though she refused to accept I had straight hair and made me get perms...in the kitchen sink.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Thank you for putting up with me during my teenage years, I was quite a handful.

Thank you for taking me to the New Kids on the Block when you had the flu.

Thank you for showing me how much love can come from a single mom.

Thank you for allowing us to attend private school, dance lessons, play sports, etc. on 1 income.

Thank you for paying for my college education.
Thank you for making the best Halloween costumes.

Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on when I felt the world around me falling down.
Thank you for attending every one of my dance recitals, contests, and pageants.

Thank you for reminding me to not let stupid boys get me down.

Thank you for showing me what a strong woman is.

Thank you for teaching me how to cook.
Thank you for driving to Indianapolis with me to pick out my first apartment and loaning me furniture to fill it with.
Thank you for showing me how one can go through so much and still remain positive.
Thank you for every single thing you have ever done for me and my lil brother.
Thank you for being our mother.

Love you.
Friday, August 6, 2010

Pug Friday - PugHearts Houston Pug Rescue

Hello everyone and Happy Pug Friday!

As I mentioned last week, I am going to be highlighting pug rescues across the country for the next couple of weeks...if not longer. These non-profit organizations are true labors of love and we can get one lil puggie adopted due to this blog, I will be the happiest camper in the world.

First up, I would like to introduce you to PugHearts - Houston Pug Rescue.

Meet Stewie (left) and Charlie (right). Stewie was adopted by us a few months ago when he was relinguised by his owners due to unforeseen circumstances. Charlie is our little fella from England, and a dedicated swimmer. He spent most of the afternoon teaching Stewie how to swim. Look at their faces - would you not want to have a Pug smiling at you like that? Fill out an adoption application today. Please.

"Pug Hearts of Houston Pug Rescue is a true 501(c)(3) non-profit charity founded in the Houston area by dedicated pug owners and lovers. Our mission is the rescue, rehabilitation and permanent placement of needy pugs into loving homes."

Pug Hearts has successfully rescued 600 dogs since 2/2007 and currently have 97 available.

Let's take a look at some of these cutie pies in need of good homes.


Abigail is a fawn female. We estimate she is around 3 years old. This poor little girl was found wandering the streets, following a homeless man for companionship. This sweet girl hasn't been cared for by anyone for quite some time. Sadly, she has tested positive for hAdd Imageeartworms. She will begin treatment soon. She has been spayed and we've brought her current on her vaccinations. From Abby's Foster: Abby is very intelligent. She has picked up on her name very quickly and understands many commands, including sitting, lay down and cookie (doggie snack). She is the happiest pug we have seen and loves to play and run. She loves stuff animals and will play fetch. She would do best with a family with children that can play with her. She also loves to sit on laps and give kisses. She is mostly housebroken but does have occasional accidents. She is an alpha dog that can be aggressive to other dogs when they show signs of aggression. Abby has spent her time on the streets and now wants that cozy home and a permanent family that will pamper her.


Billy is a fawn male. He is 3 years old. He comes to us from a local kill shelter. He's a little guy, only 15 lbs, very cute and lovey. He is heartworm positive and will begin treatment shortly.


Bronx is a black male. He is just 3 years old. He was an owner surrender to a local animal control facility when they found out he was heartworm positive. He was literally moments away from being euthanized when a volunteer from another rescue organization intervened and saved him. They then contacted us to see if we wanted him and of course we never turn any pug away, regardless of their health issues. This sweet little guy will begin heartworm treatment shortly.


Diamond is a fawn female. She comes to us from a local puppy mill. She is 5 years old but her body has been through a lot in that time. She has now been spayed and is current on her vaccinations. She is heartworm negative. From Diamond's foster: Meet Miss Diamond. She sure is a gem of a girl. Diamond came to us from a puppy mill, so she hasn't had a very good life thus far. It thankfully has not killed her spirit though. Now that she knows how a pug SHOULD be treated - she has really come around and is loving the attention. She has a sweet face with a tongue that partially sticks out about 95% of the time. She could melt you with her pouty look. She is a pretty calm gal, although she does have her moments that prompt her to zip around the back yard or roll around on her back. She recently has found the enjoyment of chewing on a bone - this is always such a special thing when puppy mill dogs learn what fun toys are! J She has also learned how nice it is to sleep on a big comfy bed! Diamond does very well with other dogs.Diamond is heartworm negative, and overall very healthy. Her poor paws are pretty spread out from spending most of her life in a wire crate (with no bottom). The cysts that were between her toes are going away thankfully, and she is not in any pain. She is actually doing pretty well with housebreaking. She knows to go outside, but hasn't quite learned how to 'tell us' that she has to go. She's getting there though! She uses a piddle pad when we are gone during long periods of time, as we prefer not to crate her any more.

Franki is a fawn female. She is 7 years old and is an owner surrender. She is heartworm negative. She has been spayed, microchipped and is current on her vaccinations. She is blind but is in good health overall.From Franki's foster: She is blind, but does not realize this is not normal. Franki seems to "see" with her ears and feet. She does not run into things and is a very active girl. She loves to cuddle and be with her people, at home and out on the town. Franki has some skin allergies and will need to be kept flea free and on quality food. We are told she has a history of seizures, but we have seen to signs of this being an active problem. Franki is a special needs pug. However, she needs more love and cuddling than she does intensive medical care.


Haus is a fawn male. He is 8 years old. He is an owner surrender. He is in excellent health. He is heartworm negative. He has been neutered, microchipped and is current on his vaccinations.


Jane is a wonderful fawn female. She comes to us from a local shelter where her owner surrendered her due to her age. We think there's nothing wrong with an "experienced" pug, so we snapped her up and promised her a new (better) home. She is heartworm negative and is current on her vaccinations. But most importantly, she is a lively little girl with personality plus! From Jane's foster: Jane is one of the most beautiful senior girls I know. She is 10-12 years old. She was taken by her "family" to a local shelter to be put down. There is NOTHING wrong with her...except she is a little bossy to the young pugs.Jane is great. I call her Mama Bug, because she likes to keep the young ones in line. She will run after them barking if she thinks they are being too noisy or playing too rough. She really works to keep Jasper in line He is her special project. I love her. I have many fosters that come through my home, but Jane holds a special place in my heart. She is such a darling, squishy girl and she needs a great family that will spoil her rotten for the remainder of her life.


Josie is a 6 year old fawn female. She comes to us from a local animal shelter and it is believed that this poor little girl was a puppy mill survivor. She how now been spayed, microchipped and brought up to date on her vaccinations. Thankfully she is heartworm negative. She does have degenerative hip disease, which means her hips are weak. She would be ideally suited to a home with no stairs or with a family that doesn't mind carrying her up and down. She's a sweet girl who is learning to love attention and deserves to find out what it's like to be somebody's cherished pet.

LUNALuna is a black female. She comes to us from an animal control facility. She is 4 years old. She is severe heartworm positive and will begin treatment shortly. She also has a luxating patella and a bad left hip. We believe she had been used for breeding previously. She has now been spayed and is current on her vaccinations.From Luna's foster: Luna is one beautiful little Puggie girl!!! She is very small and has the sweetest face. She was really quite shy when she first arrived, but over the course of a few weeks has made so much progress it's amazing. She is right in the mist of everyone else now seeking to get her share of the attention. She is quite excited when she first gets on my lap but after a little petting and calming down she loves to just be held. She is very happy to give as many Puggie kisses as you want. She gets on extremely well with other dogs (including my daughter's Great Dane) and, typical of a Pug, loves everyone that comes to visit. She also has very good house manners. While some Pugs with Luna's history of breeding find the adjustment to being in a home quite challenging she seems to be quite satisfied with a nice soft bed, regular meals and a lap to cuddle on. She will give some lucky family years of entertainment and love.


Meera is a fawn female who we estimate to be 5 years old. She is heart-worm positive and will begin treatment soon. She has been spayed, microchipped and brought current on her vaccinations.From Meera's foster: We believe Meera came from a puppy mill. It was obvious that she had never been inside a home or even eaten out of a food bowl before. She was neglected and was extremely underweight. As a result of the abuse she was very fearful of people. But it only took a matter of days before she realized what she had been missing. A warm lap, people to love on her and a comfortable bed to sleep was all it took to transform her into a grateful and sweet little lady. She had to learn everything about living inside of a home and how to share it with people, children and other dogs. Meera is now housebroken and crate trained. She doesn't fear people but still flinches if you move too fast towards her. She is a very sweet lap dog and is curious about what is going on in the house. She follows us around in hopes that she gets a touch or even a smile. She gets along great with all of the dogs that she has met. She does still get excited when it is feeding time. She has learned that she will only get food when she responds correctly to the command sit and must wait patiently for her food bowl. She loves to chew on rawhides and has learned to play with toys. Meera loves to cuddle with both people and her furry friends. She is usually laid back; she is not the alpha type but does stand her ground when challenged. She is a wonderful little soul with all the appreciation and love that I have seen in puppy mill dogs. Meera would make a wonderful dog for any type of family because I have seen how easily she can adapt to new situations.


Mitch is a fawn male. He is 2 years old. He came to us when a local puppymill was shut down. He had been suffering from hookworms and a left eye injury. The worms have been cleared but the eye could not be saved. Thankfully he isn't suffering from anymore pain though and is adjusting well to one eye. Thankfully he is heartworm negative and is good overall health now. He has been neutered, microchipped and is current on his vaccinations.
Phil is a sweet fawn male. He came to us from a local shelter, so not much is known about him. We estimate he is between 8 to 10 years old. He has been brought current on his vaccinations, microchipped and neutered. He does have 'dry eye' that is so common in pugs. Due to this he has suffered some vision loss. He is on medicated drops and will need those daily for the rest of his life. Otherwise he is in very good health with no further issues.UPDATE from Phil's foster Mom: Dr. Phil - True to his namesake DR Phil is a handsome gent who aspires to have his own talk show. He is a loyal fellow who would gladly guard hearth and home with his mighty little bark and his keen wit. In between his rehearsing he likes nothing more than a soft toy, a kind word and a soft lap to snuggle. He actually may just have the perfect puggie tail with just the right little twist. He has it all- personality, charm, loyalty and an analytical side should you need a kind soul to talk to - making him a lot of personality in a compact package.He is not fond of cats ( he knows what they are thinking) but might consider them on a bun with horse radish- just kidding - he barks and they saunter away.

Samantha is a fawn female. She is about 6 years old. She has been spayed, microchipped and is now current on her vaccinations. She is in excellent health.From her foster: Samantha is a sweetie! She acts like she's about 2 - she loves to play with toys and other dogs. She gets on very well with our crew. She would probably do best in a house with other dogs. She is learning what a cat is and not to chase it! She appears good with kids.She knows basic commands like Sit, as well as how to play fetch. She even knows how to swim! She is completely housebroken and knows how to use a doggie door. She loves attention and will follow you from room to room. She'll sleep at our feet when we're watching TV but at bedtime she likes to sleep in the big bed with us. She doesn't snore too badly, but when she's awake she does snort quite a lot. Her tongue just barely sticks out almost all the time. She's a very sweet, loving girl who would make a great family pet.
These are just a few of the lovable and in need pugs that are current adoptable through PugHearts. Please take a look at the site and learn more about adoption, the pug breed, and see if your home and/or heart could be a fit for one of these puggies.
Happy Pug Friday!
p.s. If you know of, or are involve with, a Pug Rescue and would like it to be featured on an upcoming Pug Friday, please send information to leavingandloving@gmail.com
Thank you for all the emails I received last Friday, I greatly appreciate it and look forward to calling attention to these great organizations and the pugs that they help.
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