Pug Friday - The Royal Wedding Edition
Even with all the joy and happiness this morning, I would be remiss to not comment on the horrible destruction that America has faced in the past few days. My heart is heavy with the tragic and scary news coming from the Midwest and Southern regions of our country. The Jetplanes have called both of those places home. My aches for the pain and sorrows that all are experiencing. My heart is also heavy for those service members lost this week in Afghanistan at the Kabul Airport.
Its been a rough week and I am happy to share a smile and a few joyous tears this morning due to the Royal Wedding.
photo credit
I LOVE my latest addition
Since Mr left I'll admit I haven't done all much on the inside of our casa. I've been focused on all the stuff that needs to be on the outside.
But I did recently purchase and get this lil cutie framed. And now its found a home in our kitchen.

What Deployment Looks Like Part III
Up and until now I think I let myself think he was just on TDY and would be back in a month or so. But sadly that is not the case. My husband is at war. Yeah that's a strange and surreal thing to think about it. He is doing well or as well as can be expected. They fly everyday and there are no days off.
So what does life look like right now...well here it is in words sans pictures...
1. Having a cell phone attached to you at all times and panic when you can't find your charger.
2. Knowing that 0000123456 is Skype calling your cell phone.
3. Waking up at 3am and reading an email you got from your husband telling you good morning.
4. Perhaps having an adult beverage or 2 on a particularly bad Tuesday night. (from your comfort of your couch)
5. Refusing to watch or delete your hubby's favorite shows that the DVR records.
6. Meeting up at your girlfriend's house and running late to a movie because she's Skyping with her husband. Obviously you are more than happy to be late.
7. Feeling the pain of your hubby calling you at 11am during the week and you're on a conference call and can't talk.
8. Letting the dogs cuddle with you in bed from 6am - 7am which is a huge no no in our house when Mr is home.
That's what my life looks like right now...glamorous no?
Pug Friday - TGIF

1. Sugar Free is toxic to dogs.
2. A $1 pack of gum can cost you whole lot more.
3. I love my lil puggie more than ever.
4. I no longer chew gum...well at least not for a while.
5. Deployment still sucks.
Happy Pug Friday Everyone. I hope everyone has a lovely Easter.
Milo Update
I got to pick him up last night. He is on meds and we'll get his levels checked tomorrow night. But we're looking good. His blood sugar got into the 100s yesterday afternoon after a 2nd IV. The lil guy appears to be back to normal around here.
Thank you all for your love and support. Dealing with this, especially while Mr. is deployed makes things suck on a whole new level.
p.s. they are both on preventive liver meds since we know they both ate the gum.
Yesterday was...a no good very bad day

Generally they are pretty good, they sleep, look out the windows, and sleep some more. I got off a call and went into the family room to the let them out. They usually go outside from around 12:30 - 2:30 or so. I let them out around 1:30 due to my calls. Once they were out I saw something on the floor. It was what was left of a packet of Sugar Free Strawberry Orbit gum. The gum had been in my purse and someone (I assumed Milo) had jumped up on to couch and got in my purse. But to be honest I didn't really know which one had done it.
I didn't think too much of it and I mentioned it on Twitter. Thankfully later that day I received tweets from people warning me how dangerous Sugar Free gum is and that it contains Xylitol. Xylitol is toxic in dogs and can cause their livers to fail. I had absolutely no idea.
I called the vet, who at first didn't seem to concerned (she later admitted she hadn't seen much of this before). I brought both of them in. They both were made to throw up and got their levels checked. They had both ate some of the gum. Charlie's levels were fine but I had to feed him charcoal when we got home and he's on preventive liver meds.
Poor lil Milo is a different story. His blood sugar dropped from 82 to 65. He had to stay over night and be put on an IV. Vet called me around 9:30 last night, his numbers were back up to 82 and she was going to give him the liver meds around 11pm.
Needless to say I was and am still a total mess. Milo is almost 8 and has been with me through everything. I got him when I was living in Indy after college. He is my lil buddy and it breaks my heart that he is going thru this.
Mr. Jetplane called this morning around 3am before heading out on his mission. We talked yesterday afternoon and I told him about the gum before I knew we were in any danger. So when he received my 5 emails from yesterday and could tell I was really upset he called. He knew I wouldn't care if he woke up in the middle of the night.
I'm hopeful we caught it all in time and this episode will have a happy, albeit expensive ending.
Thank you to the wonderful world of Twitter and my fellow pug lovers out there who made me take action yesterday.
Love you all more than you'll ever know.
Pug Friday

Have a great Friday :)
image can be found hereHello Hello Hello
Lost a friend...
Side note - Please be careful out on the roads. Life is so very fragile. This is my 2nd friend in less than 6 months that was involved in a serious car accident. Take care out there people, for your sake and for the sake of others.
From the bottom of my heart...
I apologize I have no makeup on and may have shed a few tears...
Pug Friday

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