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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We're Back...

That bitch Paula and U.S. Airways ain't goin to keep me out Mexico for wedding...

I promise to fill you in on all the juicy details from the wedding weekend which included

1 drunk husband and 3 orders of room service club sandwiches that he passed out before he ate

1 jump into the pool during the reception (perhaps not fully clothed...this was not drunk husband)

1 fabulous couple who got married on a beach (with 2 beautiful dresses)

1 hell of a day before the trip trying to get down there after my flight was cancelled

But it was all worth it!!

p.s. due to trip, previous flu before trip, and laziness I fell off the fit train for Project Get Sexy...I ran today, it was NOT PRETTY!!! Mr told me that for every week you don't run you lose 2 weeks of training...well I've been bad for 2 weeks so you do the painful math there :(


PinkSass said...

Can't wait for the full recap!

I'm sorry you lost two weeks. I was thinking yesterday that I'll have to keep running FOREVER so that I don't lose the miles I've gained. That's a long time..yikes!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the full story! Good luck with getting back into the swing of things!

K. Kiran Graves said...

Cant wait to hear about your trip. Glad you're back. Re: Proj Get Sexy.... two weeks for every week!? I may as well begin again... again. UGH!!!!

Giving my crown to a new mrs idaho 2011 said...

Please join us for the Mrs. Idaho Pageant. I just know you would make a great Mrs. Idaho

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