What's Happening....

Pug Friday
This Pug Friday is extra special and Milo has something very important to share, right?

These 3 lovely bloggers started baking treats as a way to help raise money for Kentuckian Pug Rescue. After baking for a few events, they thought about it and decided that it might be fun to start their own business selling homemade dog treats, alas Pugs in the Kitchen was born.
Pugs in the Kitchen prides itself on baking quality dog treats. If a customer has a dog with an allergy, they encourage them to contact them and they will do their best to find their dog a suitable treat to fit their needs. They offer a small selection of dog toys and as well as a wide selection of dog collar charms. They will ship anywhere in the U.S. for a flat rate of $5.00. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact them at info@pugsinthekitchen.com.
Pugs in the Kitchen is currently hosting a giveaway for a free gift basket. The contest ends at midnight on Dec. 18th, so enter now.
Happy Pug Friday!
A Date that will live in Infamy
Hawaiian Vacay Post 1

Pug Friday - Its Beginning to Look alot like Christmas
Holiday Hangover

We had quite a busy weekend. I have a lot share with you and I promise to make good on it. I just downloaded all our pictures but I haven't gotten to my luggage yet. Anyone else hate unpacking as much as me.
I had to drop Mr off at base this morning at 0530. He's TDY in Florida for 2 weeks...I know he did just get home and we're already saying our goodbyes again...
Hope everyone has awaken from the food comas and back into the swing of things.


Can't wait to share some photos and details from the trip. It was amazing just to get to spend some QT with the Mr, we definitely needed it. Too bad he's leaving for 2 weeks after Thanksgiving...such is the life in an operational flying squadron... not even home 2 months and already gone on a TDY.
Gonna go grocery shopping, watch some of our DVR and then head to bed...this lil lady is dragging.
You're gonna have to excuse me...
Be back in a few...hopefully tan, happy, and relaxed :)
Pug Friday - Happy Veterans Day

I know I'm gonna take some time and love on mine today :)
Here's where I need your help...
As some may know, Mr. Jetplane bought me a nice, new camera for my birthday this year. I've started trying to learn this new fangled contraption and I'm really enjoying it. This lil man got plenty of work in over our recent homecomings and I have since volunteered to be the squadron photographer for all (or most) of the events that we host/attend.
So here's where you come in...what else do I need...what do you suggest...
I have a Canon Rebel T1i EOS.
Christmas is coming up and I plan on asking for things associated with the camera. I need editing software - what software is the best (not the most expensive). I need a light thingy (yes that's technical for you) that attaches to the top of the camera. What other lens do you suggest?
Apologies if I sound like a total idiot...but I kinda am when it comes to all this. I have been looking up things online but I thought I would ask for guidance from the all-knowing Internet. I know there are plenty of budding photographers out there...can you help a sista out :)
Thank you!
UPDATE: Thank you for the help. I should say that I do have the EFS 18-55 lens. I thought that came with my camera standard, but I guess I am wrong.
Pug Friday
Time to get snuggling with my favorite boys, which obviously includes my lil hunk of puggie loving, Milo.
shh...don't tell Mr. Jetplane he's on the top of the couch...
P.S. I just got an IPhone last weekend, now that Sprint has them :) So I've been trying to figure it all out. Any suggestions for apps? Can someone tell me what Hey Tell is all about ?
Happy Pug Friday!
Happy Halloween

Oh yeah I have wondrous skills with my blackberry camera.
We had a great time out with our friends. But I can confess, waking up in a pirate costume and tights on a couch with a serious hangover is not as glamorous as one would think...
And as a reward for sticking through this horrid pieced together post thought I would share with you the following....
Happy Halloween!
Pug Friday - Halloween Edition

I hope this 80s movie reference isn't lost on some of you...because this is FUNNY!!! This puggie is making MJ Fox proud!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone...stay safe and have fun. I'm still trying to figure out a costume :(
the SKINNY on WW

Pug Friday

Mr. and I will be attending the Boise State v. Air Force game tomorrow, tailgating and all.
Ask and You Shall Receive

It was a glorious day! So happy to have my man home. God bless all those who serve this great country. Godspeed to the squadron that replaced ours.
not a moment too soon...

But cue the panic that I will be in a bathing suit in just a few weeks.
Pug Friday
Have a wonderful weekend :)
well...hello there

its the little things...
So happy to have him home...
Just keeping it real...
Our life is almost back to normal...as you can see :)
I hope to share with you more in the coming days... off to enjoy a couple's massage this afternoon with my husband :)
Today is the DAY

My cup runneth over...
Thank you all for your kind words and support during this time. It means more than you'll ever know. I continue to pray for the squadron that is replaced Mr. Jetplane's and all those currently deployed. God Bless and Godspeed.
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