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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Giveaway Time

Hello all...I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather. I'll be honest the heat just made its way out here into the land of potatoes, aka Idaho, aka where we (sorry I) now reside.

Now that summer is officially upon us all and I'm happy to announce a wonderful giveaway. I was honored to be contacted to host a giveaway for Country Crock and the Wounded Warrior Project.

Reflecting its commitment to wounded warriors and their families/caregivers, Country Crock has partnered with Wounded Warrior Project, an organization established to raise awareness and provide air for injured service members. As part of the alliance, Country Crock has committed $100,000 to the non-profit organization. In addition, Country Crock has created a specially marked tub that will be on the shelves through the end of August and its my goal to get you all involved as well.

Now here's the exciting part...Country Crock has customized a patriotic kit, just in time for all your summer festivities. And I have a kit to giveaway to 1 lucky reader.

The kit includes an eco-friendly tote bag, a picnic blanket, sturdy plastic plates with utensils, corn on the cob holders, a patriotic cup, an American Flag, a cute "corn pen", and last but not least a specially marked tub of Country Crock to enjoy. That's almost everything you need to enjoy a great family picnic.

So what do you need to do to win? Its pretty simple. Please leave a comment here and receive 1 entry. You can feel discuss the Wounded Warrior Project and the wonderful work that they do for our service members and their families. Or you can feel free to leave your favorite summer recipe that can be enjoyed at your next family outing.

Do you want more entries....If you tweet this blog post, please include @mrsjetplane and receive 2 (that's 2) additional entries.

Also, I highly recommend visiting http://www.countrycrock.com/ and making a donation to Wounded Warrior Project. As the 4th of July rolls around, please take a moment to think about and thank those brave men and women that have fought, and continue to fight, for our country.

Enter NOW!!! I'll select 1 winner a week from today on Thursday, July 7th. (a day before my favorite fly boy's bday!)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Deployment Looks Like Part 4

1. I was driving to Boise and on the other side of the highway was a huge group of motorcycle riders, probably 100 or more. They were sporting American and POW flags. I drove for about 5 minutes and kept seeing more and more in the line. And then the tears came...and came...and came.

2. Sometimes when I shower before I go to bed I use Mr. Jetplane's body wash. I like the smell on me when I fall asleep. It feels like he's almost there.

3. The other day, while on Skype, I had to run to the bathroom. Mr. Jetplane told me to put the camera on the dogs, even though they were past out on the ground sleeping. He loves getting to see them even if they have no clue what's going on.

4. I send Mr. Jetplane cards in care packages that are 'written' by the dogs. He might have gotten a Father's Day Card :)

5. This came in the mail this week. I purposely asked for it to be shipped in August. Oh well its early. I wish he'd make it home early too.

6. I have blown through the first 2 seasons of Dexter. Mr. started watching it over there so I want to watch and be able to discuss it with him as well. I have no idea why I haven't been watching it. Its totally awesome. Sadly, Season 3 and on aren't on Instant Que for Netflix. I have to wait till next week to start Season 3.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Weighed in for my 2nd week in a round with Weight Watchers last night....

I didn't loose any weight which makes me a....

I didn't gain any so I guess that should make me happy...right?

Well in all honesty with a loss of 3.4 lbs last week I didn't think I'd do all that well this week in the weigh loss effort. At 5'2", 3.4lbs in a week is quite a lot for me. My body doesn't like to let go of the weight, especially not in a timely manner. Hopefully next week I can knock it out of the park. 1-2 lbs a week would make me a very happy girl.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Summer hasn't quite reached us out here in the land of potatoes.... But that doesn't stop me from dreaming of laying on a beach somewhere warm with my main man... Can't wait till deployment is over and can enjoy a much needed vacay....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pug Friday

Hello and Happy Pug Friday Everyone. Thank you all so much for your kind words/tweets about starting Weight Watchers. You all are the best.

Today's Pug Friday picture I saw and it immediately brought a smile to my face, and after the crazy work week I've had I needed a smile.

I hope is does the same to you.

Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Early Father's Day!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Putting it all out there....

Hello all. Its time to come clean. If you've been following my Twitter then this isn't news to you, but I started Weight Watchers last week.

I'll admit I've never participated in a diet program before so at first I kinda of felt like I had failed myself by needing to ask for help. Also, when I told 2 of my friends (2 very skinny, athletic girlfriends) they looked at me like...why? ugh :(

In the past I just ate better (or tried to) and worked out. I have only really wanted to lose weight twice in my life.

First, during my Freshman year of college. I gained weight like most girls do. I went from hella active in high school and consuming.... McDonald's almost everyday for lunch only to be out done with a donut and Coke for breakfast. God you have to love metabolism and cheerleading...they do wonderful things for you. I was at 105 lbs at 1 point....oh that was a glorious time. But alas that didn't last when I went to college....for all the obvious reasons. During winter break I was on a mission to lose weight and I did lose around 7-10 lbs. Did I do it the healthy way....ummm no not really. I ate fruit (particularly oranges) for breakfast, lunch, and had a small meal for dinner. I also walked a few miles everyday.

The 2nd time I needed to loose weight was before my wedding. I lost 15lbs. I did it through eating right and exercising. Mr. Jetplane and I worked out together, even though I hated every minute of it. I couldn't afford a trainer and my schedule was so crazy I needed to work out when I could fit it in.

But now with him gone I don't have that person to push me and keep me accountable. So I decided that I needed to do this for me and do it now. I'm unhappy with my body and its time that I actually do something instead of complain. I'll admit the eating portion is generally pretty easy for me but the working out is the hard part. Oh...and the booze. I love me some wine and cocktails. I know I drank myself into part of this situation. Deployment and pre-deployment didn't help. Those extra 'empty' calories are part of my own demise.

But with all that being said, I had my 1st weigh in yesterday. I was slightly worried. I didn't go over my 29 points all week except on Friday and Saturday nights. I was saving those extra 49 points for the nights out with the ladies. I knew I'd consume close to all 49 points between the food and booze. I also didn't work out as much as I had hope last week. I chose to wear the lightest tunic I could find to the weigh in and guess what? I lost weight. I lost 3.4 pounds. That's great, especially for a 5'2" person like me.

So now I'm excited. Success makes you excited. I hope to keep you all informed of my progress. I'm hoping to be smoking hot by the time Mr. Jetplane comes home.
Friday, June 10, 2011

Pug Friday - Oh Happy Day!

Its Pug Friday people....so happy its the freaking weekend, aren't you? Got any big plans? I'm going out to dinner tonight with a girlfriend for a belated birthday celebration. Then on Saturday we have a ladies night out with the squadron wives. A nice dinner and drinks are well deserved.

We're almost 1/2 way through this dreaded deployment. 1/2 way is a hard term to nail down since their departure from country is so up in the air (no pun in intended). But I'll take it...we're almost 1/2 way done...woo hoo.

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Pug Friday.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3 Years Ago Today...

I married the man I adore, the man that makes my world go round, and the man that brings a smile to my face.

I am so thankful that he is my husband and I am honored to be called his wife. Mr. Jetplane is a man's man and I love that about him. He makes me feel safe and cared for. He is dependable and reliable. He is honest and trustworthy. He is a hard worker and never sees a limit to what he can do.

He is a big kid and will never grow up. He is a go-getter and helps make me want to be more everyday. He is a true partner in my life and I so grateful that he wanted to spend his life with me.

This isn't an easy life. But its our life and I'll walk hand and hand with this man through any and every challenge that could stand in our way.

There is not another man in this world that knows me, the real me, the way Mr. Jetplane does. Its refreshing to be married to a man that knows everything about me - the good, the bad, and the ugly and loves me anyway. There is no sugar coating with us. We're real with each other at all times. We are partners in crime and are truly each other's best friend.

Happy Anniversary Babe. I love you more today than yesterday and I can't wait till you're back home where you belong.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Pug Friday

Thank you all for the lovely words yesterday for my birthday, I greatly appreciate that all.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 becomes 31

Today is my birthday.
Today I turn the big 31.
30 seemed like no biggie but I'll be honest the 3-1 is definitely getting to me.

Here's to being in my thirties...and here's to a lot of great things happening in the next year.
Reading Material