Our Own Private Idaho

TODAY is the DAY
That I wake up and can't breathe out my nose...and hardly out my mouth.
That I wake up and realize that I didn't put my car in the garage and its raining....oh and my sun roof is open.
That I have 3 projects due and none will be finished by the end of the day.
That we find out if we're staying in North Carolina and Mr deploying in August.
That we find out if we're moving to Jolly ol England.
That we find out if we're moving to Idaho and becoming Idahoians (sp?).
That we find out where we will be for the next 3 years and in the life of this military wife...that feels like an eternity.
Bring on 5 o'clock, my heart can't take the suspense any longer...
I don't know why but this song for some reason became the Jetplanes theme song for the weekend...seriously it was on the radio every other time we were in the car...
Pug Friday - TGIF
In order of this week's Pug Friday I bring you this lovely lil shot...you might be seeing Mrs. Jetplane in a similar pose, on a non-floral couch, tonight...

Picture found here
Hello Mr. Jetplane's Mouth...Insert Foot

We Are the Champions...

Here we are victorious and after over 6 hours of playing and watching other games...finally around 12:30am we had won...we were delighted but exhausted. (And I am one hot, sweaty mess)

It was a great night...I'm a really competitive person and I knew we had a good team, but I didn't know we could win. We've been practicing every week but we had 2 newbies (me and my gf who's hubby is in Mr's class) had never played before, I thought for sure we'd be out by the 2nd round.
Pug Friday

Oh HAPPY Day!!
He took my advice and shaved it for the funeral...I told him it wasn't an appropriate time or place to have this goofy mustache, especially since it was going to be a military funeral.
But you see, Mr. Jetplane had fooled me because he told me that he hadn't shaved it, so needless to say I was shocked (in a good way) when I picked him up.
I couldn't stop kissing him last night, so happy to see my hubby's gorgeous face back to normal. But sadly it won't last, we're only 1/2 through the Month of March aka Mustache March, so he's back growing it again...
Wish me luck....and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Warning TwiHards...this AIN'T Edward Cullen

Anyone else seen it...thoughts???
Mustache March Update

Pug Friday - Mustache March Edition

RIP Corey Haim
I'm so sad that his life ended in such a tragic way. I know his drug abuse and addiction issues have been well documented. And I admit I did watch "The 2 Coreys" on A&E, but I had hoped he'd be able to turn it out.
In my eyes he'll always be Les Anderson from License to Drive.
For your enjoyment and since I'm a bad blogger...here's something for you to laugh at.
Pug Friday - So Happy Its Friday Edition

Have a great weekend!!
What's YOUR Song??
For those of you that don't know the story of the Jetplanes, well that's a long one and will not make it all in this post...sorry. But let's us stay, the military wasn't initially part of the plan. Falling in love with a man that was going into the military was never a future this 'career' girl had in mind when she met Mr. Jetplane for our 1st date at the TGIFridays in Indy (that is now a Crate and Barrel).
But all those things happened and caused a lot of tension between us when Mr. Jetplane found out that he'd been accepted into Officer Training School, and would eventually be traveling all over the country (and world) for the next 20 years. Where did that leave me with my career and life, at that time in Indy. He didn't know if I was 'the one' that he was going to marry and I didn't know if he was "the one" either. But he knew he didn't want to me to resent him for changing my career and possibly my life goals, for him.
So what did he do, well like any scared boy, he broke up with me....Yeah he sure did, and he tried to do over email while we were both at work...yeah he sure did...
But I wouldn't let that happen, and I forced him to come to my apartment that night and break it off if that's what he wanted to do. I questioned his reasonings and I could tell he definitely wasn't firm in them. I could tell he was shaken and upset by this decision he'd made.
Well little did I know then (what I know now) that he got in his truck to drive himself home that night and put on this song...
And he proceed to listen to the song the entire month we were broken up...
It made him realize his feelings for me and whether or not, we were supposed to be together forever, he knew he didn't want to lose us...
Obviously we did end up back together, thanks to ME, and that my children is also another tale for another time...
So needless to say, this had to be the Jetplanes wedding song, right???
To all you lovely readers...what is your song? Any story behind it?
Welcome to my own personal hell...
Yes friends, March has reared its ugly head which means Mr. Jetplane and all his goofy ass flyboys grow mustaches (or attempt to in some cases).
As I have said it before, and I'll say it again....I F'IN HATE FACIAL HAIR. This month is going to suck hard for me, but also Mr. Jetplane. BELIEVE THAT.
I'll keep you updated with weekly pics of this horrible mustache. I have a feeling Mr. Jetplane is going to look like a bad imitation of this...

Or being sporting a total Chester the Molester stache...either way I'm so grossed out by his whole thing...
Last year he was in Texas the entire month so I NEVER had to see it. He got kicked out of a bar one night out with friends, he told me he thought it was because of his sweet, sweet stache...he said he was sure it angered people or made them totally jealous of his ability to grow his sweet, sweet stache... YUCK!!!
So here's a little history for you about Mustache March.
How I go from semiformal to punk rock in 1 night...

(Here are the Jetplanes at the end of the dinner)

There was all the rules of Mess that had to be followed..no clapping allowed must hit table with spoon, you can't leave to go to the bathroom until it is granted by the President of the Mess, etc. etc.
Then there is this thing called the "Grog Bowl" which is a bowl (sometimes Toilet Bowl) where each squadron donates booze and 'other' substances to it. The mixture is stirred and people are toasted and asked to drink from it. Its gross and funny all at the same time. Commander's wives were not spared and all of them in attendance (past and present) drank from the bowl. I would have thrown up, especially since I knew that our squadron donated Everclear and Ranch Dressing....yeah disgusting.
Here I am with some of the other wives from our training squadron, all our husbands are in class together. The blue fans were on the tables, our tables were decorated blue, plus fans were made of feathers...and we're Eagles...get it?!?
The dinner ended and low and below my husband is alittle intoxicated....drinking Johnny Walker Black I think can do that to a person, right? So I was the designated driver, driving us and another couple to an after party at one of the guy's in his class's house. We all got in the car, and as I was closing the door to the driver's seat. I realized that I couldn't really reach my door very well with my dress on. It wasn't tight, but I seemed to be sitting on it in an odd way. I stretched out and slammed the door shut. Then I felt a rush of coldness down my back. Well the top portion of my dress is open so I thought that might be it. But then that rush of coldness went down all the way to my rearend. I swore I could feel the satin lining of my coat on my back...no that certainly couldn't be it...I then slid my hand under my coat and what did I find... Oh just the entire zipper of my desk busted from my bra strap down past my butt....Oh yeah...
So we are in route to the after party and I'm looking for a drug store to go buy safety pins, and my drunk passengers are sure they can fix my dress. (I find out that our CVSs and Walgreens aren't 24 hrs...damn them) Mr. Jetplane even calmly responses... "Don't worry babe...I fix my backpack all the time when the zipper does that..." Ummmm...Jackass!! My dress isn't your backpack!
So needless to say we got the party and while Mr Jetplane attempted to fix my dress, another wife who happens to live in the subdivision, annoyed with her drunk husband, and wants to get out of her shoes/dress, offers to take me to her house and we can fix my dress.
Low and below, homegirl had like 100+ safety pins. At my house, you're lucky to find 1 when you need it...
So this is house my dress looked at the after party....
Nice huh? I just told everyone, I was going for that Punk Rock look... I really didn't care if you saw my bar strap...I was concerned about the rest of my back and my underwear.
Yeah it was quite a night...
FYI - Everyone LOVED my shoes...even the guys!
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- Our Own Private Idaho
- TODAY is the DAY
- Pug Friday - TGIF
- Hello Mr. Jetplane's Mouth...Insert Foot
- We Are the Champions...
- Pug Friday
- Oh HAPPY Day!!
- Warning TwiHards...this AIN'T Edward Cullen
- Mustache March Update
- Pug Friday - Mustache March Edition
- RIP Corey Haim
- Apologies...
- Pug Friday - So Happy Its Friday Edition
- What's YOUR Song??
- Welcome to my own personal hell...
- How I go from semiformal to punk rock in 1 night...