Pug Friday - Halloween a lil early
What's better than cutie putie pugs...well pugs dressed up in costume...DUH!!!

Just a lil taste...
Next up is our entry way. I love it and sorry I don't have better close up pictures.
Paula can't ruin this day...

We're Back...

I promise to fill you in on all the juicy details from the wedding weekend which included
1 drunk husband and 3 orders of room service club sandwiches that he passed out before he ate
1 jump into the pool during the reception (perhaps not fully clothed...this was not drunk husband)
1 fabulous couple who got married on a beach (with 2 beautiful dresses)
1 hell of a day before the trip trying to get down there after my flight was cancelled
But it was all worth it!!
p.s. due to trip, previous flu before trip, and laziness I fell off the fit train for Project Get Sexy...I ran today, it was NOT PRETTY!!! Mr told me that for every week you don't run you lose 2 weeks of training...well I've been bad for 2 weeks so you do the painful math there :(
Friends till the End

Come and Knock on Our Door
But with all that being said, it needs work, it needs updating more than anything. We've all ready ripped up the carpet and laid hand-scrapped wood floors. I love them. I really do. We're in the process of painting the window trim white and we just started replacing the doors.
Take a look at door #1, that would be the guest bathroom.

Pretty big difference right? It still needs to be trimmed out, but it already makes the house look 20 years younger and so much brighter.
We purchased the doors stock from Lowes and with our handy dandy 10% off military discount, we saved a lil money. We are also replacing all the closet doors, except those in the master bedroom. Master bedroom/bath is getting a total remodel so we're not changing those out for the time being.
Can't wait to show you more. I'm pretty excited about it.
Hey there...
Yeah I forgot too....nah not really, but I've been crazy crazy busy and this blog has taken a back seat to everything, and as it should I suppose. Lots of things have been going on in our lives for the past month.
We've been working on the house and I hope to post some pictures soon.
We attended Octoberfest in Boise this past weekend. It was fun even though totally overpriced..yeah I said it.

Unfortunately this week on the dog front has been crazy. The dogs some how got out of the back yard. Luckily for our nosy neighbor, he alerted me to the issue and I proceeded to run down our busy street in the rain shoeless to get our 2 damn dogs back home. Honestly I think they were scared, their faces light up when they heard me call them.
Then on Wednesday we had a bigger issue. Milo and Charlie got into a fight. They get into from time to time, Milo can hold his own surprisingly and has never thought of himself as a small dog. Needless to say, they got into big fight Wednesday morning after they ate breakfast. Milo got bit and needed stitches. Poor little guy :(
He's doing ok now..thankfully.
Sorry I've been MIA lately, hopefully I'll be a better blogger soon...
Happy Pug Friday!
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