Into the Wild Blue Yonder...
I mean that is what you do on the first day of school right?

Today marks the start of what will be a really tough road for the next 9 months or so. This class is tough stuff, he'll be in ground school for awhile and then he'll start flying.
Its pretty amazing that this will be his future office...
I am so immensely proud of my husband. He wasn't in the Air Force when we met and this process (getting accepted to OTS, OTS, Primary, Advanced, IFF, EWO, SERE, now RAG) has not been easy for either of us. But we're quite a team and I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone in my life.
And for your viewing pleasure this morning....this is quite funny
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Operation Iraqi Stephen - Fallback Position - Air Force Thunderbirds | |||| | ||||
My REAL Man...
He's a guy's guy and he enjoys doing guy things...thank the Lord. He is all about building things, digging in the dirt, mowing the yard, lifting heavy objects, and killing bugs. You don't really know how great that is until they are gone for 6 months at training (or deployment) and realize that you are going to have to find a way to do it yourself (or pay someone or beg your big strong neighbor).
I realized this last night while I was watching Mr. Jetplane mow the backyard. I was being the good wife and reheating leftovers for our dinner in the kitchen. He's a good man and I probably don't tell him enough.
So to honor Mr. Jetplane (my HERO) today... and his day off before the B Course starts and I don't see him until 10pm every night during the week...
I love you Mr.
What Time is It??
Mr. Jetplane's Man Cave in Progress
Here is a better view of the furniture and Milo. The rug is from Lowe's for around $100. Its 8x12 and filled up the space nicely. We still need a table but its good for now.
Pug Friday - Freakin Weekend Edition

Hi! My name is Mrs. Jetplane and I have a problem...

Only to realize that with Monday Night Football (Go Colts!!) I was going to have to delete my pre scheduled recording of Gossip Girl and have to make some additional choices about what was more important to me (or Mr. Jetplane in certain cases).
I know I have a television addiction and I almost refuse to watch 'new' shows for fear of liking them and then having to make time to watch them... like Eastwick and Modern Family...I watched them both...Wednesdays aren't that big of TV night, except for Top Chef.
I know I can't be the only one suffering from this... Thursdays are going to be difficult as well... Grey's!?!
Anyway, I'm not the only one in the house that loves TV, Mr. Jetplane does as well. So much so that he purchased a new television to fill in the gigantic hole above the fireplace in our new house for the downstairs living area.

Mr Jetplane is so excited about this new flat screen'd think it was a new puppy. Its supposed to be delivered on Friday and he literally won't shut up about it. Sometimes I feel like his loves go in this order... Charlie, his big screen TV, his truck, and then Me... I know I know... I at least come before his TV... But he does love that dog something fierce...
Happy Thursday all... I promise to try to post some house pictures later tonight or tomorrow...
Casa de Jetplane in the makin'

You might be a weirdo if ?
#1 I'm short! But honestly I never realize it until I see a picture of myself standing next to someone else. Here are the Jetplanes in Vegas... The crazy Vegas trip this is the only picture Mr. and I have TOGETHER! It was taken right after breakfast the day we left.
#2 I get a strange satisfaction from chopping vegetables. I have no idea why... but I enjoy peeling and cutting things... strange?
#3 I watch Hoarders just to make myself feel better about myself. I'll admit, I can be a bit messy and I hate to clean. That show makes me feel so good about myself.
#4 I secretly dream about winning the lottery, but I have NEVER bought a lottery ticket because I am SERIOUSLY the most UNLUCKY person in the world.
#5 I have an unhealthy love for maraschino cherries. I will eat 2 or 3 out of the jar every day. Also, my new favorite drink... Cherry Bomb (3 Olives Cherry Vodka, Sugar Free Red Bull, Cherry Juice, and a cherry...or 4 if you're me).
#6 I have been out of college since 2002 and still have a love for techno music...there I said it. I love to listen to it during a workout or on a long drive...or driving home from a night out... The Jetplanes might have Dance Party USA in the car on a ride home...just saying...
Well Happy Monday All! I KNOW I'm not the only weirdo out there... what makes you a freakshow?
Pug Friday-Are you ready for some football?

Being the wonderful wife I am, I got he NFL Ticket on Direct TV.
And thanks for all your kind words about the home improvement and meeting new people post, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'll post more about that later. The dinner was a success...
Photo found here...
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Everyone means well... we all do...but women, we at our root are judging b*tches, we are, I am. I can't even help it. I'm not too proud to admit it, and accepting is the first step, right?
So last week I had my first meetup with the commander's wife and several other wives within the squadron. It went great, they are all very nice and I look forward to getting to spend more time with all of them. Its just difficult due to having a job and a lot of their meet up and events occur during the weekdays.
That being said, I hope they liked me... in general I have a strong personality. I'm talkative, but I can also be very quiet, and sometimes people take that the wrong way. If I don't have anything to add to that particular conversation, I don't. Mr. Jetplane thinks that I'm rude to some people sometimes...its not true, sometimes I just do n't have anything to say.
Anyway, I'm beginning to ramble... we are meeting a 'new' couple of dinner tonight. I believe they are around our age, she works, and they have 2 dogs (no kids). Crossing my fingers...
Home Improvement Blues...

"Adios, Amigo!"
2 wonderful men passed away yesterday, Patrick Swayze and Jim Carroll. Most of you, I'm sure are well aware of the first but some may never have heard of the later.

I've discussed my love for Jim Carroll previously on this blog. I became obsessed with all things Andy Warhol in high school which led to my love for Carroll, so much so that I did my entire research project my senior year research class on him. I was trying to prove he was the last real beatnik... I was a very deep 17 year old girl, who listened to punk rock, loved guys in bands, work doc martins, may have had purplish hair at one point, wore a pair of boys jeans, along with being an honor student and cheerleader... Yes it was an interesting mix... my mother was heartbroken and swore I might be a lesbian...but that's another story for another time...

To me you will also be Johnny Castle... and maybe Dalton...yeah always a lil Dalton.
Thank you Mr. Swayze, you will be forever loved and forever missed...
Thank you for giving us this...
****Spoilers AHEAD***** And discussion of book details****
1. Maryann - I hated her character, she was a waste of shape, and her death... ummm she should have sensed it was Sam (1st off) and she shouldn't have been killed that easily. I get she is at her weakest during the ceremony, but still come on...
2. Bill - I am beyond annoyed with him. And I am really not liking the deviation from the book.
3. Eggs - another character I did not like. I'm glad they killed him off but seriously... Jason...come on (and one other thing, if Sookie isn't all 'human', neither is Jason, he shouldn't have been taken over by Maryann)
4. Eric... more Eric please...
So, I won't be a total Debbie Downer there were a couple of things I liked about the finale.
1. The Queen didn't suck as bad as last episode. ERW was much better. Thank God.
2. Sookie was great in the whole episode. However, if Maryann has been around forever she should have met someone or something like Sookie before. Not the mind reading but the other thing...
3. Read that Season 3 will follow the third book... bring on Alcide, Debbie Pelt, and the King of MS... Club Dead... yeah!
So who kidnapped Bill? Eric? I think that's too easy... I hope it follows the book...
What are your thoughts on the season finale?

Does Anyone Else Hear That Loud SUCKING Noise???
But as much as I love to shop and spend money... I hate to spend money... and spend money is what we've been doing... a lot of.
1. Buying all new blinds for the house. It was new and had none.
2. Buying lawn stuff... the yard was a little sad and it costs a lot to get all the crap we needed for it.
3. Buying new curtain rods. We have several windows that are much larger than our previous houses. Which also led to some new curtains...
4. New furniture... we assumed we'd be buying furniture for the downstairs living room since our sectional would go upstairs in our new bonus room. Ha Ha! Sectional won't fit up the stairs. Luckily we sold it to a friend (for quite a deal for him). We have purchased new furniture for downstairs and upstairs. Yeah!!! Did that sucking noise just get alot louder all of a sudden??
5. Food... having to buy all new condiments, oils, etc. You wouldn't think would be a big deal, but it seriously adds up.
6. Garage crap... Mr. needed to build a work bench, have shelving, and is now coating the garage floor...
7. Still need to buy 2 rugs, one for downstairs and one for upstairs...why are rugs so expensive? Speaking of which... why are baskets so expensive... and curtain rods? and pillows? ugh...
Oh and the list goes on and on...
Sorry for the rant...
Now we're WORKING....
Pug Friday - Home Office Edition

FYI- Paint and Rug were purchased last night. This office will be totally different by Tuesday! I will admit I did chicken out a little bit, its not as turquoise as I had originally envisioned, its a little more greenish/blue sea glass color... I got to the paint counter and lost my strength. But no fear its still going to be bright as hell in here...
Home Office is Becoming a REALITY
My inspiration is coming to life, I'm very excited and Mr. Jetplane is a little weirded out. He can't believe I want to paint my office turquoise and I can't believe he doesn't get it. Oh well...
Here is the inspiration...

I've even found a 'cheap' zebra print rug that will be going down as well. I am so flipping excited... now can someone come over and paint... I'm not looking forward to that part.
Room inspiration from here...
I'm ALIVE...sort of
Today is my 2nd day at my home office and I still don't have long distance. Its been quite an adventure, luckily I don't have any projects due this week so we're not in too much trouble.
I'll follow up later with pictures of the house, bare in mind, we are not even close to it being where I want it to be. I think we'll be painting my office this weekend.... yeah!!!
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We've Moved!14 years ago
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did you move with me?15 years ago
- Into the Wild Blue Yonder...
- My REAL Man...
- What Time is It??
- Mr. Jetplane's Man Cave in Progress
- Pug Friday - Freakin Weekend Edition
- Hi! My name is Mrs. Jetplane and I have a problem...
- Casa de Jetplane in the makin'
- You might be a weirdo if ?
- Pug Friday-Are you ready for some football?
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Home Improvement Blues...
- "Adios, Amigo!"
- Disappointed...
- Pug Friday - Chillaxin Version
- Does Anyone Else Hear That Loud SUCKING Noise???
- Now we're WORKING....
- Pug Friday - Home Office Edition
- Home Office is Becoming a REALITY
- I'm ALIVE...sort of