Peace Out Shady J
We'll definitely miss all the great people we're leaving behind. The fighter community is really small and we look forward to seeing you all soon again.
We're off on to start this new adventure and are pretty excited about it.... wish us luck :)

Into the great wide open...
So I'll be hitting the road mid day tomorrow to head to Illinois and Mr. will get on the road when the movers finish packing up the truck. Its not ideal, nor what we want, but its the best solution. We'll be staying in Illinois for a few days, so he'll meet me at my parents house.
I remind myself over and over again that very soon I'll be calling this place home...
I'll be able to see the mountains every me that's alittle surreal. I'm a Midwest girl, it took me a while to get used to seeing the water everyday when we lived in Pcola.
See you all on the flipside...I hope to be able to blog alittle over the next 2 weeks, but no promises.
Pug Friday - Peace out NC
So for today's Pug Friday is my new Twitter picture.

Anyway....I digress. The packers are going to come today or Monday, yes that is what TMO said. For you non-mil, that the office that runs and oversees all the moving...don't ask me with TMO stands for, I don't know and I don't care. All I want to know is they won't lose our paperwork anymore, computers should be working 5 days a week, and stop giving us lame ass excuses. In our last move, we had an agent come out and access our 'stuff' to determine if we were a 1 day or 2 day pack, then move. Well obviously that's not what is happening here :)
I hope they show up on Monday and can pack everything in 1 day. Honestly, they should be able to, but you never know what type of crew you are going to get in here. Here's to an easy pack/move....
Well I gotta get back to work, I'm taking 2 weeks off for this move so I have a TON of work to do...shoot me now...
Happy Pug Friday!!!
In just 8 short days...

Pug Friday - On the Road

Yes, this was an outtake from our family shoot before we moved from Pensacola last summer!
Photo by Oeil Photography
Bite Me...please

The END but just the BEGINNING!
Here is my hunky husband awaiting his graduation certificate. Sorry the lighting was horrible, luckily they had a photographer there.
Proud Day

The Ridiculousness of my Marriage
You see these aren't life or death issues here... well to be honest we got into a HUGE fight right after Hurricane Katrina and we were driving to a wedding in St Louis from Indianapolis. Let's just say that I didn't speak to him for almost the entire drive. But other than that, we agree on most 'big things' and create WW3 on seriously stupid crap.
So what's our LATEST fight....

I find that incredibly hard to believe...Jackie Chan people....Jackie Chan is no Mr. Miyagi and Jaden Smith is no Daniel Son.
I mean this is a classic don't mess with a classic.... FYI - this song played on our pre-wedding video shown at the rehearsal dinner for Mr. Jetplane's section of pictures. That's how much this man loves some Karate Kid...
Casa de Jetplane #2 Update
And with all this, I have been day dreaming about future house and what it will look like (when we're done with it). Can you tell this house was built in the late 80s....
The flooring in the entire house will be replaced, that's the first thing that is happening...oh so exciting. That right there, will change the entire look of this dated house.

But my favorite is this kitchen by LAKBdesign, posted by House of Turquoise last week I believe. I had an immediate reaction to this kitchen, and those red stools....TDF, am I right??

This is how we roll...
We went out to dinner, hit up Lowes* for rock for the backyard, and then home. I had purchased a lil champagne earlier in the week.

Yeah baby...that's a clearance sticker on a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, I guess people over here don't like champagne. I got it for $35 from Target. Oh yeah...I'm not too proud to show you how we roll over here. But to be honest, I'm not a champagne snob...especially since moving here and the pickings are sparse. I do miss me some Sophia...that's my favorite champagne.
Too bad Mr. Jetplane doesn't really like champagne...oh well more for me right?
Well in honor of our cheapness, this song comes to mind.... Happy Tuesday.
*If you want to get some customer service at Lowe's where a low cut dress and'll get plenty of service.
2 Years Ago Today....

Pug Friday - Summer Loving

Status of the Jetplanes Real Estate Empire...
The house has a wooden shingled roof, a roof that we had never seen before, so we had a roof inspector come out and do an inspection. It was only $50. A general inspector will not provide you a detailed roof inspection, so we chose to pay for an additional inspection. Well it turns out this inspector actually did an inspection on this roof for the home owners last year and replaced several of the shingles. He gives the roof a 5 years or more (with maintenance) rating. Well, that is not good enough for us.
So needless to say, we've submitted another amended offer on the house last night. This might be a deal breaker if we can't come to some compromise. We've been up front and honest with our agent telling her we have concerns about the roof. I think our agent thinks we're crazy or delusional or something. It feels like she thinks we're too demanding or expecting too much. That's fine, but we're not buying a house that will need a new roof in 5 years, that my friend just ain't happening...unless you show us some money...
Oh and THANK YOU all so much for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate it. And on a total side note...guess who got carded while ordering a drink at dinner last night...this lady!!!
UPDATE: The seller has agreed to put on a whole new roof. Ask and you shall receive... we are SHOCKED and so HAPPY!!!
Peace out 20s....
So in honor of this stupendous occasion I'm going to provide you with 30 random and perhaps totally insignificant facts about myself.
1. I won't drink 'white' milk.
2. I used to be really into NASCAR, but to my defense I worked for a company that sponsored one and I called on Home Improvement stores...hello I needed to know about NASCAR.
3. Milo was 'this close' to be named Bogart.
4. In high school, I was into punk rock and ska music....I may still have ALL that music.
5. I am a AGD.
6. I have a ridiculously small pinky toe, with an even smaller toe nail on it.
7. My childhood nickname is Pooh Bear.
8. I still haven't legally changed by name....yeah I'm really bad.
9. I was on the quiz bowl team in junior high and high school, and I freaking loved it. I also was captain for our sorority team in Greek Week.
10. I took tap, jazz, ballet, and toe shoe ballet. Obviously, being 5'2" a ballerina was not in my future.
11. My mother let me name my lil brother or at least she let me think I did....after my favorite television show in 1984 - Heart to Heart.
12. I have OCD when it comes to closing the garage. I will turn around and come home to make sure I closed it, I do it ALL the time.
13. I used to have a thick southern accent when I was 4-5yrs old. When my parents were still married we lived in Natchez and Baton Rouge for about a year or so.
14. In 1st grade I went to a speech therapist and she got rid of the accent.
15. My favorite book I think will always be Dante's Inferno. I read it for Honors English senior year. For our class gift to our teacher, we made a plaque for above his door that read, "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here"
16. I have a deep love for techno music....thanks to college.
17. Mr. Jetplane and I often call each other by our last names.
18. Freshman year of college, I dated 2 guys and they knew about each other - One at home and one at school.
19. My favorite color is any shade of blue.
20. I know almost every word to Pretty in Pink, 16 Candles, and the Breakfast Club. John Hughes was God!!!
21. I also may have watched Howard the Duck every single weekend with my lil brother, on a VCR we rented with our videos.
22. My brother and I used to set up Double Dare challenges in our backyard.
23. I am messy. I hate to clean.
24. Dr. Pepper is my favorite soda.
25. Up until the 8th grade, my mother made me get perms. She used to give them to me in the kitchen sink...I used to say to her...give up I have straight hair.
26. I participated in beauty pageants, and I won some. My talent was tap.
27. I haven't spoken to my biological father since I was 20, and that was just by mistake when I answered the phone and he wanted to speak to my brother.
28. I curse alot.
29. I love Party LOVE them.
30. My favorite smell in the world, honeysuckle.... It takes me right back to being a kid, playing with my cousins in my grandmother's backyard.
So there you go....30 totally random things about this 30 year old lady. Oh and one last thing...
Notice Something Different About Me?
On a much different note....We got back from Vegas last night, many stories to tell about loathing American Airlines, loving Chelsea Handler, and meeting a great fellow blogger.
Let's us say one fellow blogger got to meet the Jetplanes in all our drunk glory. Oh yeah! Hot mess alert...
Oh and on even bigger news...TODAY is the last day of my 20s....we pause for a moment of silence...
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Was it you?14 years ago
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My Blog Has Moved!14 years ago
We've Moved!14 years ago
Christmas Wreaths15 years ago
did you move with me?15 years ago
- Peace Out Shady J
- Into the great wide open...
- Pug Friday - Peace out NC
- In just 8 short days...
- Pug Friday - On the Road
- Bite Me...please
- The END but just the BEGINNING!
- Proud Day
- The Ridiculousness of my Marriage
- Casa de Jetplane #2 Update
- This is how we roll...
- 2 Years Ago Today....
- Pug Friday - Summer Loving
- Status of the Jetplanes Real Estate Empire...
- Peace out 20s....
- Notice Something Different About Me?