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Fellow Travelers

Friday, January 6, 2012

Pug Friday

Hello there, its me the girl that fell off the face of the Earth. I promise I'm still here, just life gets in the way of the blog sometimes.

The Jetplanes had a wonderful holiday back home in Illinois. It was great getting to visit with family and friends, and we ate way way way too much food....like gross amounts of food. Like I'm sick just thinking about it now.

Anyway...I also have to admit that I have done what I swore I would not do...I joined Pinterest. Welcome to the newest time suck in my life. And yes I'm totally obsessed with bathrooms right now. But that's to Pinterest I also found this lil gem for Pug Friday.

Have a great weekend and Happy Pug Friday!


Cas said...

Me too girl...it has totally sucked me in. I was able to resist for so long!

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