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Fellow Travelers

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sometimes you just feel like...

Watching this....

And drinking this...

Until you do this...

I'm pretty sure tonight is going to be one of those nights.

P.S. Pretty in Pink is my ALL-TIME favorite movie, followed 2nd by The Breakfast Club.

Yes, yes I am an 80s movie, John Hughes fanatic. As a child born in 1980 I think I'm slightly obligated. When they say they don't make movies like that anymore...THEY are right. The closest they ever came was Can't Hardly Wait.

Cheers :)


Anonymous said...

I know that this is terrible to admit, but I've never seen Pretty in Pink or Can't Hardly wait. I have no idea how I've managed to do this, but it's true. They're on my never-ending list of movies to watch though.

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