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Fellow Travelers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Truth Time...

First of all I apologize for being weird and vague out here in blog land lately. Some major things have been going down and some things I'm still not going to share... but a big one is that we thought Mr might be deploying again...like real soon...like reallllly soon. Yeah I know. I lost it. I lost it all.

He dropped the bomb (no pun intended) on me in a restaurant, which I was pissed about and may have appreciated somewhat. I was shocked. I thought he was joking. We have a messed up sense of humor, so I seriously thought he was joking. He hasn't even been back 5 months yet. When I found out it, he hadn't even been home 4 months.

We needed to prepare that he might be gone again for 6-7 months. He was a short list, a very short list, of people that were going to get volun-told to go.

I thought I was going to be physically ill. I just got him back. We have trips planned. Heck he's going to be TDY back and forth for the next 4+ months anyway...but still at least he wouldn't be at war.

So I prayed and I prayed. I cried and got pissed off. And then I may have got drunk and pissed off again. Hey just being truthful here.

BUT!!!! Thankfully it doesn't look like its going to be happening. Praise the Lord!

So that is a BIG reason why I have been weird lately so I apologize.

But even though it looks like my love doesn't have to go and I am so thankful for that, I am still praying for those that do.



Sweet Simplicity said...

I was wondering/hoping that it wasn't something like that. I'm glad it looks like he won't be going any time soon. Thinking of y'all.

Chic Runner said...

So glad that he hopefully won't be leaving again soon! Thankful to you and him for your many sacrifices.

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