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Monday, March 28, 2011

What deployment looks like...Part 2

During deployment the guys tend to do some crazy things. They can't drink and they need to do/have things that keep their lives enjoyable/fun. One of the random things they do are grow mustaches...aka deployment staches.

I was fully expecting Mr. Jetplane to grow a killer mustache while he was down range (aka the sandbox... aka the desert) But what I wasn't expecting was this...

Please explain to me why in the hell my handsome husband would do this to himself...and be proud of it? He didn't just shave his head...he bic'd it. Its horrible... I hate it.

Side note...he was not down range when this Skype date happened. Their living accommodations don't have nice floor lamps.


Charity said...

My husband has done the exact same thing, and he is so proud of it as well!! I just don't get it, I like him clean shaven... but as long as he is happy right?

Rachel said...

Haha. I love this. My husband did this when he was deployed last year too and ugh, i hated looking at him on our skype dates! I think I have a post just like this on my blog. :) He told me he had to, it was mustache march. Whatever. My husband normally has a buzz cut, but i think they bic it to make the mustache stand out. lol.

Mateya said...

Ah! My huband did this too last time he was deployed! Thankfully by the time he came home, it was a little more grown out! But what the hell are they thinking?!

Anonymous said...

That is too too funny! Whatever keeps the smiles on their faces!

Ashley Ann said...

Lol thats hilarious! I didn't know they did that! Right now my bf is in flight school and some of they guys are participating in "Mustache March." Apparently one of the instructors told a friend of my boyfriends to shave so a few of the guys followed suit not wanting to get in trouble, my guy included. Hope you are doing well!

Unknown said...

Dane laughed his ass off when I showed him the pic.. Dane also has the stache...stupid march thank God its almost over..

caknitter said...

OMG!! Lol...men will be boys.

Carol Look EFT said...

Well, I never ever realized that these men would grow their mustaches!

anxiety cures said...

Your hubby sure looks great with those mustache! That's very thought about deployed men.

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