Jetplane Loving Round 1
These lovely photos were taken by Michelle at Oeil Photography
We have been lucky enough to work with her on our engagement pics as well as my boudoir pics. She is a fellow mil wife and currently stationed in Jacksonville, FL. She travels back and forth to Pcola for shoots, so if you're in the Pcola and/or Jacksonville area, check her out, you won't be disappointed. She will travel for weddings.

All the pics were taken on NAS Pcola. Since we are getting ready to move to NC later this summer, I wanted to pics taken here.

Yes, we had a family shoot with our doggies, Milo and Charlie. We don't have any real kids yet, and these lil (or big) guys mean the world to us.

Help Needed
Any ideas? Also, he's 29th bday is in July, ideas?
FYI-Mrs. Jetplane turns 29 June 2nd. Please feel free to start planning accordingly.
We have a houseguest arriving tonight for the wedding this weekend. He is Mr. Jetplane's frat bro and a groomsmen in our wedding. He doesn't fly in until almost 11pm, Mr. is going to pick him up. (too bad b/c I work literally 5 minutes from the airport)
Gotcha get home and clean our casa.
P.S. thank you for all the kind words earlier today, we will be attending the service on Friday afternoon. His wife and I (& Mr) are the same age, it makes me really appreciate each and every day we have on this Earth.
My heart breaks...
He returned to some horrible news. One of the instructor's within the training squadron lost his wife in a car accident on Saturday evening. He is now a young widow with 2 small boys, his wife was 29 years old. They were going to pick up their children, luckily they were not in the car at the time of the crash.
The accident occurred on a road we drive frequently and reaffirms the main issue I have with P'cola. People here drive like freaking idiots. There are fatal accidents on small 2 lane roads here ALL the time. I've lived and driven in metropolitan areas and rural communities, and I have NEVER seen such unbelievable disregard for human life as I do down here on a daily basis driving. It is not a joke when I state that I am almost in what could be a 'serious' accident once a week.
The horrible accident was caused by a driver of a truck that insisted on passing them on a 2 lane highway and in fact ran them off the road. The driver attempted to get back on the road and over corrected and was hit by on coming traffic. The driver of the truck that ran them off the road.... left the scene.
What kind of deprived jerk off are you? I hope the pain that you caused this young family lives with you for the rest of your life.
Please keep this young family in your thoughts today. Mr. Jetplane said that this man is truly one of the nicest and most genuine people he's ever met and it breaks my heart that he has to go through this.
It reminds you that life is a precious gift. That's why I remind Mr. Jetplane everyday we leave each other for work, that no matter if I'm sleeping wake me up, give me a kiss, and let me tell you how much I love you. Just in case, its our last opportunity to do that.
*Stash Job - this is a job he has been given since he's finished with his training, but due to his knee he can't be intense flight school. Which is the reason we haven't moved to NC yet.
Jetplanes Winery Weekend
Yes, maybe someone took her purple heels off and busted a move. I ain't too proud to admit that. I'm pretty sure I'm dancing to Bee Gees here... Yeah, Mrs. Jetplane has some serious moves...
My dress is BCBG, I bought it Fall 2008 intending to wear it to my step brother's wedding, but didn't. I bought it at 30%-50% off. They no longer carrying it in the stores, but you maybe able to find it at BCBG outlet. I paired it with purple satin Mia pumps and a small purple clutch.
Happy Tuesday....
Jetplanes are home...finally
The Jetplanes had scored great bleacher seats for the Cards v. Cubs game that night. My cousin and her hubby are Cards fans,the Jetplanes are not. But we still had a wonderful time.
Sunday morning we headed home and stopped to meet my parents at a Bob Evans off the interstate close to their house. It was great to see them. We made the long trek home and were so happy to get home safe and sound.
A better recap is coming...
Happy Monday!!
Puggie Friday...

Killing you with pure cuteness..

Happy Thursday to you all...
Sneak Peek - Part 3

Oh... Mother Darling..

It was beautiful, heart wrenching, and wonderful The clothes, the crazy characters, the love, the everything... Oh honey...darling... please watch.
I have mad love for Drew Barrymore (pun intended if you picked up on it) and in my eyes she does no wrong.... Posion Ivy and Long Island Lolita included.
By the way... I finished Revolutionary Road and Are you there Vodka during my trip... reviews coming.
And I was also forced to watch Fast & Furious 4... no review required... car chases, half dress girls, and angry men. nuff said... Paul Walker looked hot though... but never took his shirt off :(
Happy Earth Day to ALL.
I finally caught up on most of my miss Oprah's from the past week, and I got to watch the teen sex shows...OMG. I think I about spit out my Crystal Light Pink Lemonade that I was enjoying.
2 14 yr olds actually believed that they were ready for sex, yeah you read that correctly. Its shocking that after dating for 3 months and being totally like, in love, they were for their 1st times. Ummm... you're 14 dears, you know NOTHING. While I don't believe in all the tactics that have been discussed in these past few shows I do agree with a couple things.
1. Have a open line of communication with your child
2. Explain to them what sex is and how it affects not only your body, but your mind and soul
3. Help the child take ownership of their body, make them respect it and treasure it
4. Ask them the important questions and make them think about consequences (really think about them)
One interesting fact that was discussed is that a person's frontal lobe is not fully developed until around the age of 21. The frontal lobe controls impulses and judgement. This can explain a lot, or at least it did to me.
The funniest part was when the 2 kids were asked how long do they think this relationship would last after they had sex... They both said a LONG time... okay kids define LONG.
The Boy - 6 months to a year, I mean come on its High School
The Girl - there is no expiration date
Yeah... that's pretty much the mind of a high school (college and/or any) boy works...
What did you all think about the show?
Jetplanes hittin up the Chi
Actually, if you ever plan on going outside, don't wear this. For the love of God and all things holy, don't do this to all of us that must look at you...
Work is really getting in the way...
There I said it.
I'm back from Chicago and had a WONDERFUL time. However, I do feel like I seriously gained 10 lbs. I haven't ate a 'real meal' since I got there. I'm in a bad way, and I have a wedding on Saturday that I need to look 'good' at. Well, 'good' is a variable term, but still... don't want to look like a fat ass.
Anyway, I'm crazy busy today and hope to blog about the trip some more this evening.
But one thing that had to be blogged about this morning, was the term that my girlfriends and I coined over the weekend... We started saying...."He's having a Massengill moment!" and/or "He's a Massengill!"
You see...what makes it even funnier is that guys don't even know what Massengill is... they think that name sounds familiar, they think they know 'who' Massengill is... but totally don't know its a brand name for a douche. Ha Ha!!! No idea that we're calling you a douche bag or that you're acting like a douche bag... OMG so funny... or at least we thought it was. Well, all day of drinking does make us some pretty funny ladies... if we do say so ourselves.
OMG... I'm pretty sure my body is going through grease/fat withdraws...
Happy Monday
Back home...

Attention all mil wives...
Credit card companies are sending notices to their customers that due to the nature of the economy they are raising rates. We received a notice from BoA about our card. Actually, it was Mr. Jetplane's card that he got right after college and secured a lifetime 4.9% interest, yes LIFETIME. Well, obviously BoA and the Jetplanes have a different opinion on what LIFETIME is.
We received a notice in the mail that they would be increasing our rate to over 11%, yes more than doubling it.
Mr. Jetplane called and reamed the person out, but that didn't matter they didn't care we had a lifetime rate, and Mr. Jetplane said we'd drop our card with them. But then, he pulled the card that all military should be aware of The Soldiers and Sailors Act. This act allows you to do several things... 1st break a lease and another one of interest is that your interest rates can be capped at 6%.
You have to discuss that with the credit card company and you'll have to provide a copy of your orders. As a result, our card was on hold for a few days, but now we're locked in at a little over 5% interest on the card.
I wanted to put this information out there for those of you that might not know about this act. And with people receiving these notices, you need to act NOW and get this situation handled immediately. The rates will take place in the next few months, and by then it could be too late.
Pug Friday with a Twist...
The Jetplanes really want to foster a dog, however with our current lifestyle its just not appropriate for us to bring in other dog, it wouldn't be fair to it or our others dogs we already have.
But due my own personal love of pugs I wanted to highlight one very special pug in our Pugapalooza contest and his own lil story that most of you probably don't know about.
Please read the story of Paul(ie) and his Mama, Sarah, from On the Rhoades of Life. Sarah was kind enough to provide a backstory on Paulie and give me (and us) an idea about fostering...
My story on why I foster…
It all started with Nutmeg. Back before I was married, my future brother in law had another friend who had a pug and needed a dog sitter one weekend. Up until this point, I had never really been around a pug that much, so I was curious. Insert Nutmeg.
We dog sat Nutmeg and I loved her!! Nutmeg was so sweet and so cute & I loved having her at our place. Keep in mind – I already have a Jack Russell Terrier, Abby. Nutmeg was nothing like Abby. Abby is independent, chases squirrels & loves fast walks, but Nutmeg was totally different. She would lay in your lap and had a cute little snore and just wanted to be your friend. I decided then and there that I wanted a pug someday. Little did I know what would really come of that.
So, when I was bored at work, I decided to research pugs and found that there was a pug rescue in Houston called PugHearts of Houston ( I spent lots of time reading the Pug Hearts story and checking out every page of their website (and donated $$!). The more I saw the little pugs on there, it just broke my heart. A lot of the dogs they had have major health problems from neglect. The pugs come from owner surrenders, shelters, found wandering the streets, etc. The worst story was someone getting evicted, moved out & left their pug in their place for 11 days without food or water before someone rescued him. WHO DOES THAT? Dogs can’t help themselves or get out of the situations they are in, so they have to rely on good Samaritans like the people at Pug Hearts to rescue them and give them a good home. I was truly touched by the things they do for these dogs. I decided that we would give fostering a try.
I contacted Pug Hearts & in less than a week (after a home visit), I was on my way to pick up our first foster pug. I showed up at the vet and my heart melted at our super cute, little snaggle tooth foster pug. Abby was fine with the new dogs coming into the house & she quickly adapted to her new “brothers”. (Personally, I think she loved the added trips to the dog park). Parker quickly came and quickly went. He was adopted by an awesome family of 4 and I knew he had found his forever home. I was so happy – just like a proud mom. I was even more proud (shocked) that I didn’t cry. Probably because I knew he was in good hands. I was surprised how much I truly enjoyed having our foster placed into a great home. One of the best feelings!
Paul: To be honest, when we first met Paul, I wasn’t so sure. He wasn’t quite as “cute” as the pugs on the website and he had something wrong with his back leg. He limped. The vet had checked him out and it looked like an old break that had healed improperly. Potentially from abuse. He had SEVERE heartworms on top of that!! I was saddened. Poor guy I thought, we would probably have him a while since he isn’t as cute or healthy and probably wouldn’t get adopted as quickly. I asked if they knew Paul’s back story and she said that he had been rescued off the side of a highway, but it appeared that he & his sister had come from a puppy mill by their mannerisms. They probably had never been someone’s “pet”.
We took Paul home and he wasn’t so sure about us. He hid in the corner and under the table at first. He had had it rough and didn’t need anything else to go wrong. To top it off, we have two flights of stairs in our townhouse and he wasn’t so sure about those either – especially with his leg injury. It took him a long time to hop up and down those steps, but eventually he got the hang of it and eventually he stopped hiding in the corner and decided we were the “good guys”. We learned that Paulie (we couldn’t call him Paul) loved toys and likes to sleep next to us on the couch.
We fell in love with the little guy and we fell hard. Who would have thought that we would fall in love with the pug with the messed up leg that initially I wasn’t so sure about?? Funny how it goes.
A lot of people have asked me: When did I know we were going to keep him? Please note: we never planned on keeping a foster for our own—I really was planning to just foster. I knew we were going to keep Paulie when we took him to the dog park one day for a Pug Meet up. Paulie was running around and SO happy! Well, the PugHearts folks were out and there was a family there who was interested in adopting. Cindy with PugHearts asked us to bring Paulie over so that she could introduce him. Immediately, I noticed how tense Jonny was. As soon as Paulie was loose, Jonny looks at me and said “Let’s go”. We leashed up Paulie and headed home in one quick movement. I knew then that this guy wasn’t going anywhere. Paulie had found his forever home.
For those of you wondering… yes, we do plan to foster again.
Fostering is a great way to help our communities – you would be surprised how many people have to give up there dogs due to health or financial troubles. Especially in these economic times, people take care of their pet last. If you foster, all you have to pay for is the food & give your love. I learned too, that if you have a dog already, fostering is a great way to see what dogs fit well with your other dog’s personality (Abby and Paulie are pals).
If you ever want to get a dog, even a pure bred dog, look for local rescues in your area. You will almost surely find any breed you are interested in – help save a dogs life!
Thank you Sarah!
Keep voting guys... I'm amazed with the outpouring of votes.
Sorry no pictures this Friday... have a great weekend guys.
Pale in comparison...
The Jetplanes live in Florida however, Mrs. Jetplane is a pasty white ghost. I did get a spray tan before our photo shoot last weekend. And Mr. Jetplane told me that he forgot how sexy I looked tan.... Well then... someone needs to get some sun... or hitting the spray tan a little more often.
But going through the pictures from our honeymoon for the zip lining post I came across this picture. OMG look how tan I was...

Just a little taste...

In Honor of the Jetplane's Vacay...
For those of you that don't know where the Jetplanes will be for the next few days give a listen... to only one of the best bands EVER... that's right I said EVER!!!
Single and Ready to Mingle...
Oh Mr. Jetplane...
Mr. Jetplane left for Illinois Sunday morning. He is going to be gone for 2 weeks. I'll meet up with him on Wednesday evening, leave Chicago on Sunday, meet up on Friday afternoon in St. Louis, and we'll be driving home together on Sunday AM.
So he made it up safe and sound but called me to ask me to bring his coat, he forgot...
Well, Mr. Jetplane I'd be happy to but that means I'm going to have to check my luggage.
Mr: "WHAT!?! You're going to be there for only 4 days!"
Me: "Uh Yeah. 4 days of clothes, my coat, and your Columbia coat! How does that fit into my small carry on?"
Mr: "Oh, ok good point. I'll borrow a coat from E."
Me: "Yeah! That's best!"
Fast forward to Monday morning....I send Mr. Jetplane a text message..."Did you remember to bring your suit for the wedding?"
I get a text message back..."DOPE!"
Yes, so Mrs. Jetplane has to some how figure out how to get her hubby's suit, shirt, tie, and shoes into her carry on bags for her trips to Chicago and St. Louis.
So I have decided to bring half of the stuff on Wednesday and the other half on next Friday. Am I totally annoyed... hell yes because you know what he didn't forget....all the baseball game tickets, his CUBS wear, and his XBOX (since someone is uploading all this cool, free, sh&t on it... yeah priorities are totally in order...
UGH Men!!
Rock of Love -- Jetplanes Style
But I generally record the 10am showing of it on Sunday morning (its the new one) and watch it after I have returned from my Sunday grocery shopping trip and enjoying my lunch. Yes, I am a creature of habit. These habits were created while the Mr. was MIA at training for 6 months.
Well I did notice on the previews for this week's season finale that they were heading to the DR, where the Jetplanes had their honeymoon. And I saw that they were going zip lining, well if they are in Punta Cana there's only one place they could go, the same place we went. And let me say, they made it look a lot cooler than it was...

They served horrible coffee in 'tiny' cups... here's Mr. Jetplane enjoying some.

But the real experience was the trek up to the zip lining place. Its remote and uphill, and isn't on a real road. And with the rain, it made it even more difficult. It was down right scary at some points. I'm not joking... The drive was the adventure.
Now, I want to comment on the comments that I've been receiving stating that its not 'fair' to have a grown pug picture compete with a puppy pic.
This isn't your competition, and the pictures for this competition have been selected for the past month or so. I don't honestly care if you think its 'fair' or not, the rules (which are mine) never specified that it would be all puppies or all grown pugs. And its my contest not yours, so your suggestions/demands/etc aren't really needed or required. Sorry... but I needed to get that off my chest.
Secondly, the pug that you are referring to has a puppy picture and a grown picture. The picture right below the puppy picture. Don't request to see an adult picture of the pug... its already there.
Thirdly, pay attention to the all the pictures before you leave comments. There is a mix of finalists that are puppies and grown pugs. I made the selections, sorry if you don't approve of my choices... but its my contest, not yours.
KEEP VOTING Contest Runs until May 10th...
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer there. This contest is supposed to be fun and I didn't anticipate any even slightly negative comments. So I'm bother by people's comments. And I wanted to put that out there before it could have the opportunity to progress.
Pugapalooza Voting Begins NOW!
Below I have given you the opportunity to view all the cutie pies again and to the right side of the page (should be) where you'll place your vote.
I'm asking all contestants to feel free to campaign for yourselves, call in your mothers, sisters, husbands, friends of friends to vote, because there will be prize package in store for you which I will talk about next week.
And the finalists are....
#1 Chief

#4 LillyAnn#5 Buster
Happy Friday everyone... Vote for your favorite and may the best puggie win...
UPDATE: I didn't intentionally misspell FOR as 'FO' in the poll, but now it won't let me change it...ugh... Its going to be a constant reminder for the month that I'm not a 'detail' person... please forgive me... Vote!
Yogurt Bark for Everything18 hours ago
Book Review | November7 years ago
Colorful Christmas7 years ago
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation7 years ago
The Big 3-57 years ago
Day in the Life: Spring 20177 years ago
Spring Greetings7 years ago
#Kmartdidthat | ep.68 years ago
Firsts!8 years ago
Tables For Sale9 years ago
The Magnolia Story, Story9 years ago
Birthday Celebrations9 years ago
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Five on Friday9 years ago
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Beauty Benefit11 years ago
Need a pair?11 years ago
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2012 in Review12 years ago
Momma's Birthday12 years ago
Just tickled pink...12 years ago
Please Follow My New Blog!12 years ago
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Check out my new blog!!13 years ago
Friday Musings13 years ago
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moved. :)13 years ago
Was it you?14 years ago
Remembering Lisa, Three Months14 years ago
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We've Moved!14 years ago
Christmas Wreaths15 years ago
did you move with me?15 years ago
- Jetplane Loving Round 1
- Help Needed
- My heart breaks...
- Jetplanes Winery Weekend
- Jetplanes are home...finally
- Puggie Friday...
- Killing you with pure cuteness..
- Sneak Peek - Part 3
- Oh... Mother Darling..
- Men=Boys
- Jetplanes hittin up the Chi
- Work is really getting in the way...
- Back home...
- Attention all mil wives...
- Pug Friday with a Twist...
- Pale in comparison...
- Just a little taste...
- In Honor of the Jetplane's Vacay...
- Single and Ready to Mingle...
- Oh Mr. Jetplane...
- Rock of Love -- Jetplanes Style
- Pugapalooza
- Pugapalooza Voting Begins NOW!
- Jetplanes Getaway...
- Juicy On Sale...
- Jetplane Family Time...
- Free at Last...
- ....and not a drop to drink
- Greetings from a tired Mrs. Jetplane
- Shhh... I'm sneaking in here...
- May I find the strength...
- Say Hello to the Puggie Honorable Mentions...
- Husband or Blog?