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Friday, August 7, 2009

Pug Friday - Summer Time

Good Morning... Happy Pug Friday!

People think pugs can't or won't swim. I don't think there is anything further from the truth. Milo loves to swim in a lake, pool, or ocean. I started him with a lifejacket in my parents pool when he was a puppy and now you can't keep him out of the water.

He thinks he is a retriever and attempts to swim out with all the 'big' dogs at the dog beach and tries to retrieve the toys... too bad his lil mouth isn't big enough.

Picture found here....


The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

He's so cute! He looks terrified!

PinkSass said...

So cute! I wish Fox liked the water!

Unknown said...

He reminds me of Bubba, my cousin's dog who passed away. Bubba loved swimming too (with his little life vest on of course!).

THE Stephanie said...

So cute!! BTW, I made your chicken recipe you posted a few days back (marinated in italian with the McCormick bread crumbs - which I couldn't find so I had to resort to regular bread crumbs) and it was SO yummy!! Even the kids loved it - which means it was REALLY god! LOL


Stereos and Souffles said...

A friend of mine had a pug and he loved to jump on a raft in their pool and just float around.

Windy City Kelley's said...

I wish my dog liked to swim! She loves the beach and sand but hates the water - go figure :)

Erin Helgerson said...

My Chihuahua has a Fido Float too! And she also loves to swim. I just came across your blog tonight, our blog's names are similar! Hope you have a great weekend! XO!

~M~ said...

So much cuteness!

Belle said...

I am loving that little life jacket!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

How random is this - we took my Pug swimming for the first time last Saturday! He, uh, was not as natural as Milo is here. In fact, he hated it, but I plan to try again, perhaps by throwing treats into the pool next time or something.

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