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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Current Obsession

I find this song amazing....and it is probably 50% of the reason I'm going to see Dear John. I read (actually listened to book on CD) driving between Illinois and Florida sometime the last couple of years. I loved the book and I bawled like a baby at the ending. Now that I think about the fact that Mr. Jetplane will be deploying within the next year or so, it means so much more.

Anyone else out there going to see Dear John? Do you think it will be as good as the book?


jaime said...

I plan on seeing the movie, but I don't have high hopes for it since I loved the book so much. (That's how it usually works for me...the books are SO much better than the movies!)

Patience said...

I am going to read the book sometime in the next week and cannot wait to see the movie.

Cole said...

I sobbed at the end of that book (and a few placed in the middle). Such a great book!

I really hope that the movie is as good as the book. Hopefully I'll get to see it this weekend.

Allison Hasel said...

I just read the book a few months ago. I try to pretend I don't love the predictable Nicholas Sparks books, but I DO! :) I love them all. I am hoping to see this soon, but I hope they didn't switch up the ending too much. I'm worried they'll try to insert the war now versus the war then. Which of course, will bring this all waaaay closer to home. Either way, I'm still looking forward to it.

Jayme said...

Hey there! I am a fellow military wife (hubby is a USMC officer) and new follower! I read Dear John and loved it, as did my husband. I can't wait to see the movie, although I am really scared they will change the ending. That was what made the book so awesome. My husband is deploying in 3 weeks, so I'm sure it will be a tear-jearker for both of us!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this movie to come out! I love all of Nicholas Sparks books. I'm hoping that this movie is as good as The Notebook was.

Jessica Lynn said...

Aw, crap. Now I'm bawling after watching/listening to the video. We just found out that he's deploying in June. I read and loved the book, so I'm excited for the movie...I'll make sure I have a lot of Kleenix with me.

Lindsey said...

Super excited for the movie!!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I can't wait to see the movie!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it will be as good as the book, but it's got Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried so it can't be too bad. Too bad it isn't EXACTLY like the book. Nicholas Sparks is good.

Unknown said...

I want to see the mvie, I wasnt that impressed with the book. I read it in two days. Kind of dissapointed. BUT I love the actress, huge fan. Hopefully I can find a sitter & watch it!

Sara said...

I loved the book and just re-read it this week before I go see the movie. I will arm myself with a box of tissues before entering the theater. Movies are rarely as good or better than the book, but with Channing Tatum (shirtless!) starring, I really don't care how bad it might be!

SarahEileen said...

I'm in the middle of the book now. It's my second time reading it, but first time since we became an Army family. I'm hoping to see the movie in March with my mom since it's not really a movie I'd want to see with my husband. Thanks for passing the song obsession on to me!

Caryn said...

i thought i heard someone say that they changed the ending for the movie....? idk if that's true or not, but i look forward to seeing the movie. for the most part i try not to read a book and see the movie. if i do then i try to see the movie before i read the book.

Mateya said...

I am definitely seeing the movie. I just finished the book! I am sure it will be different than the book because the book was set around the time of September 11th and from what I gathered from the previews of the movie it seems more like the current situation in Iraq. My Fiance is in Iraq right now so I am guaranteed to bawl like a baby but I am very excited to see it!

J. said...

Ooh, I just picked this book up at the library tonight! I will definitely go see the movie. I saw a preview a while again and knew I'd want to see it!

Megan said...

I'm in love with this song as well!

I have yet to read the book, but I really want to!

Gillian said...

I loved this book! I totally bawled at the end of it as well. I hope the movie is as good as the book, however I know they change a many of the endings to Nicholas Sparks' movies. I think that would be a real shame, as much as the ending hurt, it was perfect.

Hannah said...

I have yet to read the book! I need to at least finish Sense and Sensability first, then I'll go buy Dear John!

Anonymous said...

I love this song! Snow Patrol is just an amazing band in general.

I have a big question for you. How were you able to get all of you links (for say cooking) on one page?! I am trying to get tabs up and this is way more complicated than I thought...

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