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Fellow Travelers

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


We're back...we took a red eye home this morning and I'm already back at work... I'm exhausted but refreshed... so happy to see my boys.

Can't wait to share some photos and details from the trip. It was amazing just to get to spend some QT with the Mr, we definitely needed it. Too bad he's leaving for 2 weeks after Thanksgiving...such is the life in an operational flying squadron... not even home 2 months and already gone on a TDY.

Gonna go grocery shopping, watch some of our DVR and then head to bed...this lil lady is dragging.


Miss Chelsea said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about it

♥ ♥ Just a Girl in Love w/ a Soldier ♥ ♥ said...

Welcome back!!! New Follower here just recently moved back to the mainland from Hawaii, looking forward to reading all about your vacay in the Aloha State. Come check out my blog @

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