No NYE kiss for Mrs. Jetplane
Last year, was my last NYE as an unmarried lady. Mr. actually drove home from Illinois just in time for a NYE kiss. It was great, but I don't except him to make it this year. First year as Mrs. Jetplane and no kiss for yours truly. But, I'll be ok, its an over-rated holiday anyway, right? Yeah, that's what I'm telling myself.

Photo Oeil Photography
Mrs. Jetplane got her hair did
Please ignore my messy closet in the background. I told you all I'm messy.
And here's a lil Milo lovin. His poor lil bottom lip is all red. Mr. Jetplane bought him a new bone and he's been chewing the crap out of it. I think its irritated his face, so its been thrown away much to his disgust.
Lil Jetplane Family Reunion
I know I talk about Milo all the time, that's because he's my baby and I had him before the Mr. and I ever met. But we do have another dog, Charlie. Charlie is an American Bulldog. He's 1 1/2 years old. I never wanted a "big" dog, Mr. Jetplane always wanted a "big" dog, an American Bulldog to be particular. So what did he do, he found a puppy for sale the weekend after asking me to marry him.
What was a girl to do???
Here's Charlie... so excited about his Christmas bone.
Here's the Jetplanes' make shift Christmas set up in Texas. I brought our stockings and my lil tree decorated with lime green ornaments.
Mrs. Jetplane has been a very good girl

Its a Citizen's Riva Chronograph Watch, Mother of Peal face, diamond accents, and its solar powered. That's right Mrs. Jetplane's bling is totally eco-friendly....
Macy's had all their watches at 25% off and I had about $100 in credit from Macy's from past wedding registry issues. Since we have NO MACY'S in P'cola ( I know its terrible), this "free" money from Macy's has been burning a hole in my pocket.
Merry Christmas to me...If you were "Curious"...

Get in there and get back to work...
Emails, voice mails, Monday morning meeting.... All my new projects to attend to and the managers I'm working with are out today.... ugh...
Spoke with Mr. Jetplane this morning, I miss him terribly. I didn't sleep well at all last night, but Milo sure did.
Upcoming posts -
1. My new hairdo
2. Benjamin Button - Mr. and I loved it. Even though it was 3 hours long and he was in pain for the last hour.
3. Christmas gifts
4. Shopping at the outlets in San Marcos
5. My Christmas gift to myself
Thanks again for all the well wishes, you guys are awesome... And Mandy so sorry that we didn't get to head up to see you guys, sorry I haven't called you back. I've been bad this past week returning everyone's messages.
Had to Say BYE to Mr. Jetplane
I made it through Texas without any real issue, but then it rained and poured and it was horrible. But I made it home safe and sound. Milo is passed out on the couch and I'm dreading the unpacking, which will not all occur tonight.
I'm sad, but I'll be honest, I'm too tired to get upset about it. I'm worried about Mr. Jetplane. He's all by himself until his roommate gets back next Sunday. He's off work until next week, but he has to drive himself to his first physical therapy appointment tomorrow.
It was wonderful to get to spend a week with him. Unfortunately, his surgery had proved to be much more painful then we had anticipated. So we didn't get to do too much after Tuesday.
A couple of high points...
shopping, shopping, shopping...
we saw Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt is ridiculous hot.... OMG)
and getting to have our whole lil Jetplane family back together.

Picture of Mr. Jetplane being his crazy self. He was the Best Man in his cousin wedding in August.
Happy Friday...
Mrs. Jetplane has been a very good girl and got some great gifts. I new Nano, arm band, car set up for the Nano, a new camera, digital picture frame, new make up brushes, and more.
Well even though I'm somewhat MIA this week, here's a little puggie loving for you all to enjoy.

I'm going to the outlet mall today solo. Its probably best that way anyway.
Random Bamblings....
2. No more vomiting.... nice
3. I love HEB, never been to one. I bought awesome Spring Rolls from the sushi counter.
4. I love that in Texas you can buy 3 Liter bottles of soda.
5. Tonight for dinner I'm making the Mr. one of his favs - meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
6. I totally forgot to tell you all that I chopped my hair off on Friday.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas.
Now the REAL fun begins...
Its been a long ass day. We got up at 4am.

Today I felt like a wife
We got there around 8:10am because Mr. Jetplane wanted to take me to the wonderful mess hall for breakfast.
It actually wasn't that bad, I had a banana, 1 pancake, 2 pieces of bacon, and a glass of cranberry juice for like $2.25. Yes, the Mr. only takes me to the finest of dining establishments.
After that we had an ortho appointment with his surgeon. We got there about 15 minutes early, and got in right away. Today, we met with 2 ortho Dr.'s, the ortho nurse, got all his pain meds, went through administration, took all his vitals, met with 2 anesthesia nurses, got fitted and took home crutches, and got his blood work done. Believe it or not, we were out of there by 11:30am. It was shocking. Luckily, Mr. Jetplane wore his flight suit so we got through all things quicker.
We're set to be at the hospital tomorrow at 5:15am, he's the first surgery for tomorrow with the ortho. So needless to say, we're not doing too much tonight.
His surgery shouldn't last too long, hopefully. He's torn his ACL and he has a tear in his meniscus, they don't know how bad the meniscus tear is until they go in to scope the knee.
I know its not an intense surgery, but its still surgery. And I'm a worrier, so needless to say, I'm worrying.
Howdy Y'All....
More to come....
Giddy with anticipation...

I will be with Mr. Jetplane tomorrow evening. The whole lil Jetplane family will be reunited. Milo is excited I can tell.
The Mr. knows the way to my heart, he said we'll go to the outlet mall on Sunday or Monday. Yeah.... I have $40 in coupons from BR and a 25% off coupon. I'm so excited, I heard through the grapevine and my readers that the outlet near SA is great.
And since its Friday I couldn't leave you hanging without a puggie. Enjoy your weekend...

Have a great weekend everyone.
Update on Mama Jetplane
My mom doesn't need to have chemo! She met with her oncologist today, due to the size of the tumor, the cancer free lymph nodes, and the fact the she had both breasts removed, they do not think she needs chemo. They are going to put her on a hormone therapy treatment and recommend removing her ovaries. Her cancer was estrogen feed, so its best they remove them. She already had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago so its not too big of a deal.
The Dr. said that in cases such as hers, if cancer is to reappear somewhere down the road, it generally reappears in the bone. So they are going to start building up her calcium to combat that now.
I am so delighted for her. She was very nervous about chemo and losing her hair. My grandma had chemo and radiation, and when she lost her hair it was devastating to her. I didn't want my mom to go through that.
What a wonderful Christmas present. Thank you God for hearing and answering all our prayers.
Secondly, thank you to all of you for your support those these trying times. Its meant so much.
Making me laugh this afternoon....
Watch it till the end, its hilarous.
I told you all that Larry King better watch out... I do have a new love of suspenders...
I am so annoyed....
Don't send me these freaking emails and you don't even have them available. Talk about a letdown.
Oh and while I'm at it. Hey JCrew! Yeah you JCrew, thank you for the great sales but.... make your freaking website work and stop posting items that are sold out. STOP DOING THAT, the other day I click on 5 items in a freaking row that were sold out, that ridiculous.
Rant over.... Merry Christmas and Happy Shopping...
Getting Your Pug Lovin A Little Early This Week

1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

This is me and my "big" lil brother Charlie. We're hanging out on dad on the office.

Getting to know the Jetplanes...

Any more questions, ask away....
Happy Holidays <3 The Jetplanes

I wanted to use black envelopes, so I needed to lighten them up. I doubt our family and friends are receiving black Christmas cards from anyone else. They are different, but I adore them.
Missing Mr. Jetplane & TX Help Needed

Jetplanes' Christmas in the Lone Star State
Can't wait to see Charlie. I haven't seen him since he left with the Mr. in October. He's a big old sweetie pie.
Jetplanes' Christmas

It's Friday.. You know what that means...Pugs
Enjoy It.
Holla at your girl...

Photo by Oeil Photography
I'm going to answer some questions that I have received lately, so I thought I would open it up to all of you fine folk out there in the blog world. No question too small, too weird, too random, feel free to ask away....
Also, I hope to update my blog roll this weekend, so if you want to be added give a girl a head's up.
Once was Blind, but now I SEE...

Sorry for the sad hair, today it rained all day in P'cola and my hair is kinda gross.
Also, I have finally finished the Christmas decorations for the house and I promised to show you some more. (again pics from web cam)

This is my $8.00 wreath from Big Lots. Its on my door to the back yard.

I used my 9 ft pre-lit garland that I've had for several years now. I add $1 ornaments that I bought from Walmart, silver and blue glass balls from Hobby Lobby that were 1/2 off, and silver springs from Hobby Lobby (1/2 off as well). I bought 2 glass tree toppers from TJ Maxx 1 silver and 1 lime green, I adore them, I'm going to buy more when they go on sale at Target (I'm not paying $16 for them). Finally I added my glass apothecary jars from my wedding. I put glass ornaments in them. I also placed another one of the coffee table, and used a Martha Stewart place mat that I got for like $2.

This is my centerpiece for my kitchen table, I want a different table runner, but I'm not going to buy one right now. I'll just deal with it.
This is my table behind the table. I have my lovely polka dot Kate Spade Vase filled with ornaments, a cute silver reindeer, and my lovely blue candle holders. These generally sit on the mantle. As you can see my theme is most definitely silver, blue, and green. But I've added little pops of color here and there.
Last but not least, Milo is really excited about the decorations, can't you tell....
Shout Out to Dugout Daisy...
Some might think this movie was a little dark for a young child, maybe... David Bowe is totally awesome but a little scary in the movie. And it did make me stop asking for someone to come and take away my lil brother, well atleast for a little while.
Not a Fan of the Stache
Ok back to my point, sorry he distracts me. I hate facial hair. I down right loathe it. And even though the stache on him still freaks me out a little I'd be willing to put up with it to wake up next to that sexy piece of man meat every day.

I know a lot of people are Team Aniston, but I'm sorry I do adore these two together. Brad seems incredibly happy and always wanted a large brood of children.
I have a love for all things 80s
But I do have a serious love for 80s movies. So bad that the Mr. doesn't like watching them with me, I can some of them literally line by line, and he hates it.
What are my favorites, well John Hughes' of course. He is the king of 80s movies. LOVE him, and there I have to love Molly Ringwald. What are my favorite movies, well I'm so glad you asked.
1. Pretty in Pink
This is my hands down favorite movie. In high school my friend bought me the soundtrack on CD, which I still have and listen to from time to time. My favorite quote from the movie...
"You said you couldn't be with someone who didn't believe in you. Well I believed in you. I just didn't believe in myself. I love you... Always..."
2. The Breakfast Club
"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy!"
"Don't mess with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns."
Ok I'll admit this is the movie that I have a problem not quoting word for word, I truly can't help myself.
Some of my other favorites in no particular order: Can't Buy Me Love, Weird Science, The Lost Boys, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Heathers, Pump Up the Volume, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller, and the list goes on. What is your favorite 80s movie?
Can you keep a secret?

Reality of an Aviator's Wife
Today I'm reminded how dangerous his job is. Not that I need reminding but today it slapped me in the face yet again. Today, there was an F-18 crash in San Diego, it appears the pilot may ejected without issue. What people often forget, is training for fighters or any aircraft is an extremely dangerous job. While we've been here in P'cola, there was a crash at a training wing killing all three on board, the Blue Angels crash during an air show, and the incident with 2 F-15C out in the Gulf near here. Luckily, in the 2nd incident one of the 2 pilots survived.
Every single day before the Mr. goes up for a flight I tell him BE SAFE and BE SMART. I used to tell him good luck, but he says luck has nothing to do it. I tend to disagree, but good thing the Mr. is the luckiest SOB I've ever known.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the pilot and all the people on the ground near the crash site. Fighter pilots and navigators for the Navy and Marines come through P'cola. We know a large of number of guys and girls that are there or headed there soon. Today made me think and pray for all of them.
When the Wife's Away, the Mr. throws a dinner party...
You are SO Random...
I was recently tagged by Mrs. Not-so-Domesticated....
The rules of the tag are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
So let the randomness that is my life begin....
1. The Mr. and I met on, and he always jokes that we need to get our own TV ad.
2. I don't have relationship with my "real" dad. My parents separated when I have 5, and my 'real' dad has been less than great for most of my life. The last time I spoke to him (well at him more likely) was when I was 18 in court.
3. I'm messy and I hate cleaning. My room and closet are generally messy. The Mr. hates it. I'm not dirty, just messy. I keep the living room, kitchen, (all main living area clean and tidy) but I hate picking up after myself. The Mr. won't let me get a cleaning lady right now. But when we have kids, it is most definitely happening...
4. I have a love of Techno Music. I started in college, and it sticks with me until today. I love working out to techno music. The Mr. loves it. It obviously made an appearance at the wedding. I bought 5 packs of glow sticks at the Dollar Store. I busted them out, as a total joke. But the joke was on me because then everyone jumped onto the dance floor and everyone wanted one. It was hilarious.

5. I didn't have my 1st real kiss until I was 14. My mom re-married and we moved to a new town. I attended a small, Catholic school from 1-8th grade and never had a real kiss on the lips. We moved and I went to a big, scary public school. (not that big only 800 people, but it was HUGE to me.) Within 2 weeks of starting school, I had my first date and my first kiss at festival in town. I was like... "wow is this what public school is like..."
6. I went to college to be a Speech Pathologist. I changed majors at the end of my Sophomore year. I graduated with a Business Marketing major. And I graduated in 4 years with a ridiculous number of credits. My parents told me anything over 4 years, I had to pay for myself, talk about some motivation.
I need to tag 6 random people.... but I'm going to tag everyone... so ha ha you're all IT....
And a big THANK YOU to you all for the kind words about the Jetplanes hitting the 6 month mark. It is tough being apart, but I don't want to throw myself too big of a pity party. There are so many wives that haven't seen their husband in 6 months, and he is in a war zone. My sadness and loneliness doesn't begin to compare to theirs. I keep reminding myself that I need to keep it all in perspective.

Me and the Mr. Love you Honey.
Today is special...

Yogurt Bark for Everything9 hours ago
Book Review | November7 years ago
Colorful Christmas7 years ago
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation7 years ago
The Big 3-57 years ago
Day in the Life: Spring 20177 years ago
Spring Greetings7 years ago
#Kmartdidthat | ep.68 years ago
Firsts!8 years ago
Tables For Sale9 years ago
The Magnolia Story, Story9 years ago
Birthday Celebrations9 years ago
gabung yuk9 years ago
Five on Friday9 years ago
Our 2014 Christmas Cards10 years ago
In Search Of...11 years ago
Beauty Benefit11 years ago
Need a pair?11 years ago
Current skincare routine11 years ago
The Perfectly Imperfect Ending12 years ago
2012 in Review12 years ago
Momma's Birthday12 years ago
Just tickled pink...12 years ago
Please Follow My New Blog!12 years ago
A Prada Pastiche13 years ago
Check out my new blog!!13 years ago
Friday Musings13 years ago
Well, friends, here goes nothing!13 years ago
moved. :)13 years ago
Was it you?14 years ago
Remembering Lisa, Three Months14 years ago
My Blog Has Moved!14 years ago
We've Moved!14 years ago
Christmas Wreaths15 years ago
did you move with me?15 years ago
- No NYE kiss for Mrs. Jetplane
- Mrs. Jetplane got her hair did
- Lil Jetplane Family Reunion
- Mrs. Jetplane has been a very good girl
- If you were "Curious"...
- Get in there and get back to work...
- Had to Say BYE to Mr. Jetplane
- Happy Friday...
- Random Bamblings....
- Now the REAL fun begins...
- Today I felt like a wife
- Howdy Y'All....
- Giddy with anticipation...
- Update on Mama Jetplane
- Making me laugh this afternoon....
- This just made my day....
- I am so annoyed....
- Getting Your Pug Lovin A Little Early This Week
- Getting to know the Jetplanes...
- Happy Holidays <3 The Jetplanes
- Missing Mr. Jetplane & TX Help Needed
- Jetplanes' Christmas in the Lone Star State
- Jetplanes' Christmas
- It's Friday.. You know what that means...Pugs
- Holla at your girl...
- Once was Blind, but now I SEE...
- Shout Out to Dugout Daisy...
- Not a Fan of the Stache
- I have a love for all things 80s
- Holiday Mail for Heroes
- Can you keep a secret?
- Reality of an Aviator's Wife
- When the Wife's Away, the Mr. throws a dinner part...
- You are SO Random...
- Today is special...
- Friday=Pugs
- Christmas at the Jetplanes
- Oh how a girl can dream
- A Taste of Home
- Back in Action
- Homeward Bound
- Happy Holidays and Welcome to Unemployment...
- Something that I haven't seen in YEARS...