Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 4
First off we have Ms. Lydia.

Chief (or Mama) loves Halloween so much we got 2 pictures.
Thank you all so much for playing along and sending in your puggie pics. If we have anyone else that would like to figure their pug in their Halloween finest, I'd be happy to do another post next week to honor your lil puggie. We all know they are in desperate need of attention.
Discount Diva

Outfit above is black legging from BR purchased on sale, white v-neck Hanes tshirt, grey boyfriend cardigan from Old Navy, grey/silver scarf Target, and Nine West Riding Boots bought at the outlet 2 years ago.
I'll be the first to admit leggings have scared me. I'm short and I was cursed with some thighs... How is everyone feeling about leggings?
Don't forget to enter my giveaway....
I Think Someone Found Out About the Crow...

Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 3
Today's Pug Friday is bought to you by Doc Breger and his friend Freddie the Wonder Pug. Freddie is obviously dressed up as the Yuppie Puggie. Isn't he just too cute for words?

And for your pure, additional enjoyment....
Freddie and his buddy Maggie the Cat. Thanks Doc and I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Happy Pug Friday!
Did Someone say GIVEAWAY?

The Giveaway will end a week from TODAY on October 29th! Hurry up...what are you waiting for....
The Parents are coming...The Parents are coming...
Unfortunately, Mr. Jetplane will be in class all week and its a crazy week on top of it all for him.
I'm working tomorrow and taking Thursday and Friday off. I hope to go shopping in Raleigh with my mom and planting flower bulbs in the yard...but really they just want to relax...so relax we shall.
Random Weekend Ramblings
2. Here are some samples of paint colors we've selected for the kitchen. I have paint swatches on a couple spots in the kitchen. I'll post one next to the kitchen cabinets later this week. I prefer the middle. The colors are Limeade, California Roll, and Green Apple.

4. We went and saw Couples Retreat on Saturday. It was funny...it wasn't OMG I'm going to throw up because I can't stop laughing funny...but it was funny. Now that we're married you start to think about things differently so the movie touched a cord with us. And we'll always go to Applebee's together... (topic from movie)
5. Out to the movie I sported my new Warriors In Pink scarf I blogged about early this month. *I might be giving one away on this lil blog later this week*

7. Sunday I had to return things to Target and TJMaxx. FYI- my TJMaxx isn't a Home Goods...yes please feel sorry for me. I stopped at JCP for their Friends and Family Sale. I haven't shopped inside a JCP in years. I did my office desk online, but that doesn't count. I have been looking for blue/navy pillows for our living room. JCP was having buy 1 pillow for full price and get the other for 88 cents. Plus I had 20% off coupon. The striped pillow is normally $40 and the navy velvet pillow $25. I got them both for under $30. Success!!

Happy Monday. I have a busy day in the office today thru Wednesday, I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to spend with the parents. Have a great week.
Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 2
Preppy Kitty doesn't seem to think so in this picture...but what does kitty know..this is Pug Friday anyway! Now moving on to our 2nd adorable pug (puggle) for today...Dinsmore from Life of a Busy Wife
He wants you all to know that he's a shark and you better watch out because he's on the attack...
Look at the lil face...who could ever say no to a face like that? No me!
A Huge THANK U to those that have sent in pictures of their Pug and Pug Breeds... keep them coming... I will have 2 more weeks of this...email me your pictures at leavingandloving@gmail.com
I know there are plenty more pug owners out there that read this blog...bring on the puggie pictures...
Dogs - 1 Mrs. Jetplane - 0

FYI-Mr. Jetplane left the gate open... he has been punished and will be buying me a new crow from Michael's.
Lord help me when we have children...
The Gallery Wall is Up
I purchased all the frames from Walmart, Target, and Kmart. All were sale and came with mats. Mr. Jetplane helped a great deal in the hanging of all the pictures...with only minimal complaining.
Going PINK...the MANLY way

PB Style on a PBR budget
But unfortunately the Jetplanes are not made out of money and I adamantly refuse to spend a lot of money on seasonal decor. Therefore I only buy these items on sale or even better at the end of the season.
I honestly don't even want to go into thinking about how much that look would cost....its ridiculous, but it is awesome... Don't worry if you can afford it...I'm not hating the player...just the game.
So what did lil Mrs. Jetplane do? Well so glad you asked...
First of all I don't have that much space to work with. So I needed to condense the look. The pumpkins are fake ones that I bought from Michael's last year for seriously 80% off. I thought about painting the them creme last year, even bought the paint but got lazy and didn't do it.
The wicker pumpkins are from Michael's regularly $24.99 and I purchase them on sale for $19.99/pc. I purchased the crows, leaves, and straw from Michael's, as well, all for 50% off. Crows were $2.49/pc, leaves $2.99, and straw $5.99.
The lanterns were purchased from Walmart in the Lawn and Garden department. They were regularly $25.00/pc and I bought them for $10.00/pc. I placed some of the leaves in them and then used a battery operated votive in each lantern.
The black metal plant stand, I have had forever. I believe I bought it at Lowes in Lawn and Garden. I have used it in everyone of my past apartments and houses on the balcony or porch as a table. I bought it for around $10 its metal and has held up for 7 years now.
The wreath was purchased at Big Lots last fall for under $10.00.
Yesterday I told Mr. Jetplane that I was going to give our house the PB look for around 10% of the cost. He said, "Great Honey!! What's PB?"
Oh boy...you would think he would have learned by know. He likes the look except he thinks the crows are creepy. I think that's why I like them. They had owls too, but they were alittle more expensive, and I'm a tight ass, so they didn't get purchased. Maybe if they go on 75-80% off, I'll pick up an owl or two and some of the larger crows.
So there you go, Casa de Jetplane Fall outdoor decor. I have more home improvement posts coming this week and potentially a giveaway... stay tuned.
Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 1
Unfortunately, Milo, my own personal lil hunk of pug lovin HATES, DETESTS, DOWN RIGHT LOATHES being dressed up in clothes. I did wrangle a spiderman costume on him last year and I think it maybe a repeat performance...as long as the lil chunker still fits into it.
Now without further ado...for your Pug Friday enjoyment...I bring you these 2 cutie pies.
First we have Ms. Sophia from Bella Serenity. Isn't she adorable?


Please email me your pictures to leavingandloving@gmail.com. Pug, puggles, and all can join in on the fun.
Picture found here
Support the Cause...and be CUTE at the same time

The scarf is $38.00 and can be found here.
The 2009 scarf is woven thread by thread to achieve a richly layered look of custom-dyed yarns that highlight the Warriors in Pink® symbols. Versatile for any season and multicolored to go with many soft colors in your wardrobe. Dry clean only.100% of net proceeds ($30.50 each) goes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.
Have you seen any great items... share the wealth...it all goes to a great cause.
Oh Baby...
And just to make myself clear.... I am over the moon happy for them. But its still a weird conversation, because as I've stated before, I'm still a little immature about the situation (even though I am 29 yrs old). And I still feel like in some ways we aren't old enough to start having babies yet...even though I totally know that we are. I never said I was rational in my thought process about this...
Its just crazy because we've went through years of people NOT wanting to get pregnant and now you are in a time where people are wanting/trying to get pregnant.
Here's how the convo went down...
Lou: "I'm pregnant!!"
Me: "OMG! Really! Seriously! I'm so... wait are we excited? We are excited, right?"
Lou: "Yes! We're happy! It wasn't planned but we're happy!"
Me: "Great! Because I'm totally crying over here! I'm so happy for you guys!"
Its still strange because I feel like, even though we've all been out of college for going on 7 years now...wow 7 years... I still feel like we're those young college girls in our black minis, backless shirts, and knee high black boots...going out hitting the town, doing shots, and dancing to techno music until 5 in the morning...
But (un)fortunately we are not... Our alcohol tolerance has decreased and our skirt lengths have increased but our love for one another has always remained the same.
Now...when are the Jetplanes going to have a baby? Not for some time...
Quite a nice lil weekend...

2. Added a lil Fall decor to Casa de Jetplane
Found the lanterns on clearance at Walmart for $10.00 in the Garden area. Sorry the styrofoam is still in them.
Here is our mantle and the new addition to the family...placed in the TV nook (aka shrine to TV). A placed a metallic pumpkin and squash I bought at Hobby Lobby last year on to 2 candle holders I've had forever (Big Lots find).
3. I'm planning on adding a liner to the back of my bookcases in the office, thoughts? Its wrapping paper from Michael's.
4. We saw Zombie Land on Saturday afternoon. OMG its gross and hilarious all at the same time. It was very much a dark comedy... which is just how I like it. Some may say we have a sick sense of humor...but oh well. All I have to say is stripper zombie with boobie tassels...and a wonderful cameo...which I will not share...
5. Last night we attended an oyster bake hosted by a committee that supports the military community here. It was wonderful. The house it was held at was amazing... I feel truly blessed to be in a town that supports their military so warmly. We met some wonderful local business owners and got the opportunity to get to know Mr.'s classmates alittle better. I ate raw oysters for the 1st time...I put a lot of cocktail sauce on them so I can't tell you if I really like them or not. But the shrimp...oh the shrimp...was divine...
Good ol Southern Hospitality. I met the wives of all the commanders in the training wing and they couldn't have been nicer. The fighter community is really embracing us all and I feel really grateful for that. This is my attire for the night...sorry by bathroom was a mess.
Shirt - BR, Cardi - Issac for Target, and Pants - BR
Hopefully he didn't bring any friends....
So the entire day and night goes on without incident. I am sitting in the living room, cozy and comfy, in my leather chair playing on the computer and watching Inside the NFL and I a see a lil mouse run in front of the fireplace and into the closet. My ever close watch dogs (Milo & Charlie) are passed out on the couch, snoring, and not paying attention at all.
I run upstairs to tell Mr. Jetplane...we have a mouse... I knew I wasn't making this up. He then asks me what do I want him to do about it.... Catch the damn thing!
We tried and were unsuccessful. (I may have been standing onto of the coffee table) The dogs are deathly afraid of the broom for some reason so they were not a help at all. They ran into the bedroom and hid. The mouse is still in this house and looks like I'm going to be buying some traps today.
I haven't had a mouse in my house since I lived with my parents in the country...and then we had a cat... I guess I have found the one bad thing about living in BFE surrounded by tobacco, wheat, cotton, and corn fields...
Pug Friday - Going PINK

Today is...

As some of you know it has touched my family twice, first my maternal grandmother and last year my mother. Unfornately my grandmother passed away while I was in high school but, I'm happy to say that my mother is now cancer free. She will be having her reconstructive surgery in November.
I hope to share important information about bresat cancer and a little more about our story over the next month.
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#Kmartdidthat | ep.68 years ago
Firsts!8 years ago
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Beauty Benefit11 years ago
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Momma's Birthday12 years ago
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- Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 4
- Discount Diva
- I Think Someone Found Out About the Crow...
- Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 3
- Did Someone say GIVEAWAY?
- The Parents are coming...The Parents are coming...
- Random Weekend Ramblings
- Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 2
- Dogs - 1 Mrs. Jetplane - 0
- The Gallery Wall is Up
- Going PINK...the MANLY way
- PB Style on a PBR budget
- Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 1
- Support the Cause...and be CUTE at the same time
- Oh Baby...
- Quite a nice lil weekend...
- Hopefully he didn't bring any friends....
- Pug Friday - Going PINK
- Today is...