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Monday, December 20, 2010

What's Good in the Hood

Well I'd like to tell you that the Jetplanes had a relaxing weekend snuggling my the fire (we finally figured out how to use our gas fireplace) and watching the Colts beat the Jags...but sadly I cannot.

Friday we high tailed it up to Boise to pick up our final interior doors for the house. The linen closet door the smallest and the most expensive, had to be custom ordered...BOO. The pantry door, thank goodness, was stock. We also purchased the baseboards for the living room, family room, kitchen, and hallway. We purchased contractor packs, they aren't the glamorously tall and detailed baseboards we originally wanted but hey...things add up so somethings are sacrificed. I am loving my new appliances though:)

After that we met up with a couple from our squadron and ate all you can eat sushi at a new sushi place. Since they just opened (without a liquor license yet) we headed over to Cheesecake factory for drinks and of course desert, yeah I'm a fat ass so what.

Saturday morning bright and early we got up and hung the doors. Be hold all new doors (minus the closet doors on the side those are for the laundry area and our utility room)We then headed back up to Boise to enjoy the NIU v Fresno State Bowl game. Mr Jetplane is an NIU alum and I got us 1/2 off tickets on Groupon. Mr had a couple of frat brothers in town as well so we partied it up at the NIU alum reception and then had great seats for the game. We got to watch NIU beat up on Fresno, much to the surprise and anger of a couple Boise State fans that were chatting it up around us. We were rolling deep with some Chicago Southsiders so I'm not sure they knew what could happen if they kept running their mouths.... oh well.

We had a great time. So much fun that we ended up skipping our squadron Holiday party.
Hello Smurf Turf!!! I still find it crazy to see mountains in the background. I'm not used to it yet.

After the win we got on the field and them BAM it started crazy snowing!!! It was awesome!

Sunday morning I awoke to the sound of rushing water and then drip, drip, drip. Our roof is leaking...our NEW ROOF. The NEW ROOF that we had put on in order for us to purchase the house. It was dropping water right by Milo's bed and he was freaked out and lil pissed off. Needless to say, we are not happy and the roofer was out here a couple of months ago to fix the problem...obviously its not fixed....mmmm.

Mr decided to open up the ceiling...oh joy! I refused to sleep in there last night so we're kickin it in the guest bedroom. Thank God our houseguest left on Thursday...I washed the sheets and threw away the pillows he'd been sleepin on. Mr didn't want to sleep on them either.

Anyway - the rest of yesterday Mr. measured and cut all the baseboards. (Yeah trim...we've lived without since August). We'll start installing tonight. We installed the chair rail for the kitchen bead board yesterday. Its crazy how different the house is looking. Its been a lot of work, and we still have more to go, but its really been a rewarding experience seeing the changes the house is making.

Next on the list - PAINTING, we have more coats of white for the stairway, trim, bead board, new doors, and then onto the kitchen cabinets....

We are trying to get as much done as possible before Mr deploys in 2011. Its coming up and no matter what I can't wish it away. When he gets back from the desert we will be totally renovating the 2 bathrooms, so that's something to keep my occupied while he's off doing God knows what over there :)
Friday, December 17, 2010

Pug Friday - Its Beginning to Look alot like Christmas

Hello and Happy Pug Friday! I don't know about you but this week and has been a crazy one, and I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner...YIKES!

Here's to a great weekend filled fun and laughter. The Jetplanes have a packed weekend. We need to finish up shopping, go pick up the interior doors we ordered, attended the NIU v. Fresno Bowl game in Boise (Mr is NIU grad), and attend the squadron holiday party which for some reason is 80s themed...yeah I don't know about that one either.

Happy Pug Friday!

Image Source

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Life in Bullets...

Well hello there...how is every one's holiday season going thus far? Ours is crazy for sure! So crazy, that I've obviously not been blogging regularly in quite some time. So in order to bring you up to speed in a relatively quick time frame...here we go...

1. The Jetplanes have been hard at work renovating/updating our humble abode. I hope to share pictures soon.

2. We purchased new appliances for the kitchen and I love them, especially the awesome ice cubes the refrigerator makes...its the lil things in life, right?

3. We have been snowboarding...well clarification... Mr has been snowboarding and I have been attending lessons.

4. The Jetplanes spent most of last week in Florida for my end of year meetings and holiday party. We got to have a lovely dinner with fellow blogger, and our husbands finally got to meet.

5. We are headed back to Illinois for the holiday and while I'm excited to see family, after the recent travel mishaps I've experienced, I'm not thrilled to be getting on a plane.

6. And in even better news, I'm happy to report our friend that was in the car accident has made great progress in the past 2 weeks. Due to the progress, he wasn't moved back east and is still in the area. He is tracking people and able to provide non-verbal responses to questions...He is even giving his wife kisses...yes I know amazing right?

Well there is a snapshot of the past couple of weeks in 6 bullet points, sadly I guess my life isn't that exciting.... So I'll leave you with a lil laugh. Here are a couple of outtakes from my holiday party... My department performed a skit at the holiday party and this used in it :) Enjoy!
Yes I know my husband looks totally creepy in that picture...
Friday, December 3, 2010

Pug Friday - Getting in the Holiday Spirit

Hello hello...is anybody out there?

Is everyone getting ready for the holidays? Thanksgiving flew by and I can't believe we're already in December.
Now that we're living in Idaho, I experiencing REAL winter. I haven't experienced a REAL winter in years. I am not prepared for this :)
I hope today's Pug Friday puts you all in a festive mood.

This is just about how I feel today :)

P.S. Thank you all for the prayers and support for our friends. He is slowly coming out of the coma. He was taken off sedatives earlier this week. His eyes are open, but we don't believe he can see as of yet. He is reacting to his wife's voice and making movements with all his limbs.

That's the good news, the bad news is they are PCS'ing to Bethesda to be closer to family and for him to receive the rest of his treatment and therapy. They might be leaving as soon as next week if everything is in order. And course...we're in Florida for the majority of next week.

We are having dinner at their house to tonight with another couple. All of our husbands went through the B Course together in North Carolina. I am so sad to see them go but I know its for the best.

Please continue to keep them in your prayers. There is still a very long road ahead of them.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My new family...

The Jetplanes have been 'in' the military for a little over 4 years now. A lot has happened in those four years, we have had huge successes and monumental failures. We loved, we laughed, and we've cried for ourselves and for people in our community.

For the majority of the past 4 years, Mr. Jetplane has been going through training and we've been part of various training squadrons. Some of these squadrons are very accepting and welcoming, they make you (i.e. the wife) feel like they are one of the girls...some are not so accepting, especially if you are just a girlfriend or fiance. (FYI that has just been my personal experience)

I adored the women in our last training squadron. It was the first time we were in an actual "fighter" squadron and I felt I like belonged. That was most definitely attributed to our wonderful commander's wife. Even though my husband was just a 'lowly Lt. student' I felt like I was just like any other wife in the squadron, and trust me that's a good feeling.

When we arrived in Idaho, I was sad to leave those women, the women and the community that I had grown to really love in those short 9 months. Its amazing the friendships that you can build in 9 months isn't it. Its amazing that these women and I are so different but so alike at the same time. Its amazing that some of these women are without a doubt, going to be my friends for the rest of my life...9 months people. I made those life long friendships in 9 months.

We have only been in Idaho for a few months and I'm just starting to get my bearings with in our new squadron. Luckily a couple of people came with us from our previous squadron and we have strong friendships already. But making friends with the rest of the spouses sometimes feels like a daunting task. I don't have any children. Most, like 90%, of the spouses do. I have a full time job, most of them don't. I can't attend day time activities at the squadron, I can't do a lot of things due to my job and activities that I schedule for myself during the weeknights. But with all that being said, what I have witnessed in the past 7 days has erased any and all doubt I had in my mind about our new squadron.

I have always been told that fighter squadrons are close, probably one of the closest in the military. Sure we've been told that a million times, but never truly felt it..until now.

When the accident occurred last Monday night, our squadron moved into high gear. From the top down, the selflessness and true love for others poured out of these men and women. It makes me tear up just imagining the support my friend was given last week. The commander dropped everything and drove my friend to the hospital. He and other higher ranking officers in the squadron arranged travel and accommodations for their families. People stayed in 24 hour vigil with his wife. We have arranged meals to be delivered to the hospital for however long it takes.

Its truly an outpouring of love that warms my heart. We are proud to be part of this wonderful community. You see in this crazy military life there are only a couple of constants - you have your spouse, his job, an upcoming deployment, and your military family. The players in that family may shift here and there, but they are always part of your family. Its a wonderful realization, unfortunately it took a horrible accident like this for it to show itself to me.
The outpouring of love doesn't stop with our squadron. Our sister squadron, the maintainers, and the foreign squadron stationed here have all pitched in. The love is being sent in masses from other fighter squadrons back in North Carolina and in England. People that trained with the pilot and went to the Academy with him, its truly amazing the love that has surrounded he, his wife, and their families.
But prayers are still needed. We've hopefully turned a corner but we're not out of the woods by any means.

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and prayers for our friends I mentioned in the previous post. If you follow me on twitter you most likely know a lot more about the situation. Since I'm generally anonymous on this blog and throughout this 'space' I prefer to not disclose his name or information. If you are in the military community or have a strong and true desire to pray from him, I would be happy to share some additional information, including his caringbridge site.
Monday, November 22, 2010

Reason for Absence

As some of you may have noticed (or not) I've been MIA for a week or so. That was not intended and there have been a couple of reasons.

1. Late last Monday night, a close friend of ours and a pilot in our squadron was in a car accident leaving base. He suffered serious injury and had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital. He is stable but currently in a drug induced coma.

2. Unfortunately I had a planned work trip that left early Tuesday morning and consumed my entire week.

As you can see those 2 issues didn't allow me to be with my friend and more importantly his wife during this horrible ordeal. I felt and continue to feel horrible that I have not been able to be here for them.

So please accept my apologies for my absence. My heart hasn't been in the blogging mood. Please keep our friends and their family in your prayers, they need all the support they can get.
Friday, November 12, 2010

Pug Friday

To continue from yesterday celebration of Veterans Day...Happy Pug Friday.

Have a great weekend... someone's hubby surprised her and showed up (i.e. scared the crap out of her and the dogs) at 12:30 this morning. Mr. Jetplane is home, too bad I'm leaving for Pcola on Tuesday for the rest of the week :(
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Home of the Brave

Thank you to all those that have served and continue to serve our country. We are forever in debt to you and your families.

My thoughts and prayers are going out today to all of those who are currently in harm's way fighting for freedom. Special thoughts to our fellow F15e squadron that is currently making us proud over there right now. Fly Safe Guys.

And to my favorite Fly Boy...

Proud doesn't even begin to explain my feelings about you and your decision to serve your country. Fly safe today and I can't wait for you to get home tomorrow. xoxo
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

When in Idaho...

Do as Idahoans...make potato soup...right?

I love potato soup, its probably one of my favorites. Well to be totally honest, I've never met a potato I didn't like, so potato is a no brainer.

I recently found this yummy recipe for potato soup and immediately knew I had to make it. It looked super easy and its from another wonderful mil wife. I added a lil flavor of my own, but its pretty close to her recipe. FYI- I added garlic and used reduced fat cream cheese. I actually add garlic to almost everything I cook.

What do you need:
4 large Idaho Potatoes peeled and diced
1 small yellow onion thinly diced
2 minced cloves of garlic
1.5 boxes of 99% fat free Chicken Broth
1 box of reduced fat cream cheese cut into small pieces
1/2 tsp of season all salt
1/4 tsp of black pepper and cayenne pepper ( i used about 1/2 tsp of black pepper it was pretty spicy)
Cheddar Cheese FYI-You can shred your own, sadly I'm lazy and always buy bagged unless we're entertaining company then I act like I always shred my own cheese. SHHHHH....

1. Combine potatoes, onion, garlic, spices, and broth in a large pot. Heat on medium until potatoes are soft. It took about 30 minutes or atleast I was distracted by DVR'd episode of Sarah's House that long.

2. Once soft, begin mashing the potatoes in the pot until about 1/2 - 2/3 are mashed, this will thicken the soup. I prefer my soup to be creamy and not overly chunky so I mashed about 2/3. Stir several times to get the mashed potatoes off the bottom of the pot so you don't burn them.

3. Reduce to low and add in cream cheese. Slowly add the cream cheese and continual stir until it is all mixed. This was my favorite part, watching the brownish color liquid turn into yummy yummy white soup.

4. Then make yourself a bowl full add cheddar cheese, chives, bacon, etc.
I've eaten it every day since Sunday...obviously I enjoy it!
Thanks D.A.R. for the recipe...
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Did you ever imagine you'd be a military wife?

If I had a nickel for every time I get asked this question....

Well the simple, short answer to that question is NO. To be completely and brutally honest its not something I ever thought nor wanted to be. Mr. Jetplane and I met before he was in the Air Force. When we met he was thinking about trying to get into Officer Training School (OTS). You want a lil more honesty... when he told me he had started the process I thought to myself, "This relationship probably isn't going anywhere so I have nothing to worry about"...yeah I know.
Mr. Jetplane didn't go into the Air Force with the idea of flying jets. He has a background in finance and he had envisioned doing something in the military associated with that. But when he took his 'tests' he scored high in math and science, which isn't hard to believe since he started college as an engineering major. (FYI - he switched to finance because he liked to party and engineering classes were at 8am and at the other side of campus TRUE STORY).

Mr. Jetplane joined the USAF a lil over 4 years ago. He is now a Captain and I have officially been a military wife for about 2 1/2 years, but we've been going through this together ( i.e. living together aka living in sin) the entire time. There is ALOT of schooling and being selected through various tracks in order to get where we are now, which is our 1st operational squadron.
I'm not gonna sugar coat anything here. Its tough stuff. If I didn't move down to Florida to be with him during his first year of flight school, we wouldn't be together now. We know a lot of couples that didn't make it out of flight school before breaking up and/or divorcing.
But you can make it...heck we made it. We learned a lot about each other, we learned that we have to be a team. We have to support each other and push each other along.

As a spouse or significant other of someone in the military you have to come to terms with the fact that the needs of the military will always supersede your needs. ALWAYS PEOPLE. It doesn't mean your husband doesn't love you...he doesn't have a choice.

You have to be strong and independent. You have to be willing to let some things slide and be able to go to bed not knowing exactly when your spouse is going to get home from work.
Now we're headed into unknown territory for us...the D WORD....DEPLOYMENT.

He was suppose to deploy before the end of the year but it got pushed back, which I was more than a lil thankful for. But now each day that goes by makes it one day closer till when my hubby leaves. I'm trying to prepare myself for it, that's a work in progress.

But to stay on the honesty train we've been riding, being a military wife its not necessarily all that different from being the wife of a lawyer, doctor, fireman, police officer, or even a business owner. Sure there are some big differences...one of which is my hubby goes to work in what he likes to call "glorified pj's" and his office is a fighter jet. But there are plenty of jobs that require long hours, tons of training, and a huge amount of patience from family and friends.

I still and probably always feel awkward when someone thanks me for the work that my husband does. It always makes me feel strange but it makes me feel proud at the same moment. Did I ever envision this being my life...well I think I already answered that....no. Am I honored to be married to my gorgeous fly boy...of course.

Sometimes people ask me for some sage advice about becoming a military wife, which I find humorous. What do I say to people...well... I think you need to develop 2 things a thicker skin and a good sense of humor...both will come in handy...oh and I find a stocked liquor cabinet handy...but hey that's just me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pug Friday

Happy Pug Friday everyone...has this week kicked anyone else's butt, but mine. I swear this week has been exhausting. With Mr. gone all this week the dogs seem to think its an all out free for all. I swear they know he's gone so its like...Mom we're going to be a bad as we wanna be.

Anyone else have that problem? I think today's Pug Friday perfectly displays my emotions today :)
Happy Pug Friday. Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 1, 2010

What I learned from Halloween 2010

Well yesterday was Halloween for those of you that live under a rock and weren't aware of this. Yesterday I learned a couple of things that I thought I would share with you.

1. Halloween isn't as much fun without Mr. Jetplane. He's in Vegas for work. Yes I know.

2. Lil boys still love being superheros. I'm worried the masks they are selling with the costumes make it hard for them to see. I had 3 lil boys trip on my porch.

3. Some kids are straight up RUDE. If they didn't say "Trick or Treat" I would kindly say, "Do I get a Trick or Treat?" I also gave a friendly shout, "You're Welcome!!" to a few when they walked away.

4. Just because your lil sweetie pie daughter wants to dress up like a tramp, doesn't mean you should let her.....ummm k.

5. I love when parents dress up with their kids, except when those parents decide to wear scary clown masks like they are from the movie "It". Seriously people...I still have nightmares from watching that movie when I was a kid.

6. If the lights are off that means don't come knock on my door. Its 9pm people, you and your 7 kids (most of which looked under 6 yrs old) do not need to be out running the streets at 9pm.

7. You don't need to ring my doorbell 3 times, I'm not deaf and hear it on the 1st ring.

8. If you can drive yourself, you're too old to be trick or treating.

Wow...did I just become a old bittie....

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.

Update: Its come to my attention that I may have offended hearing impaired people by my "I'm not deaf" comment. If so, I hope you would understand that was not my intention. I also understand lil ones like to ring the doorbell, its the "slightly bigger" kids that seemed to be the problem.
Friday, October 29, 2010

Pug Friday - Halloween a lil early

Happy Pug Friday. Sorry its been MIA for a while. It makes me sad, since it really is my favorite post of the week. So I decided to give you all a couple extra puggies to make up for it.

What's better than cutie putie pugs...well pugs dressed up in costume...DUH!!!

No need to thank me....sorry I don't have links to the pictures, honestly I've been saving these for a while :)
Happy Pug Friday!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a lil taste...

Of the Jetplanes' Fall Decor. Up first is our family room. Let me start off my saying I absolutely hate our fireplace. Its a weird abnormal height, its been converted into gas and has an ugly surround, and the mantle is a baby mantle. But it is what it is for now. I would also like to say that the wood trim in the windows have been primed and is ready for their last (hopefully) coat of white paint. The 25 year old 1" wood blinds are no longer and will be replaced hopefully in the next month or so. ( I may have worked for Levelor in the past know my blinds people!)

Next up is our entry way. I love it and sorry I don't have better close up pictures.
The majority of the items come from the Dollar Store, Target, and around the house. I used Harry Potter and Sookie books sans covers to create height on the table. The blood drippings came from the Dollar Store. I have them all over our front windows as well. The wine glass is filled with eyeball gum which I have since devoured. I also have my prized glass skull which I bought at TJ Maxx last year for $4.00 people. I love it. It holds paperclips on my desk the rest of the year. Yeah...I'm a freakshow, I don't care :)
Pay no attention to the rest of the chaos that is our house right now. We haven't put down floor trim yet, you'll notice paint swatches on the wall (from family and living rooms), the missing light switch plate cover from the kitchen (since we ripped all the wallpaper down), and a slightly unfinished gallery wall in the hallway. Our house is a work in progress people :)
I'm kinda sad this year, because I'm usually more into decorating, especially the outside. This year I just don't have it in me :(
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Paula can't ruin this day...

Better late than never, right? Well as promised here's a follow up post from the Jetplanes' Mexican Adventure. Even though we had a hell of a time getting down there, it was worth all the trouble.
Mr. Jetplane, as always, had a great time...As you can see by the picture he decided to join in with the band during the cocktail hour...oh yes I was ever the proud wife...

The first day we were welcomed by the Bride and Groom and had a fabulous Cocktail Meet and Greet. We had delicious food and drink, and broke it down at da club....
Let's just say...there was alot of fun being had by all. After a travel nightmare its good to let loose with several adult beverages...right?
The next day was the wedding and after all the drama from Hurricane Paula, it turned out to be an absolutely beautiful day in Mexico. I had always envisioned Jill getting married on the beach. There is only 1 thing that you have to worry about when getting married on a beach resort... Guys in speedos...Thankfully my drunk husband liked to take pictures of the randoms walking by and gawking at the wedding. I'd like to say this is the only one...but I can't :)

Here is the lovely bride walking down with her father.

The whole wedding party as they exchange vows...I may have cried. Look at that sky...seriously wasn't a hurricane supposed to hit? Maybe it did...in the form of our friend that ended up in the pool. This picture is of him fully clothed...thankfully we don't have pictures when he wasn't :)
Here are a few additional pictures from the photographer. I think you can really see how truly happy they are. I love these pictures.

Here we are getting her together before the I do's.
Here's the whole crew that attended the festivities. Screw you Paula!
And just for fun... Congrats Jill and Billy....we love you. xoxo
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We're Back...

That bitch Paula and U.S. Airways ain't goin to keep me out Mexico for wedding...

I promise to fill you in on all the juicy details from the wedding weekend which included

1 drunk husband and 3 orders of room service club sandwiches that he passed out before he ate

1 jump into the pool during the reception (perhaps not fully clothed...this was not drunk husband)

1 fabulous couple who got married on a beach (with 2 beautiful dresses)

1 hell of a day before the trip trying to get down there after my flight was cancelled

But it was all worth it!!

p.s. due to trip, previous flu before trip, and laziness I fell off the fit train for Project Get Sexy...I ran today, it was NOT PRETTY!!! Mr told me that for every week you don't run you lose 2 weeks of training...well I've been bad for 2 weeks so you do the painful math there :(

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Friends till the End

Its not just a great Lifetime movie starting Ms. Shannen Doherty, it exemplifies how I feel about a certain friend of mine.

Tomorrow the Jetplanes are heading south to enjoy the wedding festivities of one of my best friends in the entire world, Jill. Jill is getting married to her long time beau and I am thrilled to be able to partake in the ceremonies and be one of her bridesmaids.

I cannot say enough kind words about Jill. She is and always has been this positive ray of energy that makes everyone happy around her. She has an amazing sense of humor and a contagious laugh. She's a true friend and will have your back no matter what.

I met Jill freshman year of college. We were in the same rush class. We were suite mates in the sorority house. We hung out every single weekend and most days during the week. We had a lot of fun crazy times...some which we might not always remember :) or some we wish we could forget.

But on top of all of that, Jill is truly a walking miracle. Right after graduating from college I moved to Indy and Jill stayed in her hometown (our college town). She was working at a clothing store in the mall during the time right after graduation. We had all planned to converge back at college for Homecoming, which at my school was a weekend of pure debauchery that wasn't beat the entire year, and believe me WE TRIED.

I don't recall who called me, but I got a call letting me know Jill was in a terrible car accident. She suffered some pretty severe injuries including breaking neck. She broke the same vertebra as Christopher Reeves, luckily hers broke the opposite direction that his did.

Yes, she was "this close" to be paralyzed. "THIS CLOSE" to being paralyzed. I remember getting to see her for the 1st time. I saw her right after she got out of the hospital. She was sitting in her mom's car, in a Chinese food restaurant parking lot and I can honestly say I was scared to see my friend. I was happy to see my friend alive and believe it or not, still smiling, but I was sad to see my friend in a halo. I wanted to give her a hug but couldn't, really. Over the next few months, I tried to visit her as much as I could. Luckily, living in Indy I was only about 2 hours away from her.

She had a rough road ahead of her but she went through it like a champ. She battled through her recovery and came out on the other side a hell of a woman. As I said before, she is truly a walking miracle and I'm lucky to have her in my life and honored to call her my friend. Every single time I see her, I thank God for keeping her in our life and allowing her to walk. I honestly think about it every single time.

I love you Jilly Bean. You are a wonderful woman and I'm so completely thrilled to watch you marry your best friend this week. You deserve all the happiness in the entire world.
Monday, October 11, 2010

Come and Knock on Our Door

The Jetplanes have been hard at work on our new (to us) house in Idaho. We purchased the house in all its 1986 glory. I believe there had been 2 previous owners to the property and while a lot had been done to the outside of the property, not a lot had been touched in 20+ years since the house was built. The house is a good house. It has good bones and has a great layout/space. We are really happy in this house. If feels more like home than our home in NC ever did.

But with all that being said, it needs work, it needs updating more than anything. We've all ready ripped up the carpet and laid hand-scrapped wood floors. I love them. I really do. We're in the process of painting the window trim white and we just started replacing the doors.

Take a look at door #1, that would be the guest bathroom.

Pretty big difference right? It still needs to be trimmed out, but it already makes the house look 20 years younger and so much brighter.

We purchased the doors stock from Lowes and with our handy dandy 10% off military discount, we saved a lil money. We are also replacing all the closet doors, except those in the master bedroom. Master bedroom/bath is getting a total remodel so we're not changing those out for the time being.

Can't wait to show you more. I'm pretty excited about it.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hey there...

Its me...Mrs. Jetplane. Remember me? I have a blog!

Yeah I forgot too....nah not really, but I've been crazy crazy busy and this blog has taken a back seat to everything, and as it should I suppose. Lots of things have been going on in our lives for the past month.

We've been working on the house and I hope to post some pictures soon.

We attended Octoberfest in Boise this past weekend. It was fun even though totally overpriced..yeah I said it.

But we had a good time...we both like us some beer :)

Unfortunately this week on the dog front has been crazy. The dogs some how got out of the back yard. Luckily for our nosy neighbor, he alerted me to the issue and I proceeded to run down our busy street in the rain shoeless to get our 2 damn dogs back home. Honestly I think they were scared, their faces light up when they heard me call them.

Then on Wednesday we had a bigger issue. Milo and Charlie got into a fight. They get into from time to time, Milo can hold his own surprisingly and has never thought of himself as a small dog. Needless to say, they got into big fight Wednesday morning after they ate breakfast. Milo got bit and needed stitches. Poor little guy :(

He's doing ok now..thankfully.

Sorry I've been MIA lately, hopefully I'll be a better blogger soon...

Happy Pug Friday!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pug Friday - I need a laugh

Happy Pug Friday. I'm sorry I watch this video at least once a month. I can't help but laugh. Happy Pug Friday everyone :) I promise I'll be back highlighting rescues, but I haven't had much time to blog in the past couple of weeks.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project Get Sexy Update

Big Day for me today... I finished the 5th week of Couch to 5k today. I did the 20 min jog without stopping.

I'll be honest I was literally scared of this run today...I'm serious. I have repeated 2 of the previous weeks and I thought I might have needed to repeat the 8 min interval runs, but I was shocked at how well I did.

I hit the about 9 min mark of the 20 mins and actually hit my second wind...I didn't even know I had a second wind...turns out I do.

I'm so proud of myself today. Its a great feeling.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pug Friday - my most favorite puggie

Happy Pug Friday! I've had a very busy week and was unavailable to get everything together to feature another pug rescue and do it the justice it deserves.

So instead I bring you my most favorite puggie in the whole wide world....my own puggie, Milo. Yes I know what you are all thinking...yes Dan and Gorgina did steal my pug's name to name their baby... no worries I ain't a hater :)

Happy Pug Friday!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fake it till you make it...

That's a common motto of the Jetplanes...

As a young married couple (yes we still consider 30 yr olds very young) trying to save money and remodel their 2nd house, fake it till you make it is something we do on the daily. You see I am one that you would call having...champagne taste on a beer budget...that comes to clothes, shoes, and home decor.

So when it comes to the living room we needed something to use as an entertainment center. I had my eye on something similar to the PB option below.

Which can be yours for a cool $3k. ummm yeah not gonna happen at all. So what's a girl to do with oh about zero dollars to spend on this.

Well I decided to pull into 2 book cases that I used in my office in the previous house...ala Walmart for around $99.00 a piece. Mr. Jetplane successfully mounted the television on the wall between the bookcases but we still needed something to go in between. We needed found a black tv stand at Target. In order to bring it up a notch we added a lil hardware from Lowes. FYI these will also be used on our cabinets in the kitchen (when we get around to that). We purchased the tv stand for under $40.
So my entertainment center might not be as awesome as PB's option, but its under $300.00.

Not too bad if I do say so myself... oh sorry for the craptastic pictures, they are all taken with my blackberry...someone has lost the charger for the camera :(
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