What's Good in the Hood
Friday we high tailed it up to Boise to pick up our final interior doors for the house. The linen closet door the smallest and the most expensive, had to be custom ordered...BOO. The pantry door, thank goodness, was stock. We also purchased the baseboards for the living room, family room, kitchen, and hallway. We purchased contractor packs, they aren't the glamorously tall and detailed baseboards we originally wanted but hey...things add up so somethings are sacrificed. I am loving my new appliances though:)
After that we met up with a couple from our squadron and ate all you can eat sushi at a new sushi place. Since they just opened (without a liquor license yet) we headed over to Cheesecake factory for drinks and of course desert, yeah I'm a fat ass so what.
Saturday morning bright and early we got up and hung the doors. Be hold all new doors (minus the closet doors on the side those are for the laundry area and our utility room)

We had a great time. So much fun that we ended up skipping our squadron Holiday party.

After the win we got on the field and them BAM it started crazy snowing!!! It was awesome!

Sunday morning I awoke to the sound of rushing water and then drip, drip, drip. Our roof is leaking...our NEW ROOF. The NEW ROOF that we had put on in order for us to purchase the house. It was dropping water right by Milo's bed and he was freaked out and lil pissed off. Needless to say, we are not happy and the roofer was out here a couple of months ago to fix the problem...obviously its not fixed....mmmm.
Mr decided to open up the ceiling...oh joy!

Anyway - the rest of yesterday Mr. measured and cut all the baseboards. (Yeah trim...we've lived without since August). We'll start installing tonight.

Next on the list - PAINTING, we have more coats of white for the stairway, trim, bead board, new doors, and then onto the kitchen cabinets....
We are trying to get as much done as possible before Mr deploys in 2011. Its coming up and no matter what I can't wish it away. When he gets back from the desert we will be totally renovating the 2 bathrooms, so that's something to keep my occupied while he's off doing God knows what over there :)
Pug Friday - Its Beginning to Look alot like Christmas
Here's to a great weekend filled fun and laughter. The Jetplanes have a packed weekend. We need to finish up shopping, go pick up the interior doors we ordered, attended the NIU v. Fresno Bowl game in Boise (Mr is NIU grad), and attend the squadron holiday party which for some reason is 80s themed...yeah I don't know about that one either.
Happy Pug Friday!
My Life in Bullets...

Pug Friday - Getting in the Holiday Spirit
This is just about how I feel today :)
P.S. Thank you all for the prayers and support for our friends. He is slowly coming out of the coma. He was taken off sedatives earlier this week. His eyes are open, but we don't believe he can see as of yet. He is reacting to his wife's voice and making movements with all his limbs.
That's the good news, the bad news is they are PCS'ing to Bethesda to be closer to family and for him to receive the rest of his treatment and therapy. They might be leaving as soon as next week if everything is in order. And course...we're in Florida for the majority of next week.
We are having dinner at their house to tonight with another couple. All of our husbands went through the B Course together in North Carolina. I am so sad to see them go but I know its for the best.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers. There is still a very long road ahead of them.
My new family...

Reason for Absence
1. Late last Monday night, a close friend of ours and a pilot in our squadron was in a car accident leaving base. He suffered serious injury and had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital. He is stable but currently in a drug induced coma.
2. Unfortunately I had a planned work trip that left early Tuesday morning and consumed my entire week.
As you can see those 2 issues didn't allow me to be with my friend and more importantly his wife during this horrible ordeal. I felt and continue to feel horrible that I have not been able to be here for them.
So please accept my apologies for my absence. My heart hasn't been in the blogging mood. Please keep our friends and their family in your prayers, they need all the support they can get.
Pug Friday

Have a great weekend... someone's hubby surprised her and showed up (i.e. scared the crap out of her and the dogs) at 12:30 this morning. Mr. Jetplane is home, too bad I'm leaving for Pcola on Tuesday for the rest of the week :(
Home of the Brave

When in Idaho...

Did you ever imagine you'd be a military wife?

I still and probably always feel awkward when someone thanks me for the work that my husband does. It always makes me feel strange but it makes me feel proud at the same moment. Did I ever envision this being my life...well I think I already answered that....no. Am I honored to be married to my gorgeous fly boy...of course.
Sometimes people ask me for some sage advice about becoming a military wife, which I find humorous. What do I say to people...well... I think you need to develop 2 things a thicker skin and a good sense of humor...both will come in handy...oh and I find a stocked liquor cabinet handy...but hey that's just me.
Pug Friday

What I learned from Halloween 2010
1. Halloween isn't as much fun without Mr. Jetplane. He's in Vegas for work. Yes I know.
2. Lil boys still love being superheros. I'm worried the masks they are selling with the costumes make it hard for them to see. I had 3 lil boys trip on my porch.
3. Some kids are straight up RUDE. If they didn't say "Trick or Treat" I would kindly say, "Do I get a Trick or Treat?" I also gave a friendly shout, "You're Welcome!!" to a few when they walked away.
4. Just because your lil sweetie pie daughter wants to dress up like a tramp, doesn't mean you should let her.....ummm k.
5. I love when parents dress up with their kids, except when those parents decide to wear scary clown masks like they are from the movie "It". Seriously people...I still have nightmares from watching that movie when I was a kid.
6. If the lights are off that means don't come knock on my door. Its 9pm people, you and your 7 kids (most of which looked under 6 yrs old) do not need to be out running the streets at 9pm.
7. You don't need to ring my doorbell 3 times, I'm not deaf and hear it on the 1st ring.
8. If you can drive yourself, you're too old to be trick or treating.
Wow...did I just become a old bittie....
I hope everyone had a great Halloween.
Update: Its come to my attention that I may have offended hearing impaired people by my "I'm not deaf" comment. If so, I hope you would understand that was not my intention. I also understand lil ones like to ring the doorbell, its the "slightly bigger" kids that seemed to be the problem.
Pug Friday - Halloween a lil early
What's better than cutie putie pugs...well pugs dressed up in costume...DUH!!!

Just a lil taste...
Next up is our entry way. I love it and sorry I don't have better close up pictures.
Paula can't ruin this day...

We're Back...

I promise to fill you in on all the juicy details from the wedding weekend which included
1 drunk husband and 3 orders of room service club sandwiches that he passed out before he ate
1 jump into the pool during the reception (perhaps not fully clothed...this was not drunk husband)
1 fabulous couple who got married on a beach (with 2 beautiful dresses)
1 hell of a day before the trip trying to get down there after my flight was cancelled
But it was all worth it!!
p.s. due to trip, previous flu before trip, and laziness I fell off the fit train for Project Get Sexy...I ran today, it was NOT PRETTY!!! Mr told me that for every week you don't run you lose 2 weeks of training...well I've been bad for 2 weeks so you do the painful math there :(
Friends till the End

Come and Knock on Our Door
But with all that being said, it needs work, it needs updating more than anything. We've all ready ripped up the carpet and laid hand-scrapped wood floors. I love them. I really do. We're in the process of painting the window trim white and we just started replacing the doors.
Take a look at door #1, that would be the guest bathroom.

Pretty big difference right? It still needs to be trimmed out, but it already makes the house look 20 years younger and so much brighter.
We purchased the doors stock from Lowes and with our handy dandy 10% off military discount, we saved a lil money. We are also replacing all the closet doors, except those in the master bedroom. Master bedroom/bath is getting a total remodel so we're not changing those out for the time being.
Can't wait to show you more. I'm pretty excited about it.
Hey there...
Yeah I forgot too....nah not really, but I've been crazy crazy busy and this blog has taken a back seat to everything, and as it should I suppose. Lots of things have been going on in our lives for the past month.
We've been working on the house and I hope to post some pictures soon.
We attended Octoberfest in Boise this past weekend. It was fun even though totally overpriced..yeah I said it.

Unfortunately this week on the dog front has been crazy. The dogs some how got out of the back yard. Luckily for our nosy neighbor, he alerted me to the issue and I proceeded to run down our busy street in the rain shoeless to get our 2 damn dogs back home. Honestly I think they were scared, their faces light up when they heard me call them.
Then on Wednesday we had a bigger issue. Milo and Charlie got into a fight. They get into from time to time, Milo can hold his own surprisingly and has never thought of himself as a small dog. Needless to say, they got into big fight Wednesday morning after they ate breakfast. Milo got bit and needed stitches. Poor little guy :(
He's doing ok now..thankfully.
Sorry I've been MIA lately, hopefully I'll be a better blogger soon...
Happy Pug Friday!
Pug Friday - I need a laugh
Happy Pug Friday. I'm sorry I watch this video at least once a month. I can't help but laugh. Happy Pug Friday everyone :) I promise I'll be back highlighting rescues, but I haven't had much time to blog in the past couple of weeks.
Project Get Sexy Update
I'll be honest I was literally scared of this run today...I'm serious. I have repeated 2 of the previous weeks and I thought I might have needed to repeat the 8 min interval runs, but I was shocked at how well I did.
I hit the about 9 min mark of the 20 mins and actually hit my second wind...I didn't even know I had a second wind...turns out I do.
I'm so proud of myself today. Its a great feeling.
Pug Friday - my most favorite puggie
So instead I bring you my most favorite puggie in the whole wide world....my own puggie, Milo.

Happy Pug Friday!!
Fake it till you make it...

Which can be yours for a cool $3k. ummm yeah not gonna happen at all. So what's a girl to do with oh about zero dollars to spend on this.

Not too bad if I do say so myself... oh sorry for the craptastic pictures, they are all taken with my blackberry...someone has lost the charger for the camera :(
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