Discount Diva

True Blood Thoughts...

Getting Deep on This Monday Morning...
So this weekend we got the low down on yet another mil couple we know that are getting divorced.
The circumstances are crazy and too ridiculous to actually detail but it involves the following:
Cheating, Commanding Officers, divorces, and kids...
Its wayyyyy more colorful than that but still... it leads me to the following question particular for the mil couples out there...
We (and the military) expect more from officers in the military. Our husbands'/wives' bosses demand a certain level of integrity and ethics in each one of them. Therefore I expect the same in their spouses.
So to all out there... what does it mean to be wife (or husband) to someone in the military. And what does it mean to be an Officer's Wife (Husband)?
I get asked that question a lot, and to be completely honest... I don't really know. But I do know it doesn't mean cheating with someone else's husband and ruining their career in the process.
UPDATE: This isn't an enlisted vs. officer thing. I don't wear my husband rank or anything like that. Its more what does it mean to be the wife of a man in the military? The military is new to the Jetplanes and there are expectations and demands that one wouldn't consider.
I know several men that have been given notices that will not allow them to get promoted, lost top secret clearance, kicked out of the military, etc. for doing things that if happened in the civilian world wouldn't affect their jobs.
If these men/women act a certain way in the personal life they, in some people's eyes, aren't viable leaders in the military. At first it seems too harsh, but after some thought I generally agree with their decisions.
So again... this IS NOT an enlisted v. officer wife thing. I only know one point of view, but I know if I do certain things in my personal, professional, and/or financial life, it very well could have an affect on my husband's career.
Pug Friday

Hello all you lovely readers.... Well its been rough week, not only in my own world but the whole as the world as a whole.
We lost some great people this week, Ed, Farrah, and Michael.
I loved MJ, no matter how crazy he appeared or actually was, his music always moved me. For most of, if not all, of my early years, I was heavily involved in dancing and performing. And I had plenty a dance routine to a MJ song or it incorporated some MJ moves. He was truly an amazing singer, song writer, and dancer.
Service with a Smile
About 2 months ago the Jetplanes parked and started walking up to the restaurant. The waitress is standing outside smoking a cigarette. She asks us, "You guys aren't eating in are you?"
Mr. Jetplane "Well... that is kinda why we're here at the restaurant."
Waitress: "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Its just every time I try to take a smoke break someone comes to eat."
Mr. Jetplane "Oh I know... I hate it when that happens."
Waitress: "Yeah... oh well. Let me finish this. Just go in and seat yourself. Just stay near the windows on the left side of the restaurant."
So we walk in and seat ourselves and over all the meal was fine.
Fast forward several weeks and the Jetplanes visited the pizza establishment again. I notice that the same waitress is there and asks us to please seat ourselves. We do so and she comes to our table and we order. We know what we want. We pretty much always get the same thing... yeah I know... we live dangerously.
Then after ordering Mr. Jetplane says.. "Thanks Jackie" (or whatever her name tag said, for this purpose we'll call her Jackie)
We make our way up to the salad bar and Mr. Jetplane finishes before I do. He sits down right when Jackie is delivering our drinks.
She whispers to him.... "Do we know each other?"
Mr. Jetplane: "Excuse Me?"
Jackie: "Do we know each other? You called me by my name!"
Mr. Jetplane: "What you don't remember me?"
Jackie: "No I'm sorry I don't."
Mr. Jetplane: "I'm joking.... You're wearing a name tag!"
Jackie: "Oh!"
And she walked away....
FYI - if anyone is wearing a name tag... Mr. Jetplane will call you by your name no matter what. He always does and I find it so funny when people get freaked out by it.
Is It Wrong??
I swoon over parties and really miss planning my own wedding. I severly suffered from post-wedding blues.
And when I see an adorable Baby Showers like this it takes my love of party planning and desire to get to plan something to a whole new level.... I'm getting the shakes.. I need to plan something...
How freaking adorable is this...

The very talented ladies at Lollipop Events & Designs are responsible for this adorable B-themed Baby Shower.
It was featured on one of my favorite blogs Hostess with the Mostess yesterday.
If You Just Didn't Get Enough RHoNJ Last Night
Please click here....
Love you Chelsea Handler, I mean that... I truly mean that....

There are 2 Types of People in This World...
Some enjoy the journey, others just want to get there. Motor Boat People are great people, they just have a different philosophy.
Well... sorry old chap, but this lady is a most definitely, unequivocally a motor boat person. That we found out this weekend.
Scene: Marina on Base, @ 10am, Temp 96 degrees, Heat index went up to 110. Standing all day on concrete with 8 other students, sweating our asses off.
Big Bottle of Water - Check
Light Colored Clothes - Check
50 SPF sunscreen for face - Check
30+ SPF for rest of me - Check
Hat - Check
The Jetplanes stood all day and listened to what I call, complete and utter jibberish. Tact that, Jib that... Is the wind to your back, to your front, what side is the high side....

The information didn't even go from one ear and out the other, it pretty much just reflected off my sweaty head and flew away. I pulled Mr. Jetplane aside at all 3 of our lovely 10-15 minute breaks and explained that I didn't understand a damn word this guy was saying and I really didn't feel comfortable.
So after the day of instruction, we headed down the beach with all our rigging. Mr. Jetplane and I started rigging our boats. There are 2 ropes that are used in the rigging - 1 that runs the top portion of the sail and the 2nd is knotted onto the back of the boat, through the pulley system on the bottom of the sail and through a large pulley that is knotted off near where you sit. This rope is used to steer the sail.
So I'm ready to push off of shore, and the big Marine that went in front of me had capsized into the water. So YES, I was nervous. Right before I push off the instructor informs Mr. Jetplane that my sail can't extend the whole way because our knot is too close to the pulley. So he re did the knot and I pushed off.
And off I went, I felt the boat pick up speed and the sail swung to the other side. I let it go, as I was supposed to and I didn't capsize. I was so proud of myself. Then all of a sudden I looked down. The rope that ran from the back of the boat through the bottom of the sail was sitting in the bottom of the boat and not through the sail. I looked onto the beach and yelled "OMG! What the hell... how am I supposed to get back?"
I see Mr. Jetplane throw off his life jacket and prepare to jump in the water and retrieve me and my boat. The instructor stopped him and called over the rescue boat. (Oh NO it gets better..or worse)
While waiting for him I re-tie the back knot and prepare to run the rope through the pulleys again. The boat pulls up and he helps me and I ask him to double check my knots. Then he pushes me off again.
And I'm off and I start picking up speed. Literally, I felt like I was going 60 MPH, when in actuality it was more like 5 MPH. I preparing to take the 1st buoy and I make the turn. I almost clear it but I can't turn. Now I'm veering off course and heading to shore. Then I try to turn again toward the buoy and I start picking up speed. By now I'm far away from the rest of the students and heading toward the no-student-sailboat-zone. The reason its a no-student-sailboat-zone because the area is used to dock people's large sailboats. We're talking $100k plus sailboats.
And now I'm heading in that direction and I can't get my boat around. I look around and no one is watching me.... I start screaming... I mean screaming...
"HELP! HELP! I'm going to hit one of these boats!"
I seriously yell this for probably 2 minutes. No one comes. Then I totally break down and start crying. "Can someone please help me? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! HELP ME! SERIOUSLY HELP ME...."
And then a tag the sailboat parked in front of me and hit the poles on the dock. Then I think... "Okay. Well I'm stopped." And then I start crying even more.
After what felt like another 5 minutes the rescue boat comes to get me again. He says... "Are you ok?"
I respond very matter-of-fact... "No! No! I'm pretty f-ing far from okay! I am so not okay. I hate this and I'm very upset."
He says... "I can see that. Don't Worry. Its okay. You're okay. Do you want to keep going?"
I say " Hell no. Pull me and this f-ing boat to shore. I hate this and I don't want to do this anymore."
He asks... "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I completely sure. Get me on shore."
He pulls me to shore and reassures me the whole way its okay. At some point close to shore I realize that I'm acting like a total crazy bitch and I apologize to him. He says its okay.
We get to shore and the instructor asks if I'm okay and if I want to go again.
I re-confirm yet again that I'm not interested in sailing anymore. He asks me what went wrong and I explain to him that I started veering off course and all I do is see myself hitting one of those big expensive sail boats.
To that the instructor says" Oh, don't worry. We would never let you come near any of those boats...."
To that I say... "Oh really... I'm pretty sure I hit it."
"No, I'm sure you didn't hit it!" He turns to the rescue boat driver and he interjects.."Oh yeah. She did it!"
So I spent the rest of the hour that the rest of the class was sailing sitting with the instructor and learning all about his life.
He asked me if I wanted to sail with Mr. Jetplane in his boat. I told him that I don't really want to be that close to him right now. Which was probably a good thing, since he capsized twice. Yeah he deserved it.
Needless to say, I don't think I'll be going sailing again anytime soon... But I do have my A Mate Certification. Mr. will be getting his B Certification, but as for Mrs. Jetplane... HELL NO!!!
There's no crying in Sailing...
Due to my utter craziness at work right now, I'll try to blog about it later today.
Also coming up soon.... blog posts about...
True Blood last night.... Eric I love you.
Jetplanes discussions about babies and potential overseas station... Jetplanes + England = no babies for some time....
Mrs. Jetplane Cooks...
Happy Father's Day

We've Hit 500 people
Not A Moment Too Soon....Pug Friday

Follow Up Post About the Lady Doctor
She doesn't have to do any radiation or chemo, we were very lucky.
Breast Cancer runs in my family, my maternal grandmother and my mom both have had it. My mom took the BRACA and tested negative for it. I asked my doctor if I should take it. She said that she didn't think I should because if I tested positive they would want me to immediately have a double mastectomy and hysterectomy and I would have insurance issues for the rest of my life. I could be a carrier and got it from my biological father, and it doesn't mean I will get cancer. Ovarian cancer does not run in my family. Also my grandmother we believe got cancer post-menopausal and my mom pre-menopausal, so even though it runs in my family, it doesn't necessarily mean we pass the gene.
OMG its so confusing and scary to think about....
I started talking to her about my mom and how I don't think I now how to do a proper breast exam. I told her that prior to my mom's surgery she asked if I wanted to feel it. I couldn't really feel anything... CUE THE TEARS... they started flowing and the Dr. didn't really comfort me at all. I even glanced over to the box of tissues in the corner of the room thinking she'd offer one...ummm... no. Instead this cute, middle aged, southern, blond, Dr showed me how to do a proper exam and assured me that its much harder to feel a growth on someone else other than yourself.
I then asked her, "How do you know if you have dense breasts?" She told me that I have smooth breast... yeah go me... she told me most young women won't have dense breasts and that some women's feel like they have popcorn in them.... Huh? Which makes it even harder to feel for growths.
We discussed my fears of breast cancer, worrying about my ability to get pregnant, worrying about getting off the pill and having to live with my ridiculously horrid cramps, and a little bit of everything else.
She told me to start taking folic acid at least 2 months prior to trying to have a baby. She also wanted to me to check with a general practice physician to determine if I need any vaccinations. Has anyone had vaccinations before getting pregnant? I don't think I've received a vaccination since going into college.
So that was my emotional visit to the Dr. I swear whenever I have to talk about my family medical history I cry. Its this uncontrollable thing... the eye doctor, my general physician, and the gyno... yeah I can't control it.
My mom is great... she's cancer free and we're just awaiting her reconstructive surgery. I adore my mama but I have inherited all her issues... migraines, bad eye sight, painful menstrual cramps,and my ugly lil toes. But I love her just the same...
Totally lost my sh-t at the Lady Dr. Today...
Someone bald her eyes out today, sitting in a paper dress, in front of her doctor. Its like I can write about my mom being diagnosed with cancer, but when I verbalize it, OMG I become a mess.
Lady Dr.... not that supportive.
Anyway - more info to follow later. Also I have several questions for the ladies out there?
1. BRACA anyone?
2. Do you take Folic Acid before getting pregnant?
3. Did you get any vaccinations before getting pregnant?
Need to discuss...
Short and Sweet
I understand the rules about wearing white to a wedding but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on it. But it is Vegas and a non-traditional wedding so... I'll keep you updated.
One more point, she is already is my sister in law, its Mr. Jetplane's sister. She is 4 yrs younger than us (same age as my bro). I don't believe she is 'knocked up' as some have asked. Her and her fiance have been together for several years and engaged for maybe 2 or more years.
Yes, they visited and stayed at our house not that long ago. While it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, I am trying really hard to understand where she is coming from. We're very different in our thought process and the way we do things, so its difficult for me to accept some things that she says and does sometimes. We were raised very differntly.
You want a little backstory
Let's us say that we are VERY different people. She has decided to get married next month in Vegas on a Tuesday the week before the Jetplanes are going on a week long vacation. We found out about this last week and I had to beg to get time off. We're flying out late afternoon on a Monday and back on Wednesday morning. Yeah! Vegas for like 48 hours, maybe.
Due to the time frame and the distance from all of her family and friends, very few people will be able to be in attendance. In total maybe 10 people including her and her fiance will be able to make it out.
She made my wedding process and wedding day at times extremely difficult. Not to discuss it too much, but she basically threw a fit the entire length of our engagement knowing that she and her son were going to be in the wedding. She complained about everything from having to get a dress, being asked to attend the shower (which she didn't do), rehearsal dinner, getting her hair did (which I paid for), the brunch the next day (which she threw a fit in front of all our family and friends), and let her child pee in my parents back yard next to the pool. Oh yeah! Good times all around. I'm not even going into detail here... it was so out of control that I nearly lost my freaking mind.
Mr. Jetplane says I need to get over it... I don't think I'll ever be able to accomplish that... sorry I'm not that big of a person...
Newest Addition to Mrs. Jetplane's Closet

Now the question is, it is ok to wear this to Mr. Jetplane's sister's Vegas wedding next month?(that we just found out side story...really annoyed....will discuss later..)
Your advice is needed sweet readers...
Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
Now, let's get to it... My husband, the adorable Mr. Jetplane, has serious issues with sitting still and doing nothing for an extended period of time. Mrs. Jetplane... well I can lay on a couch and watch television all day obviously I don't have that problem.

I jokingly told Mr. Jetplane that me alone on a sailboat will bring back memories of this.... Minus all the sexy guys of course...

These are the Days of Our Lives (Jetplane Style)

Now get me home... I have a Bud Light with my name on it.
Sunday Nights Just Got Better...

Giddy as a School Girl

I'm so freaking excited about True Blood coming back on Sunday that its ridiculous. But I'm going to admit something here... Since reading and loving all the books, I have a feeling that I'm not going to agree with some of the choices Alan Ball is going to have made. I get it... he's a creative genius and all, Six Feet Under was a fabulous show....but I love these books Mr. Ball... don't f it up. I'm committed to these characters, I'm invested in the storylines, and I don't want you to screw with it.
Somethings I'm worried about... some potential spoilers for you since I read about the 1st several episodes.
1. I'm not feeling the story for the Maenad.
2. There is no Bubba. I understand why, but still there should be a similar character to replace him
3. Jason in the Fellowship? Not feeling it.
4. Worried about how they will show the fight/ending of Book 2.
5. They better start to develop the love triangle. I am very much Pro-Eric and I think they have to bring him into it or else there will be hell to pay.
6. Evan Rachel Wood as the Queen of Louisiana...not sure about that either
But, I'll wait to cast final judgements. Thoughts? Are you all excited? The Jetplanes will be watching that's for sure.
Pug Friday - Vintage Milo 3rd and final Edition
For this Pug Friday I have retrieved 2 more pictures of my Milo when we was a puppy. And I apologize in advance for cutting someone out of the pictures, my ex, aka Mr. Douchebag, as is he affectionately referred to on my blog.

I mean come on, how cute are pug puppies? Seriously...

But my lil old man can be just as cute. He'll be celebrating his 6th birthday next month along with Mr. Jetplane. Don't worry... I got his (meaning Mr.) gift in the mail yesterday...actually from Rue La La, more on that later...
Anyone have a HOOKUP?

He would absolutely kill me if he knew this picture was on my blog.. Ha ha!!
No but in all seriousness.... We want on HGTV...or TLC.........
Key to Mrs. Jetplane's Heart

Isn't it cute? I love it and have gotten quite a few compliments on it already.
What did I get him,well I decided to get him a Ryan Sandberg jersey, who happens to be one of his favorite (retired) Cubs players. He loves it.
Movie Review - The Hangover

This movie is seriously funny. But be warned - its dirty and inappropriate...just like I like my dark comedies. Very Bad Things is one of my favorite movies, and I was worried that this would be similar to it, but it is very different version of a bachelor party in Vegas.
Go see it... you'll laugh your ass off, we did. I think this is definitely a movie that I will buy.
To watch the trailer click here...
And just for pure fun this morning... check this out as well
Looking back... a belated post

Celebrating 1 Year of 'The Jetplanes'

Now... you better have gotten me a freaking card.
Pug Friday - Vintage Milo 2
Toddy is an exciting day, I'm leaving work early and the Jetplanes are heading to Biloxi to begin the celebration of their one year wedding anniversary. I'm so excited to just enjoy and uninterrupted fun for a couple of days.
But we will miss our boys, we have a friend staying at our house weekend so the boys are happy.
But today is Friday and Friday around these parts is always Pug Friday. And since I have located some oldie, but goodies, of my lil muchacho Milo I had to share them with you .

Look at that lil face, is it not the cutest thing ever. And finally, he is my favorite picture of Milo EVER. I know some of you have seen this picture posted before, but I just had to do it.

Attn Banana Republic Shoppers!!!

Someone has some coupons burning holes in her pockets - not only did I get sent 2 $20 off coupons, I got sent my bday gift of $15 off twice as well. And the bday gifts have to be spent this month. So help a sister out will ya?
I live in BFE and we don't have BRs only outlets...yes I know its horrible...
Someone Shouldn't Go Out on School Nights
The Jetplanes met up with some friends in town for a lovely dinner and drinks. And since it was Ladies Night at the bar attached to the restaurant, it was $2 Everything. Wine Please!!
So needless to say I am dragging some serious ass this morning... That's why this song is the perfect anthem to the morning and what I sang during my long, hot shower....
FYI- Mr. did finally get me a card, it was sitting on the bed when I came home from work yesterday. More on that later.
Now Seating for Pity Party of One
Now I will provide a disclaimer: Mrs. Jetplane is not, I repeat, is not, HIGH MAINTENANCE and generally I set my expectations rather low so I won't be disappointed. But I was rather disappointed with my birthday this year, and I'll be honest, the last great birthday I had was turning 21.
Mr. Jetplane is not a romantic. He is not a planner. He is not mushy, sentimental, or emotional. I, on the other hand, am all of those, generally speaking.
My birthday started out ok. He sang happy birthday to me in the morning and brought me chocolate milk and my morning vitamins and met me for lunch. He had to drop Charlie off at the vet (more to come on that). We had a nice lunch and I dropped hints about flowers and a card.
**Now let me say this... I am a card person. I believe you should always get a card and put something meaningful in it, especially on birthdays and anniversaries. You tell the person how you feel about them and how much they mean to you. I want (nor almost demand) a card for special occasions and I want him to write something meaningful in it. This is a non-negotiable point.
4:30 rolls around and he calls to tell me that we're not going to be able to pick up Charlie until 6:30 and she notices that he has fluid in his lungs and a slightly enlarged heart. Okay, so I go into total freak out mode and start researching what all of this means to our baby Charlie and I start losing my sh!t. Cancel dinner, I'm not interested, I just want to get home and go pick up our big ol dog.
I get home and we decide that we'll just stop in at Applebees since its near the Vet. OMG, we used to go to this location all the time and hadn't been there in some time.
The service was horrible and our food was totally inedible. I looked like it sat under a hot lamp for 10 minutes, which would make sense since everyone around us got their food first.
She came back to the table to ask how it was I just simply asked "Well look at it! You tell me." "Oh sorry we have a new heat lamp." I kindly remarked... My meat is not chewable and is cold, the vegetables are steamy hot and not even what I ordered and all I can eat is the baked potato. His rice is literally brown and the chicken is stuck to the plate. We can't eat this and we're late and don't have time to wait another 25 minutes for our food." Manager came and covered our ticket and apologize. Oh well Applesbees... I'll take my business elsewhere...
Moving on down the road of birthday fun... Get to the vet. Charlie does have a slightly enlarged heart on the right side. He doesn't have a murmur and has no other symptoms associated with enlarged hearts. A normal heart for a dog his size is something like 10.2 and he is 10.7. Also he has fluid in his lungs. We are going to work on the fluid issue for the next 2 weeks and then see about the heart.
What led to all of this... Well around 2am - 5am he sometimes sounds like he is going to throw up so we rush him outside and he'll spit up some water. This used to happen maybe once everyone 3-4 months. Its happened almost everyday for the past 2 weeks. Then yesterday morning he didn't want to eat his food. OKAY... something wrong.. to the vet you go.
So our big baby was all drugged up when we picked him up at the vet and just looked so sad. We let him lay on the couch, generally a no no, but when he's sick all rules are made to be broken.

So back to the BDAY - ummm my hubby got me NO CARD and NO FLOWERS. He said that he didn't have time to do it with Charlie's issues. But between the time he dropped Charlie off at noon until we picked him up at 6:30 he had time to
1. Take a nap
2. Sweep the floors
3. Go swim laps
4. And hang out with the neighbor rebuilding his motorcycle
5. Shower
6. Get dressed
7. And hang out with the neighbor rebuilding his motorcycle
Yeah!!! I'm pissed.
1. He knows my deal with cards, he felt that rath several years ago
2. He always gets me flowers
He then told me that he has all these things planned for this weekend since its our anniversary and this weekend was like a co-event. (Guess I was just suppose to assume that, since you didn't say anything, and led me to believe that you had something planned for my bday.)
So we'll see how this weekend is, because right now, Mr. Jetplane is treading on some thin ice with me.
But THANK YOU for dealing with my bitter, sad lil tweets last night. Much love to you all.. XOXO
Its Official.... 365 days I will be 30

Yogurt Bark for Everything13 hours ago
Book Review | November7 years ago
Colorful Christmas7 years ago
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation7 years ago
The Big 3-57 years ago
Day in the Life: Spring 20177 years ago
Spring Greetings7 years ago
#Kmartdidthat | ep.68 years ago
Firsts!8 years ago
Tables For Sale9 years ago
The Magnolia Story, Story9 years ago
Birthday Celebrations9 years ago
gabung yuk9 years ago
Five on Friday9 years ago
Our 2014 Christmas Cards10 years ago
In Search Of...11 years ago
Beauty Benefit11 years ago
Need a pair?11 years ago
Current skincare routine11 years ago
The Perfectly Imperfect Ending12 years ago
2012 in Review12 years ago
Momma's Birthday12 years ago
Just tickled pink...12 years ago
Please Follow My New Blog!12 years ago
A Prada Pastiche13 years ago
Check out my new blog!!13 years ago
Friday Musings13 years ago
Well, friends, here goes nothing!13 years ago
moved. :)13 years ago
Was it you?14 years ago
Remembering Lisa, Three Months14 years ago
My Blog Has Moved!14 years ago
We've Moved!14 years ago
Christmas Wreaths15 years ago
did you move with me?15 years ago
- Discount Diva
- True Blood Thoughts...
- Getting Deep on This Monday Morning...
- Pug Friday
- Service with a Smile
- Is It Wrong??
- If You Just Didn't Get Enough RHoNJ Last Night
- There are 2 Types of People in This World...
- There's no crying in Sailing...
- Mrs. Jetplane Cooks...
- Happy Father's Day
- We've Hit 500 people
- Not A Moment Too Soon....Pug Friday
- Follow Up Post About the Lady Doctor
- Totally lost my sh-t at the Lady Dr. Today...
- Short and Sweet
- You want a little backstory
- Newest Addition to Mrs. Jetplane's Closet
- Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
- These are the Days of Our Lives (Jetplane Style)
- Sunday Nights Just Got Better...
- Giddy as a School Girl
- Pug Friday - Vintage Milo 3rd and final Edition
- Anyone have a HOOKUP?
- Key to Mrs. Jetplane's Heart
- Movie Review - The Hangover
- Looking back... a belated post
- Celebrating 1 Year of 'The Jetplanes'
- Pug Friday - Vintage Milo 2
- Attn Banana Republic Shoppers!!!
- Someone Shouldn't Go Out on School Nights
- Now Seating for Pity Party of One
- Its Official.... 365 days I will be 30
- Quick Yard Sale Info
- OMG I Turn 29 tomorrow!