Pug Friday - Vintage Milo Style
But since it is Friday and I got my old pictures from my previous laptop retrieved, I had to post some puggie puppy pictures of my sweet lil man Milo. Excuse the man in the picture, that is my ex - aka Mr. Douchebag - as he is affectionately referred to on my blog.
Milo was a over 1 year old when Mr. Jetplane came into my life and he was so shocked to see what a cutie pie he was (still is in my book).
So behold Milo as a puppy.

Happy Friday everyone! In P'cola this weekend and want to go to a yard sale hit me up by email. I have one that you shouldn't miss!
Also, if you were touched by my previous post about Bradley and Hope for Paws, please check out their Flicker here.
Happy Bday Lil Bro!

Frustration Level: HIGH

Not a big deal until I saw the front windshield of the van that had a wrap around decal that stated, " Yes I am one of those Twilight People!"
All Dogs Go To Heaven
I am reposting a portion of her post here...

Ashamed of Myself
Okay, I know that I have a ridiculous amount of clothes, shoes, purses, etc. But honestly, I didn't really understand the full magnitude of the situation here. I guess I've always just cleared out a bag or two of clothes and dropped them off to goodwill without a lot of thought. But now, really seeing it and getting rid of it, OMG people.
I'm still without my laptop or I'd show you what I'm talking about. I hope someone buys some of these clothes because there is some seriously good stuff here - 2 formal dresses, about 15 purses, luggage, 20 pairs of shoes (5 of which have never been worn...yes the shame), BR jackets, BR shirts, crap load of Old Navy, F21, jewelry, unopened stationary, Columbia fleeces and coats, cookware, home decor, etc. etc.
I'm totally ashamed of myself and the amount of crap I have. Mr. Jetplane and I had a talk last night, I'm going to really think about my clothing purchases before I make them. I'm going to try my best.
Pray for me and my shopping addiction... And if you're in Pcola.... WE'RE HAVING A YARD SALE THIS WEEKEND.... PLEASE BUY OUR STUFF.
Oh Men...

Don't they look like life long buddies?
Example #2
This weekend the Jetplanes met up with my friend Lou and her hubby R who happened to be in Destin this weekend with some friends from ATL. We hung out all day and night Sunday. Mr. Jetplane and R have hung out 3 times, well really only twice since attending Lou and R's wedding really shouldn't count. These 2 are ridiculous together, Lou and I called them Dumb and Dumber, they encourage each other to no end and well... they are just 2 peas in a pod. Unfortunately I have no pictures, but you can imagine 2 grown men, adult beverages in hand on a beach, and dancing in front of the mortified wives. There is a visual for you.
So point of the post... How come women can't make friends like guys do? I know we're catty, judgemental, and just down right bitchy sometimes, but seriously.... what's our deal?
Memorial Day
My officer and (sometimes) gentleman is relaxing on the couch watching some god awful WW2 movie.
So today, on this rainy Memorial Day, we proudly salute all those that have and are currently serving this great nation.
For All You Crazy Twilighters
I the video doesn't work.... here's the link
Pug Friday
Who is looking forward to a 3 day weekend... (raising my hand). Too bad the Gulf Coast is in for a wet weekend. But that's ok, we have ALOT of prep for the upcoming yard sale to do this weekend. We've never had a yard sale before, sure with our families but not just us. We're so adult. ha ha.
Anyway, back to the purpose of the post....PUGS! Since my laptop is still in the shop I can't upload any puggie pics of my sweetie pie Milo but I did locate this adorable blog about 2 black pugs Shasha and Cleo.
Long story short...Orginally, almost 6 years ago now, I wanted a black, female pug but I got a fawn, male one instead. But that's ok, I adore my lil hunk of pure pug loving Milo.
This week Pug Friday picture I pulled from their blog and I believe is a perfect picture to show you exactly what it looks like at my house with Milo come dinner time.

What do these faces say to you?
To Mrs. Jetplane they say, "Please feed me. I am so hungry and mistreated. If you love me you will feed me. Oh no Mama... you don't love me..."
P.S. Thank you for the kind words and motivation for my recent stance on getting back into shape. The pictures are from right before our wedding, I am skinny there, I am NOT skinny now. I live in Florida. I have to be in a swimsuit, this tube of fat that is attached to my ass, stomach, and thighs needs to be removed. I'll keep you all updated.
That's IT...

Here is the Jetplanes getting their marriage license. Yes you can see I really am THAT short, I am wearing flats in this picture though. Here we are at our rehearsal dinner. My dress was a little too revealing for me to feel comfortable for Catholic Church, luckily on of my bridesmaid had a cardigan she brought for me.
I will be that size again. I lost about 17 lbs before the wedding, I was the heaviest I had ever been, fat and happy was what I was. Right now, I'm about about 8 lbs heavier than I was when I got married. I know that doesn't sound like a lot to some, but HELLO people... I am short!
I'll keep you posted, hopefully this announcement will get my booty in gear.
She's Crafty...

Important Shopping Information Below...

Ode to Facebook
Thank you for making this world a little smaller.
Thank you for re-introducing me to my high school love and his illegitimate child, she's very cute. He offered to take me and Mr. Jetplane out to dinner when we're in town... that's weird right?
Thank you for re-introducing me to my ex college loves.... the recovering druggie, the non committal hot guy, the jerk, the what the hell was I thinking, and the you'll do for now.
Thank you for letting me see inside the world of people I went to high school and college with. The girls in high school that thought they were so hot... are now divorced, fat, and with multiple kids. The hot guys in high school are now... fat, balding, unemployed, with kids.
And surprisingly the eccentric, nerdy, funny guys I was friends with in high school are the hot ones these days. I adore the irony of it all.
Thank you for making me feel better about myself and Thank you for allowing me to reconnect with people I haven't talked to in years.
But... people seriously I don't need you to update your profile every 2 hours with what you are doing... TMI people, ever heard of it???
UPDATE: OK before this gets out of hand.
1. I don't look down on people that are divorced. FYI I was raised by a single mom and have no relationship with my biological father. So please don't assume I look down on divorced people. However, I do take marriage and bringing children into marriage, very seriously.
2. I made that comment, b/c said girls/guys acted as if they were perfect and everyone else was beneath them.
3. You are correct the post was judgemental. I am judging them, I'm not perfect and never said I was. But I'm human, and I judge people.
Here you go...
So to all you that requested an invite:
FYI- I am without laptop for who knows how long. Story to follow... It involves a bulldog, coffee table, vacuum cleaner, and a husband...
The TALK...
Just because people (i.e. kids) can have children doesn't mean they should, right? I'm still freaked out by the whole idea of something growing inside me, yes... I told you I was immature about this.
Do I want children... the answer is YES. Does Mr. Jetplane want kids that would be a double YES. When do we want to have them... that is the question. I'm almost 30 and we want to have 2 kids. And I have this irrational fear of not being able to conceive. Also, I had my palm read earlier this year and the woman told me I'd have 2-3 miscarriages in my life. Yes, she could be a total freaking con artist, but still that just feeds my fear.
We move to NC at the end of August. Mr. Jetplane will be in intensive training for 9 months, we're talking 12 to 14 hours day of school and studying (which has to be done on base, since its all "super secret", that what I referred to classified as" having a child, and by having it I mean physically giving birth to it and raising it during those 9 months, is totally OUT OF THE QUESTION. But that being said, getting knocked up during those 9 months could be possible, however unlikely since said training will consume our lives.
So yes... we're getting closer to actually being ready to think about starting to try to have kids. Yes, I know this may seem strange but for us its a big step, ok for ME its a big step. Mr. Jetplane is a big kid, so he's totally fine and not freaked out in the least bit.
We're both going to be 29 shortly, celebrating our 1 year anniversary, and will have been together 5 years in August. So a baby Jetplane may be making an appearance in the next year or so... wow its weird thinking about this.
Pug Friday

Oh Happy Day (or Night)
And finally I promised that I would take a picture of my recent Target purchase. I really like this dress and unfortunately I couldn't find it anywhere on line. Its cream and navy. I paired it with open toed brown stacked heels brought a cream cardigan, since it gets a little chilly in my office.
Happy Thursday evening...
The Jetplanes Threw Down This Morning About...

You see the Jetplanes have fundamentally different views on peanut butter, I am a creamy and he unfortunately is a crunchy, go figure right? Well, since Mr. Jetplane was not living with me for 6 months (don't flip out recent readers...he was at training) I NEVER brought crunchy. Well now he's back and bitching about the fact that I don't buy him crunchy peanut butter. So again this morning while putting peanut butter on his raisin toast and filling Charlie's KONG with peanut butter he shouted from the kitchen... "Hey...Seriously hon, buy me some crunchy peanut butter!"
Me: "Get over it! There is no need to have 2 different peanut butters in this house and I BUY the groceries. Its a total waste of $4 to have 2 jars of it in the house."
Him: "Whatever!"
Me: "Ok I'll buy you your crunch peanut butter but you decide what you don't want this week instead."
Him: "Huh?"
Me: "Yes that's right... I have to buy raisin bread, tortillas, Naked Drinks, Gatorade, Soy Milk, certain type of healthy cereal, Luna bars, and I have to wait in line for a certain type of lunch meat....etc. etc. etc. So you decide what can go so I can buy your peanut butter."
Him: "Fine! Then I'll go buy it myself!"
Me: "Really? You understand that we, and by we, I mean I, spend $400 a month on groceries* and I don't really see the point in having 2 jars of relatively the exact same food."
Him: "I said I'll buy it myself!"
Me: "Okay... you do that, but keep in mind if you bought the groceries... you would tell me what I wanted wasn't a necessity and we didn't need it... Or what I wanted wasn't 'healthy' and it shouldn't be in the house..."
Him: "No I wouldn't.... (thinking...) Okay.... you're right... I would do that..."
*$400/ month for groceries may seem high to some, but we generally bring our lunches to work and don't go out to eat that much. But I am making an effort to reduce the costs... and therefore 2 jars of peanut butter... not needed.
This is what I felt like doing to him with the peanut butter this morning...

Oh Sookie... you're so fine, you're so fine... you blow my mind...

P.S. Yes I love Edward and Jacob. P.S.S. I'm very concerned about how they are going to make the werewolve transform in the movie, since I thought the glittery skin in the sun stuff was complete crap.
Sookie Stackhouse Series
I enjoy the fact that it is ADULT. Read all that you want into the word...ADULT...this isn't PG13 honeys...
Sookie is an incredibly strong young woman. You respect and admire her as a character. She doesn't need a man, even though she does get quite a few.
The stories bring you into a whole new supernatural world, and with each book you learn more and more about the 'people' and societies that walk upon this world.
Its dark but humorous all at the same time.
And the books aren't crazy long.
NOW --- to wrap this up. Yes, I read all the Twilight books. Yes, generally I like them, but I'll be honest... I HATED New Moon. I had to push myself through it because I wanted to read all 4 before the movie came out. Do I honestly believe that the Sookie series is better, yes I do. That is my personal opinion... so please no mean comments. I know you crazy Twilight fans.
But I do feel as an adult, I found Sookie was more appealing to my sensibilities than Bella.
So what's the peanut gallery have to say about it....
Mr. Jetplane's Potential Gift

I know, I know! 1st is paper, but Mr. and I are non-traditional. We're going to be spending paper while gambling in Biloxi so there you go... We've also both agreed to not spend too much money on gifts, we're trying to be conservative.
Odds and Ends of The Jetplanes
Happy Mama Day
Pug Friday.... Vote Vote Vote
Here's one last look at the contestants....



Everything will cease to exist....

I picked it up during my lunch hour yesterday and started reading after dinner. Mr. Jetplane wasn't around during my immersion into the Bon Temps world, he doesn't understand how it can suck a person it. So he was a little confused when after we returned from eating tasty Thai food, I quietly jumped into bed under the covers and read until he came to bed at 10pm. He came in a couple of times to see if I was sick, I assured him I wasn't.
I only got about 110 pages in, but I can't wait till lunch, I'm hitting up Subway and reading...
For those of you that know the series you completely understand, for those of you that don't..well... you should get in the know. These books are 1000% better than Twilight, trust me...well if you're a woman over the age of 20 then they are definitely better.
You know what makes my day better...

I adore it and am thinking about getting the pink one as well (on sale right now). I have paired it with a white Old Navy tank and a black pencil skirt with satin waist band that I literally found in my closet this morning with tags on it (from Old Navy as well). I had no idea I had this skirt... that may say something for my shopping and my closet.
And I'm wearing my "high" heel black suede open toed Nine West Mary Janes. I feel so much better when I'm in a cute outfit, don't you?
And obviously I'm carrying my bright yellow JCrew tote. What is summer without it...
Sorry I'm blogging about clothes alot, but I've been getting some good deals lately.
Update: Sweater is from JCrew, sorry I forgot to mention that.
All MAXI'd Out...
Over the past two months or so I've been lucky to pick up some cute cotton numbers from Old Navy and Target. **Remember Mrs. Jetplane is short like 5'2" short and when I wear these with flats they are longer than they appear on the models.

Very funny story about this below dress. I wore it on Sunday running into Target and the Commissary for grocery shopping... I had a cute lil girl spot me about 10 times in Target and every time say... "Look MOM there is that girl in the pretty dress... mom... look... isn't that dress pretty??? Oh Mom I want a pretty dress just like that!!"
Too cute right? Well at the Commissary it was a little different story, I had 3 old sailors tell me that they liked my dress too and a number of stares as well... it was much cuter coming from the lil girl...

Happy Wednesday to all. Please remember to keep voting for your favorite pug, polls close soon... Someone put up a link to Facebook I see, very crafty...
UPDATE: Questions about length.... I buy XS and the lengths on the Target ones are never a problem. I wear flats and they hit the top of my feet. I prefer them to be to the floor and just my feet peeking out. The Old Navy ones are a little longer, I can wear sandals with a heel, but I honestly don't mind them touching the ground a little. That's just me... that's how I roll...
Exciting Events for the Jetplanes

Mrs. Jetplanes Wedding Attire..

Chickpea “Tuna” Salad (Vegan)59 minutes ago
Yogurt Bark for Everything20 hours ago
Book Review | November7 years ago
Colorful Christmas7 years ago
Our Holiday Inn Asheville Vacation7 years ago
The Big 3-57 years ago
Day in the Life: Spring 20177 years ago
Spring Greetings7 years ago
#Kmartdidthat | ep.68 years ago
Firsts!8 years ago
Tables For Sale9 years ago
The Magnolia Story, Story9 years ago
Birthday Celebrations9 years ago
gabung yuk9 years ago
Five on Friday9 years ago
Our 2014 Christmas Cards10 years ago
In Search Of...11 years ago
Beauty Benefit11 years ago
Need a pair?11 years ago
Current skincare routine11 years ago
The Perfectly Imperfect Ending12 years ago
2012 in Review12 years ago
Momma's Birthday12 years ago
Just tickled pink...12 years ago
Please Follow My New Blog!12 years ago
A Prada Pastiche13 years ago
Check out my new blog!!13 years ago
Friday Musings13 years ago
Well, friends, here goes nothing!13 years ago
moved. :)13 years ago
Was it you?14 years ago
Remembering Lisa, Three Months14 years ago
My Blog Has Moved!14 years ago
We've Moved!14 years ago
Christmas Wreaths15 years ago
did you move with me?15 years ago
- Pug Friday - Vintage Milo Style
- Happy Bday Lil Bro!
- Frustration Level: HIGH
- All Dogs Go To Heaven
- Ashamed of Myself
- Oh Men...
- Memorial Day
- For All You Crazy Twilighters
- Pug Friday
- That's IT...
- She's Crafty...
- Important Shopping Information Below...
- Sometimes they leave us no choice
- Ode to Facebook
- Here you go...
- The TALK...
- Pug Friday
- Oh Happy Day (or Night)
- The Jetplanes Threw Down This Morning About...
- Oh Sookie... you're so fine, you're so fine... you...
- The Key to My Heart
- Mr. Jetplane's Potential Gift
- Odds and Ends of The Jetplanes
- Happy Mama Day
- Pug Friday.... Vote Vote Vote
- Everything will cease to exist....
- You know what makes my day better...
- All MAXI'd Out...
- Exciting Events for the Jetplanes
- Mrs. Jetplanes Wedding Attire..
- The weekend that was...
- As promised... Charlie Loving...
- Making me SMILE today...
- Pug Friday... Milo Milo Milo