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Fellow Travelers

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Everything will cease to exist....

Because this has now entered into my life..... The newest book was released this week!!!!

I picked it up during my lunch hour yesterday and started reading after dinner. Mr. Jetplane wasn't around during my immersion into the Bon Temps world, he doesn't understand how it can suck a person it. So he was a little confused when after we returned from eating tasty Thai food, I quietly jumped into bed under the covers and read until he came to bed at 10pm. He came in a couple of times to see if I was sick, I assured him I wasn't.

I only got about 110 pages in, but I can't wait till lunch, I'm hitting up Subway and reading...

For those of you that know the series you completely understand, for those of you that don't..well... you should get in the know. These books are 1000% better than Twilight, trust me...well if you're a woman over the age of 20 then they are definitely better.


PinkSass said...

LOVE that you got the new book. It's amazing right! I read last night from 9 until 10:30! I love me some Eric!

Anonymous said...

You make so many books sound so good...I only wish I was a big reader!

Sweet Simplicity said...

I have got to start reading these books!

Girl Meets Beau said...

Ok, I'm going to have to get into this! I am beyond obsessed with True Blood and I think this will cure my fix until it comes back on - June 14!!! YAY!

Susan said...

Oh no! I didn't think it came out until next week. Guess I know what my weekend plans are. These are DEFINITELY addicting!

A.D. said...

I'm trying to wait until this weekend to start mine because I know once I start I will be completely useless! All of my IRL friends are so into Twilight they refuse to even read these books. I'm glad someone understands how much better they are!!!

Unknown said...

On Monday, I started reading the 8th book again so I could be caught up, but then our emergency hit so I'm finishing it now and hoping to start the new book today. I can't wait :)

Anonymous said...

I will have to pick this up soon too!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I've read the first book but I can't figure out which one is the second one....I need to go get it this weekend

Mojito Maven said...

i'm buying it tonight!! Can't wait!!!

Brett Alexandra said...

Are you a ERIC fan? because I am:)

Dugout Daisy said...

I'm picking it up this weekend! I can't wait!!!!!!!!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

I heard these books were good!

Sparkle Sparkle said...

I need to read those, since I loved twilight. next on the list!

Hannah said...

And you have read Twilight?? They are really better?

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

Oops I picked the wrong series. Darn it, and I saw the set on ebay for cheap!

KAC said...

Ah I'm a little further back in the series but I can't wait to start reading it!!

Dezzy Lou Where Are You said...

is that the first book in the series? if not, which one is? im a huge bookworm and will read almost anything

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