2009...Hey Hey Hey Goodbye...
2009 the Jetplanes are happy to see you go... Bring on a new decade!!
PEACE OUT 2009...
When the cat's away...

Its so hard to say goodbye...

Mr. Jetplane left this morning to visit family in Illinois for a week. Another NYE without him...we've only spent 2 of them together :(
I couldn't take time off from work, since I took 2 weeks off around my mother's surgery.
I miss him already and I may (or may not) being eating Oreos this morning while working..yes I have to work this week...BOO.
I'll be back later on with the Jetplanes Holiday...
*FYI This is one of my favorite pictures of my hubby. Doesn't he look hot in suspenders and a bow tie...
From Our House to Yours!!

I know that the Jetplanes will spend at least one holiday apart in the coming years and I gain courage from your strength and dedication. You are a true inspiration to me and my journey through my newly found military life.
One of the the most wonderful and fabulous (yes I know I repeated it) girls in the entire world is engaged!!
Jill, are you reading?!? Wave to the readers Jill!! Readers wave back to Jill!!
She is engaged!! I'm so over the moon excited for her and Billy (I'm sorry Bill now that we graduated college...apologies Bill).
Congrats to them and may this make their holiday alittle more brighter.
Love you girl and miss you like a crazy person!!
Soundtrack to my day
I do apologize, the Jetplanes' lives have been a little crazy lately and my workload, well...my cup runneth over to the nth degree.
So what to blog about today on a day such a this...well music of course. I love music and have a pretty eclectic taste. But this song evens me out and I go into a very relaxed mode...hoping it will do the same to you.
I believe the 1st time I heard it was on 500 Days of Summer but I'm not sure. (FYI-Really liked that movie)
But then last night I heard it again on a Rhapsody commercial when the guy said "This reminds me of the song"...and it really did.
I love how music can change your mood, take you back in time, or just get your party started.
So for the lackluster posts lately, I promise I'll get better.
Enjoy this lil diddy for your morning jump start!!
Alittle something about Mrs. Jetplane
#1. All I Want for Christmas by the one and only Mariah
I love this song and it automatically makes me want to watch Love Actually.
#2 The Christmas Song by Alvin and the Chipmunks
This song reminds me of my Grandmother's house. We would like to listen to this on her huge record player/sound system. I also sing this song to get on Mr. Jetplane's nerves... hahaha
The Jetplanes are all about Compromise

if he will go with me to watch THIS!!

Lord help us when we have to pick baby names (which isn't happening right now)...
All our PRETTY presents under the tree..

So these are some of the presents that we have receive thus far...Yes I know that is a box with an office chair, its for Mr. Jetplane from my parents. He has a horrible one upstairs in his man cave. I won't let him open any of them, even the ones from his mother, which he picked out.
I'm pretty sure one or more of the boxes have doggie treats in them the way Milo was interested in them...
Can't believe Christmas is Friday!! I wish we had our gas hooked up so we could have a fire in the fireplace on Christmas Eve...Yeah for our 1st Christmas in our first home... Last year Mr. Jetplane had knee surgery in Texas on 12/23 and I spent the next week taking care of him...this Christmas will be much better.
Its the Monday before Christmas & all through the house...

Well you can find there lazy butts on the couch...that is when dad's not home!!!
For those of you keeping score - Mrs. Jetplane 0 Mouse 2.
To be completely honest, I think this is a new mouse, we were mouse free for 2 months or so. We live out in the country and its not uncommon for mice around here we've been told. I cleaned out pantry and didn't find any holes where he could be coming in. I think he might be coming in from the laundry room, but still haven't figured out where...
Pug Friday - Ode to Mr. Jetplane

See the lil pug is a pilot?
This is a poster which comes from www.obeythepurebreed.com which is a hilarious site full of great Pug and other breed paraphernalia. Be sure to check it out, whether your a pug lover or not, its funny and they sell great gifts for your pug or any fellow pug lovers out there.
Happy Pug Friday!
I need suggestions...what am I talking about...I need help!
No Brie please!
Please leave me a comment or send me an email at leavingandloving@gmail.com with your suggestions and recipes!!!
Thank you in advance for your help.
Sorry guys...

Crazy Lives of the Jetplanes

Its been a rough week for us... I just got back on Sunday afternoon and he's been crazy busy with flying every day this week. Flying in a jet, for those that don't know, is extremely tough on your body, especially when you aren't used to pulling that many g's, on a regular basis. He hadn't actually flown in almost a year.
So as a side effect, he's been dealing with some sickness issues. He's on the patch now for this, but some of the guys are giving him a hard time... asking him if he's grown boobs yet....with his hormone patch... I couldn't help but die laughing when he tell me that...
He said, "Shut Up! Its not funny!"
I said "Oh yes it is...and you know it!"
Then he said..."Yeah it is really funny!"
I assured him..."Don't worry I'm sure that guy says that to every single person that gets one...Just put that one in your back pocket and you can use it in a couple of years to someone else."
Wish him luck today!!
My Life in Pictures....

After almost a week in the hospital, Mama Jetplane was released and we headed home to Southern Illinois where my family resides.

And attended an Ugly Sweater Party at a friend's house... I was really upset because my sweater was not ugly enough. I didn't know about the party and had to run to the Dollar General for a sweatshirt. But hey I still had a great time...

I became even sadder when my antler broke...

While at home I also got to meet up with 2 other wonderful bloggers... We had a great time together, and figured out that we literally know TONS of the same people...it is such a small world after all. Is that good or bad???

What A Long Strange Trip Its Been..
I'm home in North Carolina..FINALLY.
I promise to give you a full recap of the past 2 weeks but right now, I'm digging...digging myself out of the huge ass hole I've dug myself in at work.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers over the past 2 weeks, they've been felt and appreciated more than you'll ever know. And to the lovely bloggers that I finally got to meet in person...all 4 of them, yes 4, I got to meet 4...are you jealous??? Thank you. You all are just a fabulous as I had imagined you would be.
Bigger NEWS! Mr. Jetplane's first flight in the jet will be today, actually he might be in it as I type right now! He left at 5am this morning.
Honestly...you all are going to need to pray for my sanity more than his safety! Who wants to gamble about whether or not he's going to throw up...Ha Ha... He hasn't pulled that many g's for almost a year now... I have a feeling he's going to be dry heaving like...well, its too early to be discussing it.
Have a great Monday...
My <3 Belongs to a Man in a Flight Suit

Pug Friday - Missing my Baby Edition

I know this is a recycled picture, but its one of my favorites... miss my lil monkey...
Hang in there...
Sorry for my lack of updates, please don't give up on me....I'm just in a thick drug induced fog and now I'm trying to work from my parents on my lap top and cell phone...this won't be good...plus my "T" key on my laptop doesn't want to work anymore...FML.
Thank you all again for all your love and support...you all are the bestest!! (yes I know that's not a word, but I use it anyway!)
Pug Friday - Sick and Tired Edition

Picture found here...
Long Ass Day
Before we left the hospital this morning, my mom gave me her wedding ring, its currently on my middle finger of my right hand. Its a very weird feeling to be wearing my mom's ring. It strange to look down and see it on my hand.
Oh and to top it all I am sick as a dog. I started getting sick yesterday evening and woke up this morning at 5am and couldn't breathe and could hardly swallow. I've taken some meds and drank 3 cups of hot tea...I'm finally starting to feel alittle better but still look like a hot mess...
But enough about me....
Thank you all for your kind words and prayers for my mother and family.... I deeply appreciate each and everyone of you. The kindness of strangers is amazing... love you all.
Pug Friday - Home Sweet Home Edition

Unfortunately they both like to lay on the couch with me... Here we are enjoying the Vampire Diaries.

What do YOU think?
I'm in the high risk group so I believe that these 'new' guidelines don't apply to me. That being said, my mother was proactive and found her our breast cancer from a self exam. She located a very small growth (Stage 1) and is now cancer free. She is only 49 and falls into the age group they are focusing in on.
My mother is having her reconstructive surgery from her double mastectomy* next Monday in St. Louis at the Siteman Center. I'm going to make it a point to ask for their opinions on these new guidelines and I'll let you all know.
*That may seem like a bold step due to Stage 1 however, breast cancer runs in our family and the type of cancer she has an extremely strong chance of reoccurring in the other breast. After the operation and the pathology on the tissue, they did find that cells in the other breast where starting to form, so it was the best option for her.
So what our your thoughts on the new guidelines??
Actual Jetplanes' Conversations....
Mr. Jetplane is studying at the table for his test on Monday morning. We had dinner which I only ate half of because I was totally stuffed. I come into the kitchen about 45 minutes after dinner is over and go in the freezer. I get out what's left of my Sugar Free Butter Pecan Ice Cream.
Mr: "I thought you were full?"
Me: "Yeah I was. I have my period."
Mr: "Yeah so..."
Me: "So? So? I have an uncontrollable urge to eat something sweet. I need something sweet!"
Mr: "OK... Don't let me come between you and your ice cream!"
Smart move Mr. Jetplane!!!
Thursday morning last week... Mr. is sitting on the couch in the living room sending someone a text message and I am in my home office working.
Mr: "Hey sweetie!"
Me: "Yeah!"
Mr: "Hey who sings... " I wish I was alittle bit taller...I wish I was a baller..."
Me: "Ummmm... Ummm... Hold on I got this!"
Mr: "Never mind its TooShort!"
Me: "No its not!"
Mr: "Yes it is, its TooShort!"
Me: "No it most definitely isn't TooShort."
Mr: "Whatever its totally TooShort."
Me: "No Its SkeeLo!"
Mr: "No way...who the hell is SkeeLo"
Me: "It is, I know it is."
Mr: "You are so wrong, its totally TooShort!"
Me: "Fine I'll google it...."
Me: "Its SkeeLo! I just googled it, you want to come see?"
Mr: "NO! Whatever...."
We get into conversations like this at least 2x a week...it always ends with..."Fine I'm going to google it!"
Does anyone else use Google as their fight ender, or just us?
Its annoying getting old...

If you know anything about me...I am a HUGE COLTS fan and a HUGE Hater of all things associated with New England...that obviously includes Bill B and even the hottie Tom Brady. As a True Blue Colts fan... I refuse to like him, no matter how sexy he may look at the cover of Details, GQ, or Esquire.... REFUSE!!!

Mr. Jetplane also had to get up at 5am for a test this morning so we decided after half time to watch the rest of the game in bed. Well I passed out in no time and Mr. went to sleep at the end of the 3rd quarter.
When he left this morning, he came in to give me another kiss and said.."Colts won 35 -34!" I sat up... you are f'in kidding me... and we missed it... damn it....
Well fear not..I have watched Sports Center and I am still wearing my Colts shirt that I fell asleep in... GO COLTS!!!
Final thought... going for it on 4th and 2 at your own 28??? Thank you Bill!
Pug Friday
Well this Pug Friday Feature I find quite funny and fitting for anyone that knows or has a pug, particularly a male pug...

Some may say they have a Napoleon complex....
Happy Pug Friday!!
Latest Inspirations

Pug Friday

Photo found here
Burn one Down - Ben Harper
My ex in college introduced me to him back in 1998. He was his favorite person in the entire world and had met him several times. He was borderline obsessed with the man. He is now my go to long-distance driving music and has phenomenal live shows.
Body is a Wonderland by John Mayer
I distinctly remember junior year of college the first time my (same) ex (Mr. Baseball) played this for me in his is apartment. He said it made him think of me. Yeah...that's all this girl needed. My ex also wrote poetry...yeah I know. He once referred to me in his poem as his girl with coffee and 2 creams complexion (I was tanorexic back in the day). I don't know why but that has always stuck with me.
One More Time - Daft Punk
Oh yeah... Mrs. Jetplane was hardcore lover of techno music. I would rock out with the best of them at my college's dance clubs.... no doubt. I still enjoy listening to it while working out... mr and I might be driving home from a night out...we might pop it in and shake our groove things on the way.....Oh who likes to party...we like to party!!!
Some of the music may have even been busted out at our wedding.... see here is proof!!

Gravel - Ani Defranco
One of if not my favorite singer/performer is Ani Defranco. This song reminds me of my friend K and I rocking out to it in her green Cavalier and screaming out the words..."You may keep me from ever being happy but you're not going to stop me from having FUN!!!" No truer words were ever spoken..or so we thought.
If I had a million dollars - Barenaked Ladies
This song automatically takes me to living in the sorority house driving around campus, perhaps skipping class, in Lou's red Acura, sun roof open and singing our hearts out... you want to stare at us...go right ahead!!
To quote my sorority's song...
"These are the days you'll remember. Never before and never since, I promise, will the whole world be warm as this. And as you feel it, you'll know it's true that you are blessed and lucky. It's true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you."
That song is a perfect way to explain my college experience.... oh how I miss you...
And the Winner is....
Miss Pretty !!!! Please email be your contact info at leavingandloving@gmail. Congrats!!
Now onto the Jetplanes Halloween... Our original (well my original) plan was Mad Men themed, I'd be Joan and Mr would be Roger, my own personal silverfox. Well Mr. jumped ship on me with some of his friends and decided to be this...

Only problem...most guys and alot of girls out here didn't know who RZoe is... can you believe it... I DIE! Seriously... I DIE!
Pug Friday - All Dressed Up Edition 4
First off we have Ms. Lydia.

Chief (or Mama) loves Halloween so much we got 2 pictures.
Thank you all so much for playing along and sending in your puggie pics. If we have anyone else that would like to figure their pug in their Halloween finest, I'd be happy to do another post next week to honor your lil puggie. We all know they are in desperate need of attention.
Discount Diva

Outfit above is black legging from BR purchased on sale, white v-neck Hanes tshirt, grey boyfriend cardigan from Old Navy, grey/silver scarf Target, and Nine West Riding Boots bought at the outlet 2 years ago.
I'll be the first to admit leggings have scared me. I'm short and I was cursed with some thighs... How is everyone feeling about leggings?
Don't forget to enter my giveaway....
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- 2009...Hey Hey Hey Goodbye...
- When the cat's away...
- Its so hard to say goodbye...
- From Our House to Yours!!
- Soundtrack to my day
- Alittle something about Mrs. Jetplane
- The Jetplanes are all about Compromise
- All our PRETTY presents under the tree..
- Its the Monday before Christmas & all through the ...
- Pug Friday - Ode to Mr. Jetplane
- Sorry guys...
- Crazy Lives of the Jetplanes
- My Life in Pictures....
- What A Long Strange Trip Its Been..
- My <3 Belongs to a Man in a Flight Suit
- Pug Friday - Missing my Baby Edition