Deep Thoughts from Mrs. Jetplane
1. I get sucked into Snapped on Oxygen. I freaking love it. Mr. Jetplane thinks that I'm weird, and perhaps I'm trying to figure out how to plan the perfect murder. I love this show. I'm watching it right now.
2. I desperately need to get my eye brows waxed today, which will also make it ok for me to get a Lemon-Berry Slushie at Sonic (since its right next door). I hadn't been to Sonic is over a year, I had no idea I can get a small slushie for only a $1.00. Real strawberries and lemons, sugar, and ice... nothing better.
3. Mr. Jetplane is in San Diego this weekend, he got there on Thursday. He sent a picture to my cell phone from the balcony of his base lodging. Ocean view, palm trees, just lovely. I also reminded him that one of our friends is out there right now going through F-16 training, of course he totally forgot. Thank God for the wifey and my wonderful memory. They got to hang out last night. Once he's done in SD he'll be stationed in SC, not too far from the Jetplanes in NC.
4. Thank you all so much for your understanding and kind words about dealing with friends' divorces. I worry about young couples, sometimes I feel like people get married too young and perhaps are too immature to deal with the realities of married life and military life, which adds another level of difficulty. If your marriage isn't strong, the military can destroy it. I feel that in times of separation, be that training (my case) or deployment, your marriage can either get stronger or fall apart. Mr. Jetplane and I being apart reminds us, how much we need each other in our day to day lives. We are truly each other's best friends. Its cheesy, but he completes me and without him here, a part of me is missing. Yes, that may sound sad to some, but to me that hopeful and wonderful, because that means in San Diego right now, there's a piece of me and here in P'cola there's a piece of him. No matter how far apart we are, we can always be together.

5. Mr. Jetplane will be home 17 days. 17 more days, and he'll be home. I can't wait. Will I still blog, yes I most definitely will. I might not comment as much as I normally 'try' too, but I will blog. This has become an amazing outlet for me, and I enjoy it a lot. I feel like I've made some friends out there, people that understand me and want to know about me. My days get lonely sometime, and this helps so much. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
I don't like being an adult
Today, I had to be an adult and deal with adult things. The Jetplanes know 2 couples that are around our age and are married. One is a military and the other isn't. The mil couple have been married for under 2 years (I believe) and the other has been married for 3 years (together for 11 yrs) Both are separated and leaning towards divorce, the mil couple will most definitely be getting a divorce.
Today, in Target I ran into the non-mil guy we're friends with, and heard "from the horse's mouth" about their issues and separation. Right near the shampoo and body wash endcap, I listened to him pour his heart out about their marriage and what his therapist has to say about it. My heart goes out to him. I'll admit I don't know his wife, they were never together. She didn't want to go out with him when we'd meet for drinks, dinner, winging parties, movies, or when we went to the circus one afternoon. The Jetplanes honestly didn't think she existed since we only met her once and that was my complete accident when we bumped into them at a restaurant one night. She was cold and unfriendly, the polar opposite of him.
He told me how they didn't really have anything in common. She is extremely involved in her faith and her church. He converted for her in high school, and was now attending church or church functions at least 5 days a week. While, he will still be attending the church, its too much for him, its not the path he wants. They were no longer intimate and she didn't seem to mind.
He said that they had talked about having kids, and he realized that he wanted to have a child so they would have something in common.
Wow! Standing in the health and beauty section of Target I realized, I'm now a married woman, and these issues are real. You can't just break up like you did in college. These are serious, life-altering decisions. I'm an adult now and divorce isn't just something that my parents dealt with, its something are friends are going to start dealing with. And that breaks my heart. I'm so thankful, that even though Mr. Jetplane and I are apart due to the USAF, we're very much in love and can't imagine life without the other. We support each other and need each other. We're each other's best friend but we're also each other's life partner. We're going on this journey together, and I can't imagine the pain I would feel to see that disappearing.
I hope both of these couples are able to find their own happiness with the most minimal heart ache and pain in the process.
How do you all deal with this? What are you suppose to say? And other mil wives, is unfaithfulness common around you as well? I know a few couples that haven't been faithful and issues have came up.
Pug of the Week 2

For the love of a vampire...

Rue La La is going to ruin me...

I adore this dress striped dress, and I'm interested to see exactly what color the brown belt is. This dress may have to be hemmed, since I'm quite a shortie, but we'll see. This dress has lil airplanes all over it. Too cute, right, Mrs. Jetplane in her airplane dress.
I adore DVF. But due to these 2 purchases, I may have to obstain from the rest of the sales this week, if I know what's good for me.
P.S. Thank you all for your supportive comments earlier today. I greatly appreciate it.
Bad Catholic...

Don't forget...

The excitement is building...

*Sorry for my need to post wedding pictures. I'm sorta obsessed with looking at pictures of us. I promise it will stop once he's back.
Be Still My Heart
Hello! Too bad I'm going on another shopping fast, but I am open for some really good deals.
Anyone need an invite, please let me know! Send me an email to leavingandloving@gmail or leave a comment with your email address.
Happy Shopping... we all need to do what we can to help the economy right?
Beyonce... do you own a mirror?

Why do you do this to yourself? Don't even get me started on your dance routine outfit... You either do crazy short or crazy tight, there is no middle of the road for you.
More of Mrs. Jetplane's Craziness....
I look incredibly young for my age. I'm going to turn 29 this year and I get carded on a regular basis. A couple of years ago, I was sick one weekend and went to the video store to rent some movies. One movie I rented was a foreign film and unrated, I got carded for it. I was 25.
One time I was getting my nails done, and the very sweet lady that been doing my nails looked up and asked me if I was getting my nails down for the prom that was happening that night? Uh no, I was 22.
When I was going through the airport in Chicago a couple of weeks ago, the TSA woman looked at my ID and didn't believe that I was 28. She thought I was in high school, granted I looked like crap since I was hung over as all hell, but still.... high school, are you serious?
Ok, so here's my totally irrational worry... If and when I get pregnant will people look at me and think that I'm some young, unwed mother? Granted I do wear a wedding ring, but still... will they think that I look too young to be pregnant? Will they pity me, worry about me, or just plain think that I'm a young, little girl who got herself knocked up.
Yes, I'm totally weird and crazy, but these are the thoughts that go through my head...
The one thing about good about looking young, I always joke to Mr. Jetplane that he won't have to trade me in on a younger model for a long time....
Better Late than never, right?
And I have some upcoming posts of my recent online shopping adventures... my Lilly sweater from Rue La La arrived, a JCrew dress and shirt, and some accessories from F21. I think my UPS guy thinks I have a problem. He got to know me quite well from wedding related deliveries. He knows my dogs' name, my hubby's name, its weird right?
But lately, I arrive home after he been by. He's kinda cute too... oh Mr. Jetplane needs to come home, I'm eyeing the UPS guy.
Pug of the Week 1

Her name is Chief and she's the furbaby of the one and only d.a.r. from First comes love.

Wasn't she just a cutie pie when she was a puppy? Pug puppies melt my heart every time, they are my own personal kryptonite on a bad day. But don't worry, they are still cute when they are full grown as well.
Look at that face... how can you say no to a look like that?
Everyone be sure to congratulate d.a.r. and Chief on their selection of Pug of the Week. They have been moved to the finals of Pugapalooza.But don't worry folks, you can still enter. Please email your pictures to me at The contest is open until March 18th.
And d.a.r. and Chief.... email be your contact info, I might have a little gift for you guys.
Happy Friday to all!
Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day...

Remember the contest goes until March 18th, so enter now. And each Friday from now until March 16th, I will display a puggie that's extra special and a contender for the grand prize of Pugapalooza.
What's making my Thursday better...

On a serious tip...
My friend is a Captain in the USMC and his wife is a SAHM with 2 adorable lil boys, they are stationed out west. And my heart goes out to them. I will admit that I saw pictures of the youngest boy a couple of months ago on their Facebook pages, and seriously questioned whether he had been diagnosed or not. It appears that he wasn't diagnosed by the doctors at the military hospital initially, the couple questioned it and the Dr. didn't see any issues. Until their 7 month appointment, he requested the tests be run. He is an otherwise healthy and very happy baby boy, but now they're left wondering and worrying about the next steps.
They want to absorb as much information about the disorder and needed therapy as possible. They are a wonderful young couple with an incredible faith. I know they will overcome any and all obstacles that this may cause, but I'm reaching out to you all for any information that I can pass along to them.
On the opposite side of this conversation, while my aunt and uncle were pregnant with my cousin the Dr. told them that she had Down's. My cousin was born, and while she appeared slightly to have the facial characteristics of a child with the syndrome, those soon passed. I'm very happy to report that she is now 24 years old and working toward a Ph.D., very far from any learning disability.
No JCrew Love at my TJ Maxx
Mrs. Jetplane spent last night
The rest of the night was like this:
1. Catching up on blogs and trying to comment.
2. Ate a bowl of cut strawberries, with a few mini marshmallows, and a drizzle of chocolate syrup (aka my new favorite dessert) while watching the Biggest Loser. Is it weird that I always eat when I watch this show?
3. Watched the Real Housewives of the OC and was disgusted with some of the behavior by Tamara and Vicki. Tamara stop being jealous and where can we buy your husband "amazing" tequila that has been successful during this "difficult economic times". Vicki, you are a ridiculous person. You are so involved in your kids' lives but you didn't know that she wanted to join the Army... interesting that she's not now. Also, Gretchen wants attention.... Hello? If that's not the pot calling the kettle black. And Gretchen, while your relationship has been questioned my heart does go out her and his family. If I was in her shoes, I wouldn't have left his side, but we don't know exactly what was going on?
4. Stayed up late and watched the Real Housewives of NYC. Yeah! These bitches are awesome. Its going to be an exciting year. I about fell out of my seat, when I saw the house they rented in the Hamptons.
Follow Up on My Craziness

I adore the chair, which you can see the arm of in this picture. I wouldn't go all bananas (get it bananas, monkey....) and put monkeys everywhere, but I just love this. I would do the bedding, chair, but probably not the drapes. I wouldn't paint the walls all pink either, its a little pepto for me and most definitely Mr. Jetplane. (oh and I wouldn't paint a monkey on the wall, maybe a light stripe)
But there you go, our hypothetical children and their hypothetical PB nursery. Now I need a hypothetical fortune to buy all this junk...
You want to know how crazy I am?

Pugs, Puggles, and Muggles... oh my..

** Thanks for all the kind words about a baby Jetplane, I know its never the "right" time. But there is a lot to consider. The military adds a whole level of "fun" to the equation. Planning on getting pregnant, knowing your husband won't be there for part of it, its a scary situation. Adding to the fact that I'm far from family and friends, its difficult to deal with. But its what we're going to have to deal with. I'm a total drama queen so I'll flip my sh!t on a daily basis, cuz I'm crazy like that.
Baby Jetplane?

Happy Valentine's Day

Come on and join in on the fun....

Pug Lovers Unite!
But enough about me... Its Friday and its an extra special Friday because not only do you get to a little puggie loving, but today is the offical launch of Mrs. Jetplane's Pugapalooza Contest.
Yes, that's right Pugapalooza! What is it you ask, well Mrs. Jetplane is hosting a contest for all you puggie lovers.
Here are the Rules:
1. Send in your cutest, funniest, best pictures of your (or a friend/relative's) pug*
2. Mrs. Jetplane will select the top 2 and the bloggers will decide the winner
3. Contest starts now and ends March 15th
4. Starting next Friday until March 13th, Fridays will feature other bloggers' pugs. And you can get a sneak peak on the competition.
*I am willing to accept puggles and other pug mixes
Send all photos to Please provide you pug's name.
The winner will receive a great pugtastic gift set, that owner and doggie will both love.... I promise.Now that the ground rules are set.... Enter away, I'm excited to say, I've already received some pictures and they are adorable.
Hope you all are as excited as Milo and I are....
I've been a bad girl...

For only $58.00. Did I need them... no. Its my Happy Thursday present! Mr. Jetplane is going to think I'm crazy when I whip these bad boys out... Do I care, nah...
Turning the Page

Breakfast of Champions right? Well, this is me totally not caring this morning... Sugar Free Red Bull is my saving grace in the mornings, afternoons, or whenever. I don't drink coffee so Red Bull is my fix.
Mrs. D - your giveaway is in the mail today, sorry I'm horribly slow. Please accept my apologies.
And Finally.... As we all know tomorrow is Friday (Thank God!) and that means its Puggie Friday. Now I love posting pics of my own hunk of loving Milo, but I do happen to know several pug owners out there that read this very blog...
So I'm calling out all pug owners, if you have a cute, funny, crazy, strange, etc. picture of your pug, a friend's pug, a neighbor's pug, or even your mortal enemy's pug.... Send it in to and you'll get your own Pug Friday shout out. But more importantly from now until March 15th, I'll be accepting Puggie Pics and the picture voted best will win an awesome surprise... Shh... Its a secret.
More details to follow on Puggie Pics Contest.... Stay Tuned... But Mrs. Jetplane is accepting pics now, so get those bad boys in...
Off to eat my sleeve of donuts... mmmm... donuts.
Wow! I'm not sure how I feel about
I'm shocked and totally confused by this woman. I don't know if I'm suppose to pity her, be concerned for her mental state, or be upset with her.
Trying to Make the Best of It

You can choose a sampler or a whole cheesecake. I have sent this to him one time before, I think as a "just cause" present when he was away in Pittsburgh working.
I purchase these through 1800flowers, I have had only 1 issue ever using them to buy food/fruit and they kindly replaced them all the following day. It was a tragic chocolate covered strawberry incident where they sent the fruit ground, and let's say there wasn't much left of them when they arrived at my parents house. However, the next shipment was perfect and my mom said they were the biggest strawberries she's ever seen.
Just Cause presents are my favorite, I actually refer to them as Happy Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever day of the week it is. Sometimes when I buy myself something and bring it home, Mr. Jetplane will ask, what's that for???
To that I kindly respond, "Its my Happy Thursday present! Duh!".
Mrs. Jetplane still under the weather...

Ending the day on a lighter note...

Serious case of the Mondays

Mrs. Jetplane has landed back in Florida
I am tired, sored, sick, sad, and really happy I made the trek up to Chicago this weekend. It was great getting to see everyone, and can't wait till next month for the wedding.
Since I am all of the adjectives I listed above, I'm going keep this short and sweet.
Here are a couple of statements about this weekend.
1. I adored Baby C. She is precious. She makes the cutest faces and I couldn't stop smelling and kissing her lil head. I look forward to Mr. Jetplane and I making a little bambino of our own, but don't get your hopes up. Being around a baby, is actually excellent birth control for me. I'm so not ready for all that.
2. Chicago was amazingly warm.
3. I got my cards read, very interesting. She told me I'm not having kids for a while, and it looks like we may have some difficulty getting pregnant. I've kinda always assumed that anyway.
4. I drank way too much, and so sick this morning. It wasn't pretty, and neither was I all day today. I worn yoga pants, the Mr.'s AF shirt, and a hoodie. AKA - what I slept in last night.
5. I slept on an air mattress that was about 75% deflated, with a throw pillow and a sleeping bag.
6. I have a huge bruise on my ass and I didn't fall.
7. My nose is bleeding, its so freaking dry up there.
8. We got into a bar fight, yes you read that right a bar fight.
9. I have now seen a penis ice sculpture.
10. I adore pot stickers from Trader Joe's.
11. I also have a new pink champagne that I love.
12. I remember why I swore off all shots after graduating college.
13. I threw up in an extremely nice bathroom that had a sauna, no I didn't throw up in the sauna.
14. Yesterday was the Jetplanes' 8 month anniversary.
15. Mr. Jetplane can't come home this weekend :(
16. I miss my friends :(
17. Milo and I had McDonalds for dinner, and we're going to bed early. He had an exciting weekend playing with a lil rat terrier. He's snoring as I type.
18. Ok I totally need to understand was is going on with Chris Brown.
19. Finally, I fit everything into 1 carry on and my big yellow Jcrew bag. That included baby gifts and bach gifts. The wedding shower gift was mailed to her, since she lives in ATL.
Well Hello There...
Well I guess that's not exactly true. I wish it was warmer and I wish Mr. Jetplane was with me.
But other than that, I'm so excited to see lil baby C and spend time with Lou.
Since graduating college, all of us girls live all over the place and don't get to see each other that much. But when we get together, its like we've never been apart. Its amazing and I think that a sign of a true friend. I love my friends so much and I miss getting to hang out with them.
Jill... if you're reading this today, we'll miss you TONS. Can't wait to see you at the wedding. Love you.
So now you're saying to yourself... Mrs. Jetplane its Friday what about the puggies. No fear my dearest readers, even though I've left the reservation I've left you with something extra special this week....
Hello Lover....

Today feels a little like this....

Its my last work day this week before I head off to Chicago for a fun weekend. I'm crazy busy and slowly losing my mind. I've said before how I'm much younger than my co-workers. Well, one in particular thinks that its ok to talk to me like I'm an idiot and its getting on my nerves. I have several of this person's projects and I want to seriously jump through the phone and drop kick his ass...
With <3 from the Jetplanes

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner....
And the winner is......
Kelli - who I believe is now Mrs. D.
Please email me at with your name and address.
Update: I adore my big ass watch, I did a post about it a while ago. That pic actually makes it look bigger than it is. It was a Christmas gift to myself.
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- Deep Thoughts from Mrs. Jetplane
- I don't like being an adult
- Pug of the Week 2
- You know what tomorrow is....
- For the love of a vampire...
- Rue La La is going to ruin me...
- Bad Catholic...
- Don't forget...
- The excitement is building...
- Be Still My Heart
- Beyonce... do you own a mirror?
- More of Mrs. Jetplane's Craziness....
- Better Late than never, right?
- Pug of the Week 1
- Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day...
- What's making my Thursday better...
- On a serious tip...
- No JCrew Love at my TJ Maxx
- Mrs. Jetplane spent last night
- Follow Up on My Craziness
- You want to know how crazy I am?
- Pugs, Puggles, and Muggles... oh my..
- Baby Jetplane?
- Happy Valentine's Day
- Come on and join in on the fun....
- Pug Lovers Unite!
- I've been a bad girl...
- Turning the Page
- Wow! I'm not sure how I feel about
- Trying to Make the Best of It
- Mrs. Jetplane still under the weather...
- Ending the day on a lighter note...
- Serious case of the Mondays
- Mrs. Jetplane has landed back in Florida
- Well Hello There...
- Today feels a little like this....
- With <3 from the Jetplanes
- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner....
- When Mrs. Jetplane has too much free time on her h...
- The End is Near....
- How does one look cute in 20 degrees?
- Mrs. Jetplane's thoughts for the night...
- What does Mrs. Jetplane do on Super Bowl Sunday?