Very Productive Lunch Hour...
2. Finished my 2nd Sookie Stackhouse book
3. Bought a cute Lilly dress for $50 at Dillards
Update - Here's the dress, I almost bought the tan one too because they were both in my size. They had a 70% off then an additional 30%. Holla!!! BTW- Dillards is a department store, not all Dillards carry Lilly.
I tried to make it until February but couldn't.... And to make it all the worse...
I have a trip planned to the outlet mall this weekend...
First things first, thanks for the kind words about missing my hubby. And yes, the picture is of us. The lovely Michelle at Oeil Photography took our engagement pics around P'cola. Please check out her work. She is a fellow mil wife and currently living in Jacksonville.
But most importantly it is Friday, I had to give you your dose of Pug.I'll stop the world and melt with you...
Jetplanes planning a getaway...
Last night, Mr. Jetplane mentioned that we should go on a vacay. Well, no complaints here. Since he has his bum knee, we're getting rolled back a couple of classes, so we'll get a couple extra months in P'cola. So I'll have him from March until July all to myself.
We're gonna plan a lot to do in those months....
A weekend to Biloxi, New Orleans, and ATL. We also have weddings in ATL and STL. But we want to take a trip for a week somewhere, but not spend too much money. The Jetplanes 1 year anniversary will be on June 7th and my 29th Bday will June 2nd, so the big vacay might be that week.
Any suggestions? The only requirements... it must be warm and there must be plenty of activities for my hubby to keep himself occupied while I read by a pool, lake, and/or ocean.

Also ..... Please don't forget to enter my 300th post giveaway.
Housewives of the OC
These girls are 17 and 18 years old. They shouldn't be drinking at a bowling alley, how did they get home from said bowling alley. And don't these kids realize that they are being taped and this is on national television.
So Mrs. Jetplane wasn't an angel, far from it, but I wasn't on national television.
And, Jeanna's kids are out of f-ing control. I was completely shocked and outraged that they talked to her like that. I wouldn't have stood for it. So what if your dad was a horrible husband and you heard him talk that way to your mother. You know it hurt her self esteem and know its not right. I speak from personal experience here, boys.
You know right from wrong, and I hope to God you see yourselves on tv and realize what total a-holes you are.
And Jeanna, take charge of your life and let your kids know that you're their mother and you demand their respect.
Rant over... Happy Hump Day to all.
Sookie Stackhouse is my Hero

I love you all, but this is getting out of hand...
I jokingly said that every week someone is announcing they are pregnant. Well, 2 more couples added to the list this weekend. Mr. Jetplane called me and gave me the news.
The conversation went like this....
Mr. J: "Hi babe, I got some news for you."
Me: "Okay, what is it?"
Mr. J: "Are you sitting down?"
Me: "Yes, what is it?"
Mr. J: "Ummm..."
Me: "You're not going to tell me someone else is pregnant are you?"
Mr. J: "Yes... The H's are pregnant (these are Mr. Jetplane's roommates in Texas, right now)."
Me: "That's great they've been trying to get pregnant, which means they have totally been getting it on in the next bedroom... Ha Ha."
Mr. J: "I know don't remind me."
Me: "How far along is she?"
Mr. J: " I don't know, am I suppose to ask, that's kinda personal?"
Me: "Yes, that is a standard question. So who else is pregnant"
Mr. J: "My cousin and his wife (one of Mr. Jetplane's groomsmen and Mr. JP was his cousin's BM in their wedding in August)."
Me: "Wow they didn't waste anytime, did they?"
Mr. J: "Well they've been together forever. They started dating right before I moved to Indy."
Me: "Yeah, well we started dating a couple of months after you moved to Indy. So we've been together about as long as they have."
Mr. J "Oh I guess you're right!"
Me: "I seriously feel like my uterus is in a vice."
Mr. J: "You're what's in a what?"
Me: "My UTERUS is in a vice. So much pressure..."
Mr. J: "I know my grandma and my dad asked me yesterday if you're pregnant yet and when we're going to get pregnant."
Me: "Please don't talk about my uterus with other people."
Mr. J: "Okay honey... We're not in a rush, considering we don't even live together right now, I sure hope you're not pregnant."
I do love and adore all the people that are having babies. I love babies, but I am feeling an overwhelming pressue to start wanting kids. Seriously if I find out one more person is pregnant today, I'm going to scream.
Kicking it Old School
Mickey Rouke - back when he was unbelievably sexy, yes kiddos there was a time when he was fine ass piece of meat. If you want to see for yourselves, please watch the following....

5 guys in their 20's spend most of their time hanging out in a Diner. It's Christmas time in 1959, and the guys all begin to think it's about time they went about their lives without the comfort of the 'diner'.

You Found Me....How?
Well, it also gives you a look at how people are finding your lil part of the blogosphere. It can be quite funny, but also a little freaky at the same time.
So you ask, well Mrs. Jetplane, how are people coming to your blog?
We'll start with fairly noral and reasonable methods....
leaving and loving blog
leaving and loving on a jet plane blog
mrs jetplane
mrs and mr jetplane
loving on a jetplane
mr jetplane
These are normal and fully acceptable.
Now let's get into some weird one...
Gay when the Wife's Away.... Yes and they have searched by this on more than one occassion.
I assume this is popping up from my blog about Mr. Jetplane throwing what I called a 'dinner' party in Texas.
Various searches about Long Hair, Hair Chopped, Hair Chopped Off, My New Hairdo, etc.
Trying to get Pregnant... Well if you've read my blog, you know that's not something I'm looking to do right now.
J Lo at the Gloden Globes and Golden Globes Target Commerical
Jet plane Decor and Jetplane at night... Really?
Thing for Suspenders.... Yes, it's true I have one, only Mr. Jetplane in his Mess Dress
American Bulldog, Bulldog, Pug, and Pugs...Our lil boys Milo and Charlie
BCBG and I bought BCBG .... I do love BCBG dresses
Ani and Ani Defranco... love Her...
"" atlanta georgia wade dating 2008 ... Huh?
I feel overwhelmed about my boyfriend leaving for flight school... I hear ya sister, but that's kinda a weird thing to put in a seach box
Butt Crack... yeah that found my blog.
You gotta love the internet....
Its Friday Folks...

He did it all the time when he was a puppy. He just likes to stand in the shower with his head down letting the water hit him. Its very cute, but sometimes annoying.
Thank you for the wonderful comments on the portrait in the post below, I cannot wait to mail up to my parents next week. If you are seriously interested in a portrait email and we can talk about. Since my blog is on the DL, and I don't want anyone from work knowing about it, we have be kinda sneaky...
The artist is taking orders, however I believe I got a pretty good deal due to the fact that we're friends. I've recommended to her to start up an etsy store, she's interested in doing that but hasn't set it up yet. Right now, she has quite a bit of business and has a wait list.
Mama Jetplane is going to love this...

And as promised.... Here are my $8 shoes from Target. Pretty cute for 8 bucks, right?
Keeping it Healthy...
I serve this salad dressing over 2 different type of salad. This does make for a sweet salad dressing.
1. Spinach, Strawberry, Pine Nuts, and cubed precooked chicken.
2. Spinach, canned Mandarin oranges, thinly sliced red onion, and pine nuts.
3/4 cup sugar (I used Splenda)
1tbsp. dry mustard
1 tbsp. salt
1/2 small red onion (chopped)
1 cup oil (I use EVOO)
1/3 c. seasoned rice vinegar (I used apple cider vinegar)
1 1/2 tbsp. poppy seeds
Combine sugar, dry mustard, salt, red onion, oil, vinegar and poppy seeds in a blender.
I'll admit I don't use this recipe to the tee. Sometimes I add a little more mustard.
FYI - got the dog painting sitting in my office as I type. It is adorable and I actually cried when she brought it in. Mama and Pops Jetplane are going to flip out when they see it. I'm going to mail it to them next week. Its an oil painting so I want to give it plenty of time to dry. Can't wait to post pics of it tonight.
Mrs. Jetplane has been a bad girl...

Oh and I also bought a set of t-shirt sheets in lime green. The master bedroom is navy, white, and hints of lime green. Mr. Jetplane has t-shirt sheets on his bed in Texas and says he wanted them at home. So we'll see how it goes, if I don't like them, well they'll get put to use on the air mattress.
I'm kinda a sheet snob, and I require them to be really soft. I personally enjoy an all white bed, but soon learned after we moved in together, that wouldn't be in the plan for us. You see Mr. Jetplane's body emits some weird stuff in his sleep and he literally stains the sheets. My beautiful high thread count white sheets, I bleach the crap out of them but it got to be really annoying. My mom said it was metals and impurities in his skin, I don't know what it was other than totally disgusting.
So I'll give you the update on the t-shirt sheets. I have to admit, while they do keep me warm, they remind me of shacking up with my old college boyfriend, he had jersey sheets.
So there... My shopping is all out in the open. But I promise to be good the rest of the month....
Excitement Level is High

Keeping it on the Down Low
Times are tough right now in the American workplace, but I am so incredibly thankful that my company (while we did layoff several people after Thanksgiving) is currently thriving with projects. I have successfully closed 3 projects this month, my goal is 5 a month and I can see that actually happening.
The past few months have been hard all around, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am grateful for the opportunity to keep working at my job from home when we move. It would not be pleasant to have to look for a job in this economy. And for all of you out there who are, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have been there and it can be tough.
I was laid off from my last job in Indy, and literally was on unemployment for 6 months. It was incredibly hard to find a financially comparable job when I moved to Florida to be with Mr. Jetplane. But I stuck it out and started my new job literally the week my unemployment ran out. And let me tell you, my unemployment from Indiana was not much at all. Thank God I had a substantial saving to live off of.
Word to the wise, save money while and when you can. There will come a time, when you will need it.
Back to Work....
FYI - I swear the tofu recipe doesn't taste like tofu. I hate health food, I can't eat frozen WW meals and fat free cheese. I wouldn't eat this if it tasted like tofu. Mr. Jetplane wouldn't eat it if it did either.
Mrs. Jetplane cooking healthy...
1 Packet of Hidden Valley Ranch
1 14oz Tofu (recipe recommends Mori-Nu brand) UPDATE: Firm Tofu
3/4 cup canola oil
2 tbsp of vinegar (I used apple cider)
1 egg
3 packets of Splenda
Dash of Season All Salt
Blend egg and vinegar on Medium, with blender on add oil in a thin stream.
Then add seasonings and tofu.
Blend and then stir.
Refrigerate before stirring.
1/4cup = 1 serving
I love to eat this with veggies, put it on a sandwich instead of mayo, use as a dip for chicken strips, or eat with melba toast crackers.
And heads next healthy recipe is an awesome Poppy Seed Salad Dressing which will seriously rock your world. I make it all summer love to put it on spinach and strawberry salad or a spinach, pine nut, and mandarin orange salad.
These are a few of my favorite things...
So I love chocolate milk.... love it. But I don't like regular white milk, at all. So this is now in my fridge and I drink it while getting ready in the morning... It is so yummy...

This is my new favorite salad dressing, its not "low" fat but it is 5g of fat for 2 tbsp. I'll be honest, I put about 1 tbsp on my salads, so it isn't too bad. My salad are bagged Spring Mix, broccoli slaw (which is the best thing ever, it is cabbage, carrots, and broccoli sliced), cucumbers, sliced almonds, and cranberries. Sometimes, I'll put a light sprinkling of cheddar cheese, but it doesn't really need it.

Finally, I love Laughing Cow Light Spreadable Cheese. I love to put this on a toasted bagel or eat it on Melba toast. It comes in Swiss, Garlic Herb, and French Onion all in light. I eat this on a whole grain bagel for breakfast a lot of mornings.

Tonight I'm going to post a recipe for low cal ranch dip that is made with tofu, yes tofu. And I actually like it, so does Mr. Jetplane.
Keeping up with the Jetplanes...

Its from Tiffany's and it retails for $125.00, but I have found it on Tiffany sale sites for a lot less. But I really concerned about the quality. Has anyone ever bought anything from these type of sites.
Cool thing is the propellers move... oh cool is that?
Getting Knocked Up...
I am so unbelievably happy for them, don't get me wrong. But, it makes me really think, what the heck is wrong with me. I still feel too young to have kids, and I'm 28. I felt weird saying that when I was home Thanksgiving holding my cousin's baby, since she's 24.
I still feel awkward when people tell me they are trying to have kids. I still giggle to myself, b/c all the people I knew were always trying to "not" get pregnant.
First time I really thought that I was ready for kids was a couple of weeks before our wedding. I thought I was ready to get pregnant and have kids within the first 6 to 9 months after getting married. Well, that time is now, and needless to say not living with Mr. Jetplane makes it a little tough to get knocked up.
But that's ok, because we're not ready, well I'm not ready. I'm scared of it all. I'm scared of getting sick. I have a weird stomach and I get nauseous all the time. And I know when I'm pregnant, I'll have morning sickness, mid day sickness, middle of the night sickness, all of it. And I'm sorry, but I'm totally freaked about something growing inside my body. Maybe I'm totally immature about it, but its weird. I always think of the scene in Spaceballs when the little alien jumps out of the guy's body and proceeds to do a song and dance. (I told you I'm immature about this...) I'm also freaked out about feeding a baby with milk my body makes. Its weird and I'm not comfortable with it.
I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I know a lot of women are actively trying to get pregnant, and I hope to someday be there with you all. But, as you can see, I'm not quite mentally prepared for this huge and miraculous gift of life. People continually reassure me that this will all change when I'm pregnant.
I hope I'm not the only one out there that feels this way. And if I am, well, all I can say is... I wasn't wrong to think I'm a complete weirdo.
Just one of them days...
1. I kinda feel like a loser. My 2 best friends from high school are both doctors, one is a practicing dentist and the other is getting her Ph.D. from an ivy league school. I have a B.S. in business.
2. Wow, I got alot of facebook love last night and this morning. Several people tracked me down on Facebook, that's kinda scary. Yes, I will be your friends on facebook, but please don't post anything on there about my blog. This is on DL. I don't want to be on blast on facebook, I would never hear the end of it.
3. I loved the concert yesterday on HBO for Obama.
4. Big Love is back on and I'm really excited.
5. I still have not bought anything but groceries, yeah me. Well, I did buy a $5 bouquet of tulips at Super Walmart.
6. Mr. Jetplane is off work today and I'm not, ugh.
Happy Monday to all.
Here's a lil Monday morning funny. Picture below is from Michelle at Oeil Photography. And congrats are in order for Michelle, she's pregnant!!

Please check her out. She's currently in Jacksonville and a mil wife.
Award Season is Upon Us...

Life is so precious
As you know, one of my best friends J had her lil girl on Monday night. Like Kelly, she too lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure dropped quite a bit. They tried to get her stabilized for quite some time but it wasn't working. Then they realized that her IV was pulled out and she hadn't been receiving any of the drugs. But after a couple of hours, they were able to get her stable. She and Baby C are happy and healthy, now but I know how scared they were for those few brief hours.
Please keep Kelly, Harper, and the whole family in your prayers.
A little dose of Pug does a body good...

Gather Round the Fire Kids, Mrs. Jetplane's got a story
So when I met Mr. Jetplane he was a manager of a credit union in Indy. During our courtship, he was promoted and took on another credit union in Pittsburgh. He would spend a week there once a month. He spent each visit at a hotel in downtown Pittsburgh and enjoyed the city very much.
Throughout this time in our relationship Mr. Jetplane began to sleep walk from time to time (he doesn't really do it anymore). And low and behold, one night (or very early morning) Mr. Jetplane woke up to the sound of a heavy door closing shut, he turned around to realize that he was outside of his hotel room and didn't have a key. But you see the funniest part of this story is, Mr. Jetplane sleeps naked. So he's naked, standing outside of his hotel room, in the hallway, and has no way to get into his room. He thinks for a second, and realizes that he's going to have to go to the front desk to get a room key....naked. Then he realizes that he's going to have to go down the elevator to get to the front desk... naked.
So he proceeds to the elevator, praying that no one is on this elevator. The doors open and its completely empty. He proceeds to ride the elevator down to the the main lobby and the doors open to an empty 1st floor. He then proceeds to walk the hallway to the lobby, remembering that there was a housekeeping room around the corner. He prayed that the door was unlocked. He got there, turned the handle, and it was unlocked. He grabbed a towel, put it on, and ran to the first desk to get his key.
The front desk attendant about jumped out of their skin, he had scared them but he gave him a new room key and Mr. Jetplane proceeded back to his room. And this time - double locked the door.
I keep reminding him, that the hotel had to have cameras and I would die if he appears on some TV show someday.
He called me at work the following day, and I laughed so hard that I couldn't stop for nearly an hour. Its totally ridiculous.
Love u Mr. Jetplane.
Mr. Jetplane coming at ya...

He was like "What are these questions? Why do people want to know about me?" Well he's answered them, in his own unique, sarcastic way. And they are as follows...
What went through Mr. Jetplane's mind when he first saw you on your wedding day? Wow, this is actually happening and she looked beautiful.
What did he want to be when he grew up when he was 8 years old?
Probably ruler of the free world, I don’t ever remember wanting to be one thing, always wanted to never limit my options.
Where does he see the 2 of you in 10 years?
Probably be in either DC or in a fighter squadron finishing up my second ops tour.
I'd love to more about Mr. Jetplane's whole pilot thing- is he in UPT right now? What kind of planes does he want to fly?
I am not in UPT, I finished my navigation training, IFF, and am now working on my CSO upgrade (Electronic warfare officer). We will be moving this summer Goldsboro NC to start my training on the F15E.
How long has he wanted to be a pilot?
Honestly I really never had the bug, I was just bored w/managing banks and wanted to do something else. I got accepted to the AF, then was able to be accepted to track fighters/bombers, and finished by being lucky enough to go the Strike Eagle.
What's his favorite plane?
A little experimental jobber that Mrs. Jetplane’s parents friend (mike) built. I was amazed that he build the whole thing himself in his basement. It was just fun flying it, no stress.
Does he have any career goals both near and distant?
To finally finish the RTU and get mission qualified. In the future we will have to see if I get bored again and where that will take me.
FYI - Mr. Jetplane entertains the idea of running for political office, which is interesting since we don't share a lot of the same political views.
What's his favorite memory of you?
Sitting at Applebee’s w/ a busted lip, and cracking jokes
(This is a somewhat of a long story that I'll have to tell another time. But we were on vacay at my parents' condo in Ft. Myers. 1st day of a week long vacay and his actions and my drunk ass contributed to me having a busted lip. And right after he's like, you're fine let's go to Applebee's.)
In his opinion, what's the weirdest thing the Mrs. does?
Her OCD about making sure she shut the garage door and making sure she unplugged her stuff. (I will turn around in our subdivision to make sure I close the garage door. I can't handle it if I don't know the door is down.)
What is your most embarrassing moment?
I'm not easily embarrassed I usually find it hilarious, but probably when I went for a sleep walk in a hotel in Pittsburgh, without my key and clothes.
(This story is hilarious, and I have to tell it at a later time. It still makes me laugh so hard I cry. He used to be in Pittsburgh 1 week out of the month when he was managing banks. Side note - Mr. prefers to sleep in the buff, which makes the story even funnier. Oh and the story includes him having to take a ride on a elevator to the front desk to get a room key.)
What do you that most gets on the Mrs. nerves?
I pick on her from time to time.
What does she do?
Her tendency to leave things where she takes them off and not pick them up again (ie Shoes, socks, purses, and ear rings)
What is your favorite color? Blue
When would you like to welcome a Baby Jet Plane to the world?
Whenever the Mrs. can handle it, but probably in a year or two!
What is his favorite place to visit?
Home, I know it’s a crappy answer, but when your gone as much as I am it’s nice to come home and see parents, friends, nephews, grandparents, cousins, and siblings. (not particularly in that order) Luckily for me they all live in my hometown.

This picture is on our honeymoon. We went snorkeling and spent a day on a small island.
This pic is from Destin. We met up with my friend Lou who got engaged the night before. We ate a fabulous dinner with them that lasted for a couple of hours, and had a great time. She's going to be getting married in ATL end of March.
My name is Mrs. Jetplane and I am an addict...
JCrew is having a sale and I looked through it all last night and filled a shopping cart, but didn't purchase. They have smalls available, they never have smalls... But I didn't do it, but the cart is still full if I want to when I get home.
I ate lunch at Moe's connected to the mall, and didn't even go in. No I didn't tempt myself by taking a look at BCBG and ABS sales rack.
I haven't went to Target in almost 2 weeks, I'm literally dying here.
I did go to Walmart on Sunday and grocery shopped but didn't but anything other than groceries - not even a magazine.
I'm going to start getting the shakes from my withdrawals from shopping...
Help Mrs. Jetplane get through this, I don't think I'm going to make it.
FYI - Mr. is suppose to answer his questions tonight, so you'll have them tomorrow.
And holy crap, I'm almost to 300 posts. That's madness, I can't believe I have people that care about the life and times of the Jetplanes. I'm getting around 150 new visitors a day. That craziness. Thank you all so much for the love, but I'm greedy so keep it coming...
I need to think of a giveaway... oh crap, I have to shop then right???
Is there a patch or something for this....
I don't have many pet peeves but....

Sorry for the Debbie Downer moment. Bitching closed for this morning.
Happy Hump Day to you all...
Vista Print... what's your problem - UPDATE
Crisis has been averted...
Since I couldn't get a hold of anyone at Vista Print initially (for the first hour or so) I called MC and contested the charge. They removed it without issue, I guess they will do that rather easily for charges under $15.oo.
Then I just got a hold of Vista Print, I believe they are outsourcing their customer service to India, it was rather difficult to speak with her. And that says a lot, because 60% of the people I talk to on a daily basis, English is their 2nd or sometimes 3rd or 4th language. Anyway - I somehow had signed up for a rewards programs. What kind of rewards program do I have to pay for and not get any rewards... Well I'm removed from it and they are crediting my account.
Thanks for your help.
And to make matters even worse, MC lost/erased our entire online account information. I randomly found out about this card today because I was calling to handle that hot mess. What a day, back to work....
I got myself an M.R.S. degree...
She was so proud of my achievements throughout high school and college, and was delighted that I got a great paying job right out of college. She was sad I moved away, but happy for my independence. I would never "need" to count on a man for survival, the way she felt she had to when married to my dad. I could and would provide for myself.
But I totally digress. The Jetplanes' are going back to college. Well, Mr. Jetplane is going back taking some online courses, and Mrs. Jetplane feels like she is too. I'm going to be there (in spirit) with me, step by step, reviewing all his papers, giving him advice, etc. We have our 1st paper due this week. He's totally stressed out and thinks he's taking on too much which he very well might be (EWO school, physical therapy, 2 grad school classes, and wife to tend to). I think he's going to drop one of the classes, I think its a good idea. He's going to keep his Ethics class, he says he can BS his way through that.... (yes, that's my hubby)
Why is Mr. Jetplane going back to college - well in order to make Major (which won't happen for a long ass time) he has to have a Masters degree.
Will Mrs. Jetplane go back to school... I'm not sure. I entertain that thought A LOT. I think about going and getting my MBA or even an M.A., but I don't think I could do it right now. We'll see what the future holds and I'll keep you updated on Mr. Jetplane.
Oh, and Mr. Jetplane has agreed to answer all your questions. So keep them coming... Fair warning... he's extremely sarcastic, as noted above, and I'll be posting him responses word for word.
I don't care if Monday's Blue...

Mr. Jetplane getting in the game...

So I thought I would totally rip off her idea, and let you all ask Mr. Jetplane some questions. Now Mr. Jetplane doesn't read my blog and doesn't quite get the whole mystic of the blogging world. But I'm going to pull him into it kicking and/or screaming I suppose.
So is there anything that you want to know about the Mr? No question too small, to weird, but we'll see what he's willing to answer.
You're Golden...
1. I want to look like Eva Mendes
2. Kate Winslet is amazingly beautiful.
3. J. Lo looks like she's trying a little too hard
4. I guess I need to see Slumdog Millionaire
5. John Adams was great, I need to watch it again. I don't think I saw all the episodes.
6. Yeah Sookie Stackhouse won....
7. Drew Barrymore is looking hot and I'm really excited about Grey Gardens.
Today Baby J comes
I never had the luxury of having sisters, but I feel I have them after joining a sorority my freshman year of college. J and I lived together junior and senior year of college, and have loved her "now" hubby for as long as I have known him. He will be an amazing father and I couldn't be happier for the two of them.
Its times like these I wish I lived closer to my friends. I miss them terribly and I wish I could within driving distance for all these living changing times.
Love you J.
Here is J, Me, and K at my wedding. We're sitting outside on the patio/lounge area. We were all roomies junior and senior yr of college.

Here is J putting lip gloss on the flower girl at my wedding. She was still in her first trimester and have just told us all she was preggers.

These last pics are from J's week long girls bash at a villa in Acapulco before her wedding. It was one of the best weeks ever.

Our Love is Better than Chocolate

My Pug Friday is Back
In Love with Love
One other piece of artwork that has to go into my home office is this.

Please take a look at her website, etsy, and blog. I know I made a promise to not buy anything until next month, and I'm sticking to it. This is on the list of must have's.
Side note - I did get a box from VS in the mail last night, but those things were bought with a gift card. I got a cute dress that I'll post later this weekend. I'm not sure if I want to keep it or not.
Don't tell Mr. Jetplane...

He first stole my heart on Top Design and continues to make me love him daily on his blog. He is amazingly creative and its always on a budget. I wish I was in ATL this weekend to meet up with him and do some shopping at the local flea markets.
Make sure to check out his blog for decorating inspiration and wonderful how to tips like this tray.
Drinks anyone?
Fitting it all into one...

But after this, I'm not buying anything more this month that I don't "need".
Mrs. Jetplane is wanting....

HWTM featured a Warhol theme cocktail party and showed these today from CB2. They are only $1.50 a piece. I'm madly in love with Andy Warhol and have been since high school. I was seriously into the whole beatnik scene in high school and actually did my entire research project in high school on how Jim Carroll was the last American Beatnik. (He is the author of Basketball Diaries and Forced Entries). I was a very deep lil cheerleader girl, with her love of poetry, punk rock, and all. Needless to say, this is what developed my love of Andy Warhol - his quotes, life, artwork, etc. I actually had posters on my walls in high school and college that had these quotes on them.
So you now ask yourselves... Mrs. Jetplane what are you planning on doing with this lil plastic plates? Are you really going to be serving people off them at dinner parties?
Well simple answer - No!
I'm going to use them in my new home office when we move to NC. I could display them, hang them (some how), use to snack on, put my thumb tacks and paperclips in, who knows. But I love them and have to have them.
I have a lot of ideas for my new home office. I think if I have to work from home, I don't want to feel like it. I want to be transported to somewhere else, so I stay focused, relaxed, and some what happy to be working (from home).
More Pottery Barn Inspiration
I have a love of interesting artwork, but unfortunately I have no funds for it. And seeing how we're still renting at the moment, I'm concerned about buying too much and it not working in our future home.
The Jetplanes style modern classic, well at least that's what I called it. Its not overly feminine, minimal flowers, dark woods, etc. I take a lot of inspiration from Pottery Barn.
Case in point this:

Okay, this is just inspiration. I love that this piece is made of wood (or atleast looks like it is). However, I'm not loving the colors, its a little too country for me but the concept I love. So instead of the painted distressed wood, I'm thinking staining the wood in different light to dark stains.

Now you're thinking.... Mrs. Jetplane how are you going to accomplish this? Well, enter Mr. Jetplane. He has passed his certification and can use the carpentry shop on base in Randolph and since he's totally bored out there I'm going to ask him to make this for us. **He has no idea right now...
But on base he has used of every single carpentry tool you could think of and he desperately wants to start making stuff, so what I better first project, right? And its definitely a lot cheaper than the $399 it would cost us to buy it from Pottery Barn.
Mrs. Jetplane+bored lunch hour+ BCBG sale = $$ down the drain
Picture to follow tonight when I get home.
I was good I wanted 2 dresses, and settled for one. I needed a dress for Chicago, right?
Here's hoping Mrs. Jetplane's commission check is good next week... I've been spending money like its my job lately. The shopping is ceasing right now, so why is Rue La La having a Marc Jacobs sale tomorrow.... ugh..
Sweet Home Chicago...
I booked my tickets today for February to head back to Chicago for a weekend of fun and a little craziness.
One of my best friends Lou (nickname to protect the innocent) is getting married in ATL very soon (yeah!) and her shower and bach party are going to be in Chicago. She from there but now living with her soon to be hubby in ATL. I get to see her and all our friends that I haven't seen since my wedding. (double YEAH!)
Also, my friend J is having her lil girl this month (hopefully in the next week) and I get to stay with her and see her new lil baby J. Oh I am so excited.
I leave in exactly 30 days. I can't wait.
Mrs. Jetplane is still cooking
(Frozen) Raw Shrimp I bought the peeled and deveined bag (41-50 per bag)
Good quality Orange Juice 1 1/3 cup (Simply Orange is the only OJ the Jetplanes' drink - NO pulp)
3 Cloves of Garlic - diced
3 Tablespoons Salted Butter
Ground Cayenne Pepper 1/2 tsp
Old Bay Seasoning 1 tsp
1. Defrost the shrimp - put in a strainer and run under cold water until thawed fully.
2. Then place the shrimp on a paper towel
4. Melt 2 Tbsp in a pan on High heat, once melted pop in the shrimp.
5. Cook the shrimp, it shouldn't take too long. Use tongs to flip the shrimp its easier.
6. Remove shrimp and keep the pan on High. Allow pan to smoke slightly then all the OJ mixture to the pan and stir.
7. Add final tbsp of butter and stir, this should create a thicker sauce.
8. Combine the shrimp to the pan with the sauce and stir.
My alterations to the recipe were more shrimp and OJ. So my sauce was not thick as hers but I'm totally cool with that.
This was totally delicious and I loved it. I know Mr. Jetplane will adore it and will want it hot.
Hope you to this and enjoy it.
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- Very Productive Lunch Hour...
- TGIF Y'All
- I'll stop the world and melt with you...
- Jetplanes planning a getaway...
- This is just plain mean...
- Housewives of the OC
- Sookie Stackhouse is my Hero
- I love you all, but this is getting out of hand...
- Kicking it Old School
- You Found Me....How?
- Its Friday Folks...
- Mama Jetplane is going to love this...
- Keeping it Healthy...
- Mrs. Jetplane has been a bad girl...
- Excitement Level is High
- Keeping it on the Down Low
- Mrs. Jetplane cooking healthy...
- These are a few of my favorite things...
- Keeping up with the Jetplanes...
- Getting Knocked Up...
- Just one of them days...
- Award Season is Upon Us...
- Life is so precious
- A little dose of Pug does a body good...
- Gather Round the Fire Kids, Mrs. Jetplane's got a ...
- Mr. Jetplane coming at ya...
- My name is Mrs. Jetplane and I am an addict...
- I don't have many pet peeves but....
- Vista Print... what's your problem - UPDATE
- I got myself an M.R.S. degree...
- I don't care if Monday's Blue...
- Mr. Jetplane getting in the game...
- You're Golden...
- Today Baby J comes
- Our Love is Better than Chocolate
- My Pug Friday is Back
- In Love with Love
- Don't tell Mr. Jetplane...
- Fitting it all into one...
- Mrs. Jetplane is wanting....
- More Pottery Barn Inspiration
- Mrs. Jetplane+bored lunch hour+ BCBG sale = $$ dow...
- Sweet Home Chicago...
- Mrs. Jetplane is still cooking
- She's Crafty....
- Its a good day...
- These are the days to remember...
- Mrs. Jetplane loves her some vampires
- Yes, I'm pissed
- Putting on my game face...
- Mrs. Jetplane is cooking...
- I <3 Mr. Jetplane
- So sad to see you go...
- Here's to a great 2009