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Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Office - at home

So we'll be moving to NC Spring 09. And me, always needing to look forward to something I'm day dreaming about my home office. While its not a completely done deal, my employer has discussed with me working from home. It is a valid option, that I am really considering but I'm not set on just yet. My 1st job out of college I was a field marketing and sales rep for Newell Rubbermaid. I technically worked from home, and my small 1 bedroom apt in Indy looked like it was busting at the seams. Granted, this time around would be different, I wouldn't be getting product sent to my house every day and I would actually have an office instead of a corner of my living room, but I will still be working where I live. And the problem with that is, I want to walk away from work and truly come home. That was the main problem with Rubbermaid, I was always surrounded by work, my company Trailblazer, my Levelor blinds in my hall closet, my paperwork all over my coffee table b/c I didn't have a dining room in my small Northside apt.

So I've made the executive decision, if I will be working from home I have to have a real, honest to goodness office that has a door and everything. Away from the husband, the TV (my own personal downfall), the dogs, and the rest of the world. And I would like it to look something like this....


Stephanie said...

Just found your blog.

I actually just bought those Pottery Barn paintings for our computer area in our apartment. They really make the space look mature and put together even if it isn't!

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