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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Hubby the Sweetie

Last night, Brent told me that he was going to pack a picnic and visit me at work. I thought, yeah right, whatever.

Well, he called me at about 11:30 and said I'll be there around 12:15. My hubby showed up at my office with a flowers and Subway. He knows the way to my heart food and flowers... He picked out the flowers himself, mixing yellow and white Calla Lilies, in a cute white ceramic vase.

We ate outside in the common area at my office park. And had a great lil lunch date.


Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!

KLC said...

awe so cute!

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

how sweet is that?

Liz said...

Awwww! So sweet!

Mojito Maven said...

check out my blog :)

Anonymous said...

how adorable. you have a sweet one!

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